PlannedParenthood wins Supreme Court Case

Kavanaugh voted with the majority.

Abortion is a right wing boogie man to get votes

Abortions rights cases before viability have been consistently turned down by SCOTUS.

91% of abortions occur before week 13.
(A pill can be used 10 weeks and before)
7.6 %occur before week 20.
Only 1.3 % occur after week 20.

So almost 98% of abortions fall under the category SCOTUS says is no one's business but the woman and her doctor.

The 1.3 after 20 weeks for the most part are medically necessary for the mother's safety.

I don't believe anyone has anything against laws restricting late abortions that have no medical necessity. Originally Posted by grean
By the GOvernments own statistics, 98% of all abortions are considered convenience abortions.

In short, we are using abortion as a means of birth controle.

Whether that is morally corrupt depends on your view. I believe that we are a secular state, our laws should not be based on someone's religious beliefs.

But abortion is not about religion. It is a basic human issue that defines us as a society.

Every great civilization tended to engage in certain particular activities that we look back on and think, "how barbaric".

In a thousand years, when what ever civilization supplants us, will the look back and say, "as advanced as they were, they still killed their young in the womb.".

That being said, I consider the abortion issue a moot point. It is in now established law whether an individule likes it or not.

Isn't that what Justice Kavanaugh said in his confirmatiob hearing?
So the Democrats grandstanded for weeks, carted in people to disrupt the senate hearings, brought in a woman to make false personal allegations against nominee Kavanaugh, had other women at the ready lying to derail Kavanaugh and in general acted hysterically in front of the MSM that their abortion sacrament was to be taken away.

And Judge K votes to keep abortions available.

themystic's Avatar
So the Democrats grandstanded for weeks, carted in people to disrupt the senate hearings, brought in a woman to make false personal allegations against nominee Kavanaugh, had other women at the ready lying to derail Kavanaugh and in general acted hysterically in front of the MSM that their abortion sacrament was to be taken away.

And Judge K votes to keep abortions available.

Noted. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Whatever his motivation or reason was I give him big props for his vote. That took courage on his part
themystic's Avatar
By the GOvernments own statistics, 98% of all abortions are considered convenience abortions.

In short, we are using abortion as a means of birth controle.

Whether that is morally corrupt depends on your view. I believe that we are a secular state, our laws should not be based on someone's religious beliefs.

But abortion is not about religion. It is a basic human issue that defines us as a society.

Every great civilization tended to engage in certain particular activities that we look back on and think, "how barbaric".

In a thousand years, when what ever civilization supplants us, will the look back and say, "as advanced as they were, they still killed their young in the womb.".

That being said, I consider the abortion issue a moot point. It is in now established law whether an individule likes it or not.

Isn't that what Justice Kavanaugh said in his confirmatiob hearing? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I think they will also say, "as advanced as they were they killed people for crimes and imprisoned millions of people for...."
More like K voted to not bother hearing the case..
  • grean
  • 12-10-2018, 02:54 PM
By the GOvernments own statistics, 98% of all abortions are considered convenience abortions.

In short, we are using abortion as a means of birth controle.

Whether that is morally corrupt depends on your view. I believe that we are a secular state, our laws should not be based on someone's religious beliefs.

But abortion is not about religion. It is a basic human issue that defines us as a society.

Every great civilization tended to engage in certain particular activities that we look back on and think, "how barbaric".

In a thousand years, when what ever civilization supplants us, will the look back and say, "as advanced as they were, they still killed their young in the womb.".

That being said, I consider the abortion issue a moot point. It is in now established law whether an individule likes it or not.

Isn't that what Justice Kavanaugh said in his confirmatiob hearing? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Legislating morality won't fix the problem. Want less abortions, there's a slew a things to do.

It's entirely possible they say, in the future, " So many were living in poverty, and they still forced more into poverty and welfare by denying those who wanted them, abortions...and then they complained about paying for people on welfare."
  • grean
  • 12-10-2018, 02:59 PM
They may even say, "holy shit!, why didn't they just give them free contraceptives and teach them accurate sex ed? They could have saved millions...
More like K voted to not bother hearing the case.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Essentially the same difference.

... why didn't they just give them free contraceptives and teach them accurate sex ed? They could have saved millions... Originally Posted by grean
Doesn't PP already do that? I'm pretty sure they do.

Or people or corporations could fund PP privately. Seems "everyone" wants to that but when it comes to writing a check...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2018, 04:50 PM
More like K voted to not bother hearing the case.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Did you read what Clarence Thomas said about the ruling?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2018, 04:53 PM
Essentially the same difference.

Doesn't PP already do that? I'm pretty sure they do.

Or people or corporations could fund PP privately. Seems "everyone" wants to that but when it comes to writing a check... Originally Posted by gnadfly
I do wish we would fund the entitity of government that way....including Defense.
themystic's Avatar
Did you read what Clarence Thomas said about the ruling? Originally Posted by WTF
Is he the one who looks like a Gorilla?

Whos the one who looks like an Orangutan? Oh never mind that's Trump

They both are a case to keep abortion legal
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2018, 07:52 PM
Racism Again!

He is of a minority the Left feels they own - Plantation mentality.
A man that thinks for himself and rejects DPST ideology gets the Racist treatment from the Left

Hypocrisy of the DPST.
themystic's Avatar
Racism Again!

He is of a minority the Left feels they own - Plantation mentality.
A man that thinks for himself and rejects DPST ideology gets the Racist treatment from the Left

Hypocrisy of the DPST. Originally Posted by oeb11
How is that racism? A black SCOTUS & a White POTUS. I think Kellyanne looks like a Beaver. Ive been told I look like an eagle

Some more right wing dribble about Victim hood.
They may even say, "holy shit!, why didn't they just give them free contraceptives and teach them accurate sex ed? They could have saved millions... Originally Posted by grean
They may even say, "holy shit!, why didn't they just give them free contraceptives and teach them accurate sex ed? They could have saved millions... Originally Posted by grean

How many years now have we been teaching sex ed, and it STILL doesn't stop teen pregnancy? What about handing out free condoms all over the place?

Or people or corporations could fund PP privately. Seems "everyone" wants to that but when it comes to writing a check... Originally Posted by gnadfly

Exactly. The left's all for it, LET THEM PAY..