Thanks Donald Clause!

lustylad's Avatar
Learn to follow the money comrade ... Originally Posted by WTF
That's right, snitchy - follow the money!

Why are are all these companies paying out bonuses ($1,000 paid to 200,000 people is nothing to sneeze at) and raising their workers' wages???

Didn't they get your memo?

You swore they would spend it all on stock buybacks!
LexusLover's Avatar

You swore they would spend it all on stock buybacks! Originally Posted by lustylad
And Zimmerman would be convicted of "something" in the trial over the death of Martin.

WTF is "all-knowing" that's for sure (in his feeble mind)!

BTW: Has the Financial Genius figured out what happens if I own 1,000 shares of AT&T and AT&T "buys them back"? How about the AT&T employees who "own" AT&T in their 401k's?

Let me spell it: "Enron"!
Hotrod511's Avatar
I think it’s you that is niave. That $200 million went to their employees, not to Trump. But nice try on the libtard talking points you hooker board, limp dick fraud. Originally Posted by bambino
+1snitchy fits him
tinman483's Avatar
Yes follow the money! The government doesn't have any money till they steal it from US! (The definition of 'money' is another subject!
Here is what infuriates, or pisses me off. I do need to keep my blood pressure down though. It has been working on me. LOL

So now we are supposed to get this tax break. Yea that may or may not be.
But the President, the Congress, yes democrats and republicans both, and the media as well. We hear and beautiful Christmas present. Or how we going to pay for it! And on and on etc.! They are SO disingenuous! The people can keep some of their own money! (Some maybe not so much)

Lets understand 1 thing. The 'government' doesn't have any money in the 1st place!! It is ours, yours mine, etc.
Oh! The government is going to shut down Saturday! OH NO! They all get paid anyway!

So we get a Christmas present because we get to keep more of our money? LOL How does that work?

But if I get a tax break I can have more for the hobby!
I won't complain.
tinman483's Avatar
And the fact that government has NO money is in-arguable!
And I don't care who gets to keep more of their money. Either rich or poor!
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually, our "Christmas Present" from Trump was last year.

No HillariousNoMore in the Oral Office AGAIN!
goodolboy's Avatar
Keeping Crooked Hillary out of the white house will always be Trumps greatest accomplishment. We really dodged a bullet.
bambino's Avatar
Actually, our "Christmas Present" from Trump was last year.

No HillariousNoMore in the Oral Office AGAIN! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes, and Donald Clause will be delivering gifts for the people for 7 more years!
Next up, energy independence!!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2017, 07:51 AM
That's right, snitchy - follow the money!

Why are are all these companies paying out bonuses ($1,000 paid to 200,000 people is nothing to sneeze at) and raising their workers' wages???

Didn't they get your memo?

You swore they would spend it all on stock buybacks! Originally Posted by lustylad

You realize this money they are paying out is not from the huge tax break they are getting...they haven't gotten that yet.

You realize that right.

They are kissing Trumps ass because he is picking winners and losers.

They are playing footsie with him , much like Putin.
bambino's Avatar
That's right, snitchy - follow the money!

Why are are all these companies paying out bonuses ($1,000 paid to 200,000 people is nothing to sneeze at) and raising their workers' wages???

Didn't they get your memo?

You swore they would spend it all on stock buybacks! Originally Posted by lustylad
Those companies should be sending all that cash to the Clinton foundation where some real good will be done!
LexusLover's Avatar
Those companies should be sending all that cash to the Clinton foundation where some real good will be done! Originally Posted by bambino
They don't have to now! She's not President. The employees get it!
bamscram's Avatar
Throwing pennies to the poor while padding their pockets. Merry Christmas.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2017, 08:10 AM
Next up, energy independence!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Jesus....where you been dipshit?

Haven't you heard of this thing called fracking?

Been around since before Trump and even Obama.

It is wtf has been putting Coal out of business before Rick Perry started picking winners and losers.

Perry's letter doesn't say how much the coal subsidy will be. It just says the rule will "accurately price generation resources necessary to maintain the reliability" of the electric grid. But it's unlikely to be enough to make coal competitive again.
The levelized cost of a coal-fired plant is $123 per megawatt-hour, while natural gas costs just $56.5 per megawatt-hour. Solar comes in at $66.8/MWh, and wind is the cheapest source at $52.2 per megawatt-hour.
That means the government will have to give new coal-fired power plants more than twice the amount per megawatt-hour that natural gas costs on its own, just to make it competitive.
They are giving a tax break to the wealthy and are going to try and pay for it by cutting benefits to SS and Medicaid and Medicare. Although he is already backtracking on that a bit....

We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan said. But a good chunk of the future deficit and debt would be fueled by separate tax-cutting bills approved by the House and Senate. The two houses still need to reach agreement on a single piece of legislation for it to go to President Trump for his signature. Originally Posted by WTF
So are you for SS/Medicare reform or against it WDF? At one time you said "Fuc Grandma", she didn't pay into it!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2017, 08:16 AM
And Zimmerman would be convicted of "something" in the trial over the death of Martin.

WTF is "all-knowing" that's for sure (in his feeble mind)!

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Holy Jesus....I also predicted that Atlanta would beat the Pats in last seasons Super Bowl!

Have those FBI agents been convicted yet? You know the ones you predicted would be?

BTW: Has the Financial Genius figured out what happens if I own 1,000 shares of AT&T and AT&T "buys them back"? How about the AT&T employees who "own" AT&T in their 401k's?

"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes , that is picking winners and loser dipshit.

Giving stockholders and CEO's money that your grandkids will have to pay back because your cheap ass would not pay for what you bought.

Follow the money...

