Hillary to testify under oath!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
She would be crazy not to take the 5th. She's not running for anything, her political career is over and she has most likely written her last book. Why take a second chance at being caught lying? It will be an interesting choice. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

yup, first she would say "I don't recall" and then she'd plead the 5th.
Did Tulsi ever get Hillary served with those defamation lawsuit papers?

If not, this deposition would be a cool place to do it.
Why don't we stop all this. Trump and his supporters were jumping up and down about the impeachment of Trump and the other investigations. This is a waste of time and money. All she needs to do is refuse to answer any questions and what do you have. If her husband had any sense he would have said that he was sorry for his actions and gone back to work. Nothing could have been done about it. The GOP has spent over almost a $100 million dollars trying to get something on the Clinton’s and the Democrats have spent close to $20 million investing Trump. If we have that much money just lying around maybe we do need to fund Universal Health Care. I say we need to stop investigating Trump or the Clinton’s and start actually governing the country or give me a zero percent tax bracket and investigate all you want.
  • oeb11
  • 03-04-2020, 11:21 AM
Thank you - part of the short line up behind Bernie!!
I agree we should stop investigating Clinton...as soon as she's thrown in jail.

She broke the law, several times. If I had disregarded a judge's order to preserve evidence and had it destroyed, I'd be in jail. If I had signed papers saying I'd store and retain my work from my job on a secure jobsite server and didn't, I'd be fired immediately.

She did both of these things and never suffered the consequences. All the while she pleaded the vagina card.
I am far removed from Bernie. I think most of his ideas would be great in an unreal world but are completely impossible and irrational in the real world. In fact I agree with numerous decision that Trump has made but I am not Cattle I make my own decision I don't follow the herd. I don't let MSNBC or FOX news tell me how to think or put words in my mouth.