Trump Inquiry Won’t End With Impeachment Report, Schiff Says

"Misconduct". That's laughable.

Just like "meddling."

The sad part is how the media plays along.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Schiff and Waters, Tlaib, and the foul foursome issue a joint statement:
-"we gon 'peach the MF, We gon 'peach the mf, We gon 'peach the MF "!!!!
Schiff and the DPST's state their "Inquiry" will go on , and on, and on, and on - We gon get the MF. We will carry on - even into 2032 and the Presidency of Chelsea Clinton!!!!
"We 'gon get the mf!!"[/QUOTE]

Where did you see this so called “joint statement” because I believe that to be complete bullshit.
  • oeb11
  • 11-26-2019, 12:53 PM
J666- you believe the DPST narrative.

'Nuff said.
It happened!!!!!

BTW- you omitted the name-calling, scatology, and profanity.

Hope you are well, sir.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Where did you see this so called “joint statement” because I believe that to be complete bullshit. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Call it a " Schiff like parody". You didn't have any problem with Schiff's parody, right? I mean Schiff just gave the green light to make up any crap anybody wants to say about anybody and Democrats sat silently on their hands.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Call it a " Schiff like parody". You didn't have any problem with Schiff's parody, right? I mean Schiff just gave the green light to make up any crap anybody wants to say about anybody and Democrats sat silently on their hands. Originally Posted by HedonistForever


schiff should be censured for that. dems won't do it.
adav8s28's Avatar
Trump's buddy from Seattle who gave 1 million for the inauguration, spilled the beans last week. How did he phrase it "everyone was in the loop". The dems don't need to hear from anyone else. Articles of impeachment are coming. According to the hillybilly from Kentucky that is running the Senate right now, there isn't 67 votes to remove Trump from office. The Senate repubtards will save Trump.
Trump's buddy from Seattle who gave 1 million for the inauguration, spilled the beans last week. How did he phrase it "everyone was in the loop". The dems don't need to hear from anyone else. Articles of impeachment are coming. According to the hillybilly from Kentucky that is running the Senate right now, there isn't 67 votes to remove Trump from office. The Senate repubtards will save Trump. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I'm guessing you are referring to the same guy who shortly thereafter when cross questioned phrased his responses as "he presumed". Yeah articles of impeachment on someone's "presumption".

But at least you understand that bullshit will not fly in the Senate.

Schiff's fishing expedition hasn't produced much so far.
This is still only the investigation into the inquiry , the idiots will try to keep up this till the election Originally Posted by rexdutchman
The day after the 2020 Election, the very first thing we will hear from the Dems after President Trump’s re Election is, “Le’s ‘mpeach da MF”.

Of course, what can stop this insanity is the Republicans need to take back the House.

Every body needs to get off of their dead asses an vote.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Schiff and Waters, Tlaib, and the foul foursome issue a joint statement:
-"we gon 'peach the MF, We gon 'peach the mf, We gon 'peach the MF "!!!!
Schiff and the DPST's state their "Inquiry" will go on , and on, and on, and on - We gon get the MF. We will carry on - even into 2032 and the Presidency of Chelsea Clinton!!!!
"We 'gon get the mf!!"

oeb11 your claim is more than bullshit today. I have yet to find a reputable media network where your claim took place.

So, I’ll tag it for what it is and that’s a god damned lie. I’m told the Bible is against that behavior but then again the Bible is here say.
The day after the 2020 Election, the very first thing we will hear from the Dems after President Trump’s re Election is, “Le’s ‘mpeach da MF”.

Of course, what can stop this insanity is the Republicans need to take back the House.

Every body needs to get off of their dead asses an vote. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think there are a lot of people out there who think the dims have wasted the last three years on Russian lies and partisan impeachment cries

the only clear thing that came out of the public hearings Schiff held on the
"inquiry" is that the witnesses were upset that their policies, the policies the bureaucrats want , were perhaps at risk, never mind it is the president who sets policy

if, instead of pushing known lies, the dims in congress had worked over the last three years to juxtapose their policies with those of trump and had worked with him where those policies intersect, like prescription drugs and infrastructure, instead of never wanting to give trump any "victory" even if it meant cutting off their noses to spite their faces, they would be in a much stronger position, both presidentially and congressionally for the upcoming election

but there is a reason that didn't happen, and its that the dim party has become a radical party. zealous and hate-filled, so much so that the moderates in the party cant control the party any longer, witness nancy Pelosi's acquiescence to the left to secure her position as speaker and the motley crew of presidential candidates. candidates that cause rescuers, one after another, to continue to come out of the woodwork like Bloomberg and even gives Obama pause

everything the dims have done and become merely gives trump strength because the American people don't yet consider their individual hard work and savings, "public goods" to be passed around by aoc for her own power
rexdutchman's Avatar
The LSM is living in a Fantasy retreat along with most of the candidates
  • oeb11
  • 11-27-2019, 08:56 AM
Schiff and Waters, Tlaib, and the foul foursome issue a joint statement:
-"we gon 'peach the MF, We gon 'peach the mf, We gon 'peach the MF "!!!!
Schiff and the DPST's state their "Inquiry" will go on , and on, and on, and on - We gon get the MF. We will carry on - even into 2032 and the Presidency of Chelsea Clinton!!!!
"We 'gon get the mf!!"

oeb11 your claim is more than bullshit today. I have yet to find a reputable media network where your claim took place.

So, I’ll tag it for what it is and that’s a god damned lie. I’m told the Bible is against that behavior but then again the Bible is here say. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Quoting the Bible while taking the Lord's name in vain - if SomeOne had a mother, rather than a rock, what would she say, what would she say????
Let me spell it out for j666 - S A T I R E !!!!

Likely not in the DPST handbook of approved terminology for the Politically correct!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Trump's buddy from Seattle who gave 1 million for the inauguration, spilled the beans last week. How did he phrase it "everyone was in the loop". The dems don't need to hear from anyone else. Articles of impeachment are coming. According to the hillybilly from Kentucky that is running the Senate right now, there isn't 67 votes to remove Trump from office. The Senate repubtards will save Trump. Originally Posted by adav8s28

And as Fiona Hill told us, Amb. Sondland had a tendency to exaggerate if not down right lie. So who are you going to believe, Sondland or Hill? What I heard from multiple witnesses is that nobody heard "it" directly from the President.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Quoting the Bible while taking the Lord's name in vain - if SomeOne had a mother, rather than a rock, what would she say, what would she say????
Let me spell it out for j666 - S A T I R E !!!!

Likely not in the DPST handbook of approved terminology for the Politically correct!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Well I didn’t quote the Bible, I said “ I heard” that the Bible taught that somewhere. You see, I received that information from someone so it’s “Here say”... Right?
  • oeb11
  • 11-27-2019, 01:54 PM
As One chooses, j666.

DPST's hate the Bible, and both christian and Jewish religion.

Not surprised at professed ignorance following the DPSTR narrative.