Track Star Caster Semenya PC Outrage

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
she certainly looks like one.

she's said to have a pussy. how do we know for sure she's not post-op?

personally, I don't think intersex people should compete if their sex isn't fully confirmed.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I have a friend who transitioned to a woman, and they are enraged by the way the media and sports community has treated Caster Semenya.

Women’s Olympic champion Caster Semenya is a biological male, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the world’s largest sports governing body, argued in court.

Semenya, the South African runner who dominated the female competition in the women’s 800M at the 2016 London Olympics, is fighting an IAAF requirement that biologically male runners suppress their testosterone below a certain level in order to compete in female events.

Media reporting on the subject has often left out the fact that the IAAF’s rule only applies to runners with male chromosomes rather than female runners with high testosterone levels.

The IAAF called the requirement “an extremely progressive compromise” between protecting the integrity of women’s sports and accommodating “certain biologically male athletes with female gender identities” like Semenya who want to compete in women’s sports, the court documents show…

…Semenya’s case, the IAAF reiterated, “is not about biological females and how their bodies respond to testosterone; it is about biological males with 5-ARD (and other [male sexual development disorders]), how their bodies respond to testosterone, and the performance advantages of that response when they compete against biological females.”

Athletes with 5-ARD are “biologically indistinguishable… in all relevant aspects” from typical male athletes, with the only major difference being the “size and shape of their external genitals,” the IAAF argued.

On a side note, I wonder how WTF's species reassignment surgery is going.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Women’s Olympic champion Caster Semenya is a biological male, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), the world’s largest sports governing body, argued in court.

Semenya, the South African runner who dominated the female competition in the women’s 800M at the 2016 London Olympics, is fighting an IAAF requirement that biologically male runners suppress their testosterone below a certain level in order to compete in female events.

Media reporting on the subject has often left out the fact that the IAAF’s rule only applies to runners with male chromosomes rather than female runners with high testosterone levels.

The IAAF called the requirement “an extremely progressive compromise” between protecting the integrity of women’s sports and accommodating “certain biologically male athletes with female gender identities” like Semenya who want to compete in women’s sports, the court documents show…

…Semenya’s case, the IAAF reiterated, “is not about biological females and how their bodies respond to testosterone; it is about biological males with 5-ARD (and other [male sexual development disorders]), how their bodies respond to testosterone, and the performance advantages of that response when they compete against biological females.”

Athletes with 5-ARD are “biologically indistinguishable… in all relevant aspects” from typical male athletes, with the only major difference being the “size and shape of their external genitals,” the IAAF argued.

On a side note, I wonder how WTF's species reassignment surgery is going. Originally Posted by gnadfly

every medal and record this man owns should be invalidated. this is simply put .. a man with an unusually (extremely) small nut sack.

notice this really only works one way ... a man wanting to compete as a woman. it fails the other way around with women because as we all know the average male athlete is superior to virtually all top female athletes. All the male hormones a biological female takes won't make up the physical gap between men and women in sports and in general.
From wiki about the 5-ARD:

In April 2014, the BMJ reported that four elite women athletes with 5-ARD were subjected to sterilization and "partial clitoridectomies" in order to compete in sport. The authors noted that "partial clitoridectomy" was "not medically indicated, does not relate to real or perceived athletic “advantage,"" relating to elevated androgen levels. The athletes were all from developing countries where lifetime access to hormone replacement may prove elusive.[7] Intersex advocates regard this intervention as "a clearly coercive process".[8]

This is beyond weird. Glad to see women are suing because 2 men beat them in the 100m state race.
  • oeb11
  • 06-20-2019, 03:17 PM Originally Posted by bamscram
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Can't do any better than Trump Hate from Nov 15, 2018????
Pathetic, BS!!!!

Semenya is likely an Intersex person - a very complex medical problem with many different conditions.
Many of these people are born with indeterminate genitalia - and medical care has been slow to adjust to modern considerations of their development.

Gender assignment can be difficult, and may change depending on the patient.
For In-depth "
A good article. I doubt any of the DPST's will read. Science is not their strong point.
A few years ago, Charles Barkley made the statement that any top 5A high school basketball team could mop the floor with an all star team made up of the best of the a WNBA.

He was right, even though he drew the ire of those that think there is no difference between men and women.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Off Topic

Can't do any better than Trump Hate from Nov 15, 2018????
Pathetic, BS!!!!

Semenya is likely an Intersex person - a very complex medical problem with many different conditions. Originally Posted by oeb11

Semenya is not likely intersex. Semenya is intersex.

problem here is that he/she is not quite male or female. shouldn't have participated in those contests.

He/she has a build of a male, but has a partial plumbing that of a female.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is beyond weird. Glad to see women are suing because 2 men beat them in the 100m state race. Originally Posted by gnadfly

yeah, I saw that. definitely a title 9 violation. I hope they win.

it would totally suck if any male went up against a cheetah!
every medal and record this man owns should be invalidated. this is simply put .. a man with an unusually (extremely) small nut sack.

notice this really only works one way ... a man wanting to compete as a woman. it fails the other way around with women because as we all know the average male athlete is superior to virtually all top female athletes. All the male hormones a biological female takes won't make up the physical gap between men and women in sports and in general. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This situation creates an intractable problem that has no solution which is the typical conundrum created by liberalism. Carry out liberalism to its logical conclusion and things get completely fucked up.