SEE3772's Avatar
You two doomsday maroons ought to get a room and sandbag yourselves in.....

And you can stick your spoon up your ass, you fucking weirdo. Originally Posted by timpage
So tell us Tim...
Do you think the FED policies can continue forever?
What is your solution?

Here I will help you...
Default and or massive inflation, which do you prefer?
So tell us Tim...
Do you think the FED policies can continue forever?
What is your solution? Originally Posted by SEE3772
Maybe he prefers the "Krugman solution."

(Paul Krugman recommended $8-10 trillion of additional QE.) Yes, that's right -- $8-10 TRILLION!

See commentary @

And @
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Duplicate threads merged. Whirly won by 4 mins
SEE3772's Avatar
Maybe he prefers the "Krugman solution."

(Paul Krugman recommended $8-10 trillion of additional QE. Yes, that's right -- $8-10 TRILLION! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Funny how Paul can support Iceland while cheering FED policies.
What is interesting is the stock trade volume; it seems it is at 1998 levels, with a huge US population increase and certainly about another billion shares available for trading? And of this 1998 level of trading with extra traders and extra shares, we have HFT doing 80% of it.

What is going on isn't a true market; but a scheme.
SEE3772's Avatar
What is interesting is the stock trade volume; it seems it is at 1998 levels, with a huge US population increase and certainly about another billion shares available for trading? And of this 1998 level of trading with extra traders and extra shares, we have HFT doing 80% of it.

What is going on isn't a true market; but a scheme. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
SEE3772's Avatar
I love the Consumer confidence was at 99 back then....just goes to show how stupid these comparisons are. If you Tea Nuts want to load up on gold and short the market, go right ahead! Originally Posted by WTF
Sorry... I don't see nuts, tea or any other political party you speak of.
I only see numbers. The markets (for now) are driven by Fed statements, cheap money (credit) ... a Neo- Keynesian economic fantasy. As far as shorts gold etc. that's only a few ways to get by... The stock bull market started back in 2009. All the Fed pumping is starting to catch up with reality. The Relative Strength Index is in a "Severe Overbought Zone" ...for the first time in almost two years.... all from QE12/ZIRP. The markets still need to digest QE3 and the ongoing QE...

Funny how Paul can support Iceland while cheering FED policies. Originally Posted by SEE3772

But I guess blathering nonsense is what you can generally expect from someone who thinks the need to gear up to face an alien invasion would be certain to stimulate our economy to greater prosperity!

Some of these people think the reason the Great Depression lasted for as long as it did was that we just didn't spend enough money in the 1930s, completely ignoring all the other obvious factors that combined to turn something that should have been just an "ordinary" recession into a much worse fiasco.

Check out the incredulous look on Harvard economist (and FIDE-titled chess GM) Ken Rogoff's face! He ain't buyin' it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
$253.5B—Obama Borrowed Nearly 6x as Much in February as Sequester Cuts All Year Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama borrowed all of that money? Maybe I can get a few hundred grand...

You know where he got it?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Buy low, sell high.
BigLouie's Avatar
The Last Time The Dow Was Here... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Here's a shocker for you. At some point the market is going to go down, maybe even a lot, then it is going to go back up again and then it is going to crash again. If you bet that at some point something bad is going to happen vs betting that the good times will continue to roll you should make out just fine.