The List... Who controls America?

I read most of the list - we fucking rule!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Y'all kicking ass!
The Federal Reserve links have been taken down... Hummm
The Federal Reserve links have been taken down... Hummm Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fuck dude.... You got o-bozo all scared with your hyperbole.
You keep getting "too close" to the truth .

I appreciate all you do in your efforts to inform us of the hidden agendas.
Without you... We'd laugh a little less.. Oh yeah... And we'd all be eaten by Obama when he mutates into the "lizard man Muslim" he's been hiding under the skin of "black Satan ".

Thanks iffy.
Fuck dude.... You got o-bozo all scared with your hyperbole.
You keep getting "too close" to the truth .

I appreciate all you do in your efforts to inform us of the hidden agendas.
Without you... We'd laugh a little less.. Oh yeah... And we'd all be eaten by Obama when he mutates into the "lizard man Muslim" he's been hiding under the skin of "black Satan ".

Thanks iffy. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I do it all for you "FOLKS"<------code word for sheeple... Obama taught me that
I do it all for you "FOLKS"<------code word for sheeple... Obama taught me that Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
No... really.. thanks.
No... really.. thanks. Originally Posted by UB9IB6

You are really Welcome!... you know my motto

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  • `flip
  • 02-18-2014, 05:00 AM
I read most of the list - we fucking rule!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer