Computer Nerd/Network Engineer

I had a great experience with Geek Squad. I will always recommend them until they prove me wrong. I go based on my personal experience Not Google

(HORRIBLE experience)

in my personal experience it was the other way around. before contacting Geek Squad I tried getting assistance from other claiming to be IT professionals and network engineer. instead of helping me they were more focused on my personal life and what was going on and what cost it NOT fixing the network problem. I was very offended and did not feel safe at all asking for help. when I contact The Geek Squad they were not trying to figure out my personal life. they just help me out did their job and that was it.
I think the moral is.....,at your own risk. Now soliciting help on this site, well let's face it, we all are doing something behind closed doors and it opens us up to inquiring minds. However being in an IT related fields, mind mind always wonders what's behind the closed door. It's the way network admins think.

Find one you like, trust,and doesn't care what your secret door has. One would often say professional.
Fishpie's Avatar
Geek Squad is the MAACO of the IT industry.
TheADream's Avatar
I think the moral is.....,at your own risk. Originally Posted by cum1more
To each his or her own, do what works best for you. Every now and then we need to take a leap of faith whether it's with the "Greek" Squad or a hobbyist.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I would advise any provider who needs help with anything to contact Geek Squad. They're the best. you can call them go to the store or they'll come to you. we are amazing and help me out with everything. And they're affordable!

I wouldn't recommend no provider to take help from any guy who hobbies. Originally Posted by Azebella_amor
They are good for simple things that require them to insert a cd and run it. Other than that I wouldn't trust them to plug a phone line in.