Providers on Twitter?

KyraKincade's Avatar
I am not local.
However, I am on Twitter as well.
I am not local.
However, I am on Twitter as well.
Originally Posted by KyraKincade

I just started... @lovemelola3 ... I am also From Dallas !
Seems so time consuming, I haven't looked into it much in RL or as a provider. Are ya'll tweeting about the biz or personal stuff?
What are the guys following? sexy pics? tour info? I'm really out of the loop.
I agree with Heidi, dont get it, and curious what you post.

What I have seen of it seems just dumb, I was tempted to create an account and tell everyone when I was taking a piss or shit.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
"I'm not wearing any pants... Film @ 11!" Kentucky Fried Movie
Well that's nice OHD , lol. I had a twitter account briefly. It seemed time consuming and weird for escort advertising. I was wondering about Facebook for exposure though??