Review: Star is a Disappointment

Have fun sitting in a holding pattern waiting for no response. Because I am not the only one. There's a sucker born everyday.
Have fun sitting in a holding pattern waiting for no response. Because I am not the only one. There's a sucker born everyday. Originally Posted by rockerrick
She has several dozen recent reviews (All positive) from very happy suckers who obviously didn't share your experience. I can't speak for the others here but I can easily see why she blew you off. You have the disposition of a real immature and hostile jerk I must say.

Who knows perhaps after your comments on this thread she'll give me your freebie without keeping me in a holding pattern lol

If so I'll post the review with a special thanks to you

** Only kidding Diamond. I'm not actually interested in a freebie but it would really piss this guy off now wouldn't it? lol
Hey Star give this chump my freebie !

Keep in mind that I am in no way defending her obvious poor TCB skills. My point was ..

a) Given her great many recent strong reviews
b) Her physical stats
c) Her highly competitive rate
d) A clear shortage of providers in South Austin with the above mentioned factors.

.. it is still practical to book her if you are a South Austin monger in her neighborhood as no drive time or effort is really required. If she flakes nothing lost. If she doesn't you get a good session (Based upon reviews) with a good looker at a lower rate than most.

This outlook is non-emotional and logical

Your emotional and irrational angry behavior is a whole different matter completely unrelated to her TCB issues. Personally I'd rather deal with poor TCB. Enough said on that.

Saying that I would book her and actually being available to book a session with her are two different things. For quite some time I've been in a relationship so I haven't hobbied for a very long period. I would have to graciously decline even a free session if it were offered at this point in time.
I'm sorry you feel my bluntness is irrational and angry. That is not the intent. I felt you were jumping in and WK ing a situation that is unacceptable by a large percentage of us mongers. Doing so without full knowledge of the situation . She did not do any communication of any kind after setting an appt. and then makes up a excuse of my phone doesn't work, it worked fine making the appt. PM'S require no phone at all. You miss the disingenuous effort of making a public offer as such, clearly being PR or damage control. I personally have no problem with NCNS only the way it is handled. One of my favorite providers ncns 'ed me on 1st appt. but handled it with the highest class, answered text and I have returned multiple times. My point of all this is to give everyone accurate info not sugar coated. So that they do not experience the same. Her offer was nice but way too late. I felt as though if accepted it would equal selling my soul. And my soul doesn't come that cheap. I apologize if my reading your 1st post and taking it wrong , led to attacking you. Truth is if she had returned 1 single communication I would have rescheduled.
Dueling Hobbyists- "Ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner" (sung to the tune of Dueling Banjos.)

"Louda, Louda, Louda...squeal like a got a perty moooouth boy."

Pretty funny, it's always what is unsaid on these threads that is most apparent to everyone.

Dueling Hobbyists- "Ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner ner" (sung to the tune of Dueling Banjos.)

"Louda, Louda, Louda...squeal like a got a perty moooouth boy."

Pretty funny, it's always what is unsaid on these threads that is most apparent to everyone.

-Boog Originally Posted by LBoog
True but sometimes as in your case it is Exactly what is said that is Most apparent. Your post history speaks for itself. No more need be said.
Well I go9t in touch with her via text about 90 minutes before the suoperbowl. I was suppose to meat her after the super bowl since there was no way she was missing the game. I texted her in the 4th quarter a few times to make sure we were on with no reply. I again tried around noon the next day and still nothing. She finally emailed me late last night and said she fell asleep at a clients house that night so she never got back to me. It took her 4 days to tell me this? It just seems like of excuses to me really. So your not the first person she has done this to my friend. Guess her phone is still messed up....
Sorry to hear that Dragyn, it's a damn same cause I really did want to see her myself. Just way to many of these exact stories. Lots of good ones out there. Good Luck!
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4'11DiamondSpinner's Avatar
again I am sorry for the missed appointment and im not making excuses for anything i have alot going on in my life right now. I do work a full time job and can not answer phone at my job,and im a single mother besides the appointments with u gentlemen that i do..Yes it did take a few days to get back to you but you failed to mention that i offered a free session to make up for the inconvenience. I am not the best at keeping up with everything, i know this but as you can read the sweet men that have gotten the chance to see me have all been more than happy with there experience and time spent with me.. So to all you who are willing to be patient, Good things come to those who wait.. And i Know I am worth the Wait...xoxo Star
I posted it prior to the free appt being offered..
Ok guys here's where I do some brown nosing. Star has reached out to me wishing to make things right with me . We have exchanged some PM's and seem to be working things out. Chating on pm I believe her to be sincere , I also believe her to be a sweet lady who may have some problems on the business side. But when people apologize and sincerely reach out to make things better, I think they should be given a second chance. Now I have no intentions of taking any kind of freebies. If she offered you one I would do it, but as for me it will be a clean slate situation. Hoping all goes well, and also would like to publicly apologize for speaking poorly of her. I don't know her and obviously can't judge her intentions or reasons for previous no show. Only can forgive and try again !
Ok guys here's where I do some brown nosing. Star has reached out to me wishing to make things right with me . We have exchanged some PM's and seem to be working things out. Chating on pm I believe her to be sincere , I also believe her to be a sweet lady who may have some problems on the business side. But when people apologize and sincerely reach out to make things better, I think they should be given a second chance. Now I have no intentions of taking any kind of freebies. If she offered you one I would do it, but as for me it will be a clean slate situation. Hoping all goes well, and also would like to publicly apologize for speaking poorly of her. I don't know her and obviously can't judge her intentions or reasons for previous no show. Only can forgive and try again ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
Well there you have it. I hope it all works out and you write her next great review. My GF and I parted ways last weekend so I may be giving her a call in the near future myself.