Asshole tRump guilty of sexual abuse and defamation

bambino's Avatar
rmg_35's Avatar
Murdick own New York Post headline tomorrow.


Another food for thought: tRump was accused of sexual assult and not rape because E.Jean Carroll could not tell whether it was his penis or his fingers inside her. We all know how tiny tRumps fingers are!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
Did anyone see her cnn interview. Was there any evidence he was even there with her? Originally Posted by bigguyt
... Nope... No evidence and no proof.
And the jury surely looked right past that.
The onley thing they were there to do was "Get Trump"...

The jury had a grand lee-way to do so.
As I mention in the political forum - how do they not
"decide" rape - but come-with "sexual battery" - it's silly.

And then there's the FACT that a "Trump hater" was
not-onley pushing the case on ALL fronts - he was
surely bankrolling Jean Carrol to bring the claim.

... The appeal will be a bit more strident...
A great lack of evidence and no proof.

They will drop the sexual assault - but maybe
keep the "defamation in-place... Drop the award
to $2 million.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Makes you wonder what those DNA results from the dress would turn up.

I say test the dress anyway. If he's not afraid, let's take him up on his offer and get that DNA sample.

Nothing to lose, right?

... No need.

... You already believe He's guilty. .... Remember?

.... Please don't change your opinion now.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
It's not for me. It's to help you, Salty.

You need this
berryberry's Avatar
... No need.

... You already believe He's guilty. .... Remember?

.... Please don't change your opinion now.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Indeed Salty - it's laughable

Jury finds that E. Jean Carroll lied about being raped by Trump- but then holds Trump liable for “defamation” for saying E. Jean Carroll lied about being raped by Trump.

Only in liberal shithole New York
Cody69's Avatar
Trump is a constant source of embarrassment, he might not win elections, but he wins losing court cases. LOL
bambino's Avatar
Every corrupt force in American life HATES TRVMP. That is the best endorsement for 2024. The ONLY one he needs, as a matter of fact
bambino's Avatar
So the jury found that President Trump did not rape the alleged victim Carroll.

But then found that he was liable for defamation for saying that she was not telling the TRUTH when she claimed that he raped her.

Does anyone know what an inconsistent verdict is???
HDGristle's Avatar
You're glossing over him being found guilty of sexual assault. We know he met her before. We saw evidence of that. We know he said she wasn't his type and yet he mistook her for his own wife. He played coy to try to justify that other stars have historically done the kind of things he's accused of. We know he liked to kiss em and grab em by the pussy in his words.

Why do you hate women and support the sexual assault of women?

SAD (Sexual Assault & Defamation)
bambino's Avatar
You're glossing over him being found guilty of sexual assault. We know he met her before. We saw evidence of that. We know he said she wasn't his type and yet he mistook her for his own wife. He played coy to try to justify that other stars have historically done the kind of things he's accused of. We know he liked to kiss em and grab em by the pussy in his words.

Why do you hate women and support the sexual assault of women?

SAD (Sexual Assault & Defamation) Originally Posted by HDGristle
If you say so.
HDGristle's Avatar
Thanks you for confirming that you hate women and condone SAD.
bambino's Avatar
Thanks you for confirming that you hate women and condone SAD. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Ah, Mr Gristle, Ive been married for 36yrs, have two daughters and two granddaughters. I even have a female dog. I’m very proud and fiercely protect them. You shouldn’t speak when you don’t know what you’re talking about. But you have a habit of doing this.

I don’t have my head buried in the sand. Like you. Recent history has proved all the allegations against Trump have proven to be false.

Russian Collusion

Impeachments 1 and 2

Stormy Daniels, she owes Trump money

Carrol is Blasse-Ford 2.0. The LinkedIn guy funded this travesty. She doesn’t know when or where this happened. This will be appealed. My guess she will end up paying Trumps legal fees after appeal. Justice will be served.