Damn, CandyAss, I thought you and Assup were simpatico?? Must be tough to get bitch-slapped from both sides on the same night!!??!! Originally Posted by EXTXOILMANheh heh heh, another example of Teawipe logic, just because one of them says something is so, the lemmings think it becomes true. I hope you didn't wrench your back or dislocate a shoulder during your whiff job.
heh heh heh, another example of Teawipe logic, ... Originally Posted by Randy4CandyDo you believe that anyone who disagrees with you is a member of the "Tea Party"?
A lesson in hate you say....calling some people who have never harmed you nasty names is a good start I guess. The article you linked to.....what was the point? Since the assassination happened in 1963 and the TEA Party rose up in 2009 you're really going to have reach to explain that stupidity. Is this some kind of Twilight Zone thing? As for a history lesson, what was JFK doing? He was lowering taxes, cutting tax rates, keeping the military strong, projecting a robust foreign pollicy, and standing up to communism...........sounds like a conservative to me. He would fit into the GOP today and it is no wonder that an avowed communist probably killed him. It always seems to be a left winger or nut job that goes after presidents. Always. There is your history lesson. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well, well, well - it's time for a brief FACTUAL interlude into hate, bigotry and Dallas' penchant for harboring Rat-Wang-WangNuts. To those of us who were around then and remember seeing the John Birch Society billboards on I-35 and Central Expressway, this is no big news. Texas, and Dallas in particular, has always been hard right in the "never let facts get in the way of our ideas" kind of way. Originally Posted by Randy4CandyDude, don't put the title in ALLCAPS. It looks like a Whirlie fag post.