Her Greatest Fear

Wow - great question. I have lived through what would have been my biggest fears over the past 20 years...So, *thinking hard* from a purely practical frame of mind, not having enough clients to make the 'musts' happen. Ex: must pay the rent, the phone bill and so on. After that would be the realization that my future plans/dreams will expose me to a PR nightmare of "she used to do what??". My plan, at this point, is to say, "Yep, I DID. So did this famous list of women..." And then reflect on how our society will feast on anything scandalous for 15 minutes before finding another victim.
Otherwise, if I do end up in jail - I hope I will be able to tell friends/family it was because of that 'pesky traffic warrant' I neglected to pay
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-10-2013, 10:30 PM
Well, this thread seems to have taken a morbid turn.
It is not supposed to be about suicide specifically, it's supposed to be about her Greatest Fear generally.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I am trying very hard to respond politely, but you make it difficult. You start a thread about "greatest fears" and you are surprised it becomes a dark thread?

What do you think causes most suicides? Fear and hopelessness.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-10-2013, 11:18 PM
Well, this thread seems to have taken a morbid turn.

It is not supposed to be about suicide specifically, it's supposed to be about her Greatest Fear generally.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You never made that distinction in your original post. This is what you wrote...

Okay, ladies, let's hear what is your greatest fear in this business?

Is it unscheduled encounters with LE, problems with bad customers, not enough customers, customers who are broke, but still want to see you on a payment plan and ten pouns of hamburger meat.

. . . What is it?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
There is nothing in that which specifies that you were looking for general fears as opposed to specific fears. Then you scold them for not abiding by criteria that was not in your post. Not good form. Not good form at all.

You need to learn to better express your criteria.
I know I am biased, but yes, she is exceptional. At least in my eyes. I wish I could have gotten her to see herself through my eyes. Originally Posted by Old-T
She has a wonderful friend in you . What a positive gentlemen!
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 05-11-2013, 01:08 PM
Well, this thread seems to have taken a morbid turn.

It is not supposed to be about suicide specifically, it's supposed to be about her Greatest Fear generally.

From my own observation, people in general have many hidden fears that sometimes are hidden even from themselves.

. . . Women, I think have more fears than men and wondered if we exposed them and aired them out a bit, they might not loom so large.

Women who are not obsessed with fear always provide better sex.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Dude.You actually ask a relevant question for once and then you want to force the responses into what i can only imagine is your preoccupation with everyone thinking like you.
gimme_that's Avatar
Yeah this thread had fail all over it.....it was destined for negativitiy. Its the only response that works.

Why didn't you just make a poll that said.

Providers pick your worse fear:

1. Rape

2. Arrest

3. Being outed to employer or family and friends.

4. Being killed

5. Being pimped.

6. Being roofied or drugged.

7. Getting an STD

8. Getting a stalker

9. Becoming jaded

10. Losing hope in relationships and civilian men in general.

11. Getting robbed by a client, or fake money

12. getting mistakenly pregnant from a client

13. Being recognize facially by certain choice hotels as a tentative provider to watch out for.

14. Losing her kids.....

15. Her boyfriend finds out.....

16. An undiscreet client comes to hug you in a public place with your friends or when u are off the clock.

17. IRS issues potentially

18. Being labeled as a sex offender

The list grows.......
What he said ^^^ 1 thru 11
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Fears unspoken and hidden away in the closet of the mind will always become larger than they really are.

The purpose here was to shine the light on these fears and in the process expose them for what they are.

. . . Human beings are resilient souls and can deal with most obstacles once they summon up the courage to do so.

Jessica Jade's Avatar
All the above and a man that doesn't know how to have a good time.
daty/o's Avatar
Fast Gunn, a great thread, anyway you look at it, even if it takes some dark turns. Very thought provoking.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

I think that if we all look back at our lives and ponder on those things that scared us as children, we can often see now that they were mere phantoms magnified in our own minds.

Ignorance is the breeding ground of fear.

. . . I imagine that the lives of providers probably have more hidden fears than most people, but that could be dispelled if brought out to the light of day.

Zimmie6942's Avatar
How about the fear of providing an amazing service to a bunch of guys who don't understand you or care about what you think or who you are in any way. And the only thing that qualifies them to spend time with you is the money they provide and even thought its not a lot of money they still bitch and moan that its too much and the service wasn't good enough. That would be my fear if I was a provider. Men are dicks - I'm embarrassed to be one sometimes. These girls provide an great service to us - we could at least suport them in more ways then just a few bucks. Grow up guys and stop judging.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Men are dicks - I'm embarrassed to be one sometimes. Originally Posted by Zimmie6942
While I agree with the above statement, we can't change others. All we can do is do our very BEST NOT to be a dick with the ladies when we interact with them individually. The more of us that try to achieve that goal individually and personally, the better.
Providers pick your worse fear!

For me, my fears are listed in order (from the list above):

1. Being killed

2. Arrest

3. Getting an STD

4. Being outed to employer or family and friends.

5. Getting a stalker

6. Becoming jaded
I also have fear of worms and snakes!!!