This type of arrangement takes a "special" type of relationship...One would think that at a bare minimum the hobyist and providor would almost assuredly need to have a level of mutual trust that comes from multiple visits....and there would need to be some of chemistry and or a mutual attraction either physically/emotionally, etc...and here is the rub...
There have been MANY posts over the years from hobbyists concerning "blurring of the lines" of the "contracted agreement" between Hobbyists and Providors...And to participate in "real world" type activities, IMHO, could lead to a Very Fun time....
while also being condusive to above stated blurring of the lines....
My advice would be to talk about before...make it VERY Clear what the mutually agreed upon parameters are to be....AND stick to said parameters....
ALL this being said, Yours Truly HAS participated in this type of activity before...and it can be rewarding....
There are some INCREDIBLE Ladies on this board...
In MORE ways than one....