Providers, is it important or necessary for you to like your clients?

Mr. Heffner's Avatar
Do you really expect providers to tell the truth in this thread?
So if shes broke and I book a multi-hour appointment and she stands to make 3 or 4 hundred she's gonna turn me down because she may not necessarily "like me"? Too Fucking FUNNY!!
I go to a massage therapist that although I absolutely love her massages in the course of discussions we are polar opposites politically, I'm conservative she's liberal all the way. She still takes my $$ and tip, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't especially care for me. Heff
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Hey, I would rather eat day old sandwiches out of the garbage than see someone who makes my skin crawl, and that's the truth.
Bottomline is this is a service industry. There are sooo many guys who treat it just like that. They see what flavor that they want to try that week and pay what the listed price is & are fulfilled.

Sure that was good and fine when I was providing "full time". If we 'clicked' or 'hit it off' more than that, it was just BONUS or ICING ON THE CAKE! (and usually the session may have went a few hours over time...he he he...whoops)

But after being out of the hobby for a cpl years, out in the real world and then returning.... I will ONLY see you if I LIKED YOU & we "clicked" on that "Oh-My-Gawd-I-had-so-Much-Fun-With-Him-LeveL". Period.

The Hobbyists get to be selective in who they see, so what's wrong with our "selectiveness" as well? We are not FORCED into this business, we CHOSE to be horny lil' kittens!! ..MEOW! Therefore, unless you're working in the human slave trade or something, I believe we have every right, and should be, selective. EVERYONE BENEFITS THAT WAY! You see someone you ENJOY and they can tell that - when they see you for a session.

Besides....Providers - if you 'cringe' when a certain hobbyist is calling, or have to force yourself to 'go through the motions' just to make some $$ for that week, etc.... THAT'S HORRIBLE!! And most men will catch on to that real quick. If it comes to that - take a day or week off, recoop and get back into your HOT SLUT MODE ...he he he.

...Or just choose not to see that person again.

Just my 0.02 cents.
I aim to provide a genuine experience every time I am with somoene and not liking someone does not equate to a genuine experience. To me it is important because I am not here to make any man look like a fool. I don't want to shove false admiration down a guys' throat in hopes he'll pay me more. Men are not stupid. They may think with their dicks most of the time but the fact is that most men want a woman who IS genuinely happy seeing them.

Being a fake a** b**** is just not attractive IMO. Originally Posted by Rae Monroe
I wholeheartedly agree. I have yet to meet a gent that I don't like or have been afraid of. Because chemistry is of the utmost importance to me, it is required that we communicate before our meeting both on the phone and email.
Genuineness is something that one can't usually fake.
However, there are both ladies and gents that thrive on the anonymity, and more or less the feeling of 'getting some strange' as I have recently heard it called. Just the thought of not really knowing someone and taking the opportunity to have an unforgettable moment is a turn on for some (it's a turn on for me too when staged with someone I know. hehe). Life is too short, this industry is too dangerous, and too vast to meet a lady or gent that you don't care for.
Do you really expect providers to tell the truth in this thread?
So if shes broke and I book a multi-hour appointment and she stands to make 3 or 4 hundred she's gonna turn me down because she may not necessarily "like me"? Too Fucking FUNNY!!
I go to a massage therapist that although I absolutely love her massages in the course of discussions we are polar opposites politically, I'm conservative she's liberal all the way. She still takes my $$ and tip, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't especially care for me. Heff Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
Political views don't make people dislike you. Being verbally and physically disrespectful (in a bad way), having a fear-envoking, controlling nature will make a lady not like you. Odd sexual tendencies, bad hygiene, opinionated rants and little personal pet peaves that a lady may have might make her frown when she hears your voice or receives a request from you. If an issue is easily remedied, then yes a lady may see a guy that may not be her favorite.
But we are not all desperate, and not all of us have to lie to the men on this board about anything, so you assume quite a bit by saying that as a collective we wouldn't tell the truth.

But I do see that the provider only stands to make 3 or 400 on a mutihour session with you, so what you said may ring true to some. Definitely not all.
Do you really expect providers to tell the truth in this thread?
So if shes broke and I book a multi-hour appointment and she stands to make 3 or 4 hundred she's gonna turn me down because she may not necessarily "like me"? Too Fucking FUNNY!!
I go to a massage therapist that although I absolutely love her massages in the course of discussions we are polar opposites politically, I'm conservative she's liberal all the way. She still takes my $$ and tip, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't especially care for me. Heff Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
Really? Hmmmm
Hey, I would rather eat day old sandwiches out of the garbage than see someone who makes my skin crawl, and that's the truth. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Plus 1

Is that ALL providers? just asking

Some of us providers don't have to bullshit to make a dollar. One of the reasons why my regs keep coming back is because i am truthful with them, look you spanked my ass too hard, you were too aggressive with me.....this is not going to work out, did i miss out on his hard earned money, yep, but it beats having my body with unwanted bruises on them.

Some gents tend to use offensive way over the top dirty talk with me, i am not tolerant when it comes to that, did i miss out on his hard earned money, yep. I am fine with that.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Do I have to like the gentleman that I am seeing? Absolutely I do! I can honestly say that I find every man charming in his own way! No, he may not look like Brad Pitt, but once you get to know him, he steals a little piece of my heart!
verygood69's Avatar
Do you really expect providers to tell the truth in this thread?
So if shes broke and I book a multi-hour appointment and she stands to make 3 or 4 hundred she's gonna turn me down because she may not necessarily "like me"? Too Fucking FUNNY!!
I go to a massage therapist that although I absolutely love her massages in the course of discussions we are polar opposites politically, I'm conservative she's liberal all the way. She still takes my $$ and tip, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't especially care for me. Heff Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner

I have not been with a Lady that didnt enjoy my presence even if I am an older gentleman. I think you have to have a click for a good time.
verygood69's Avatar
Yep, same here. I get along with most people, so you really have to eff things up big-time for me to not like you. There is the rare occasion that I like the person but BCD we just weren't a good match, so I would decline a second meeting. Originally Posted by Nicole Preston

I would love the oppertunity to see such a beauty as you.
Mr. Heffner's Avatar

Ladies, PLEASE don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. We hobbyists are NOT as stupid as you would like to think.
This thread reminds me of the thread that asked providers if they won the lottery would they give up the biz. My jaw dropped when I read quite a few of the ladies say "O no, I would keep providing I just love it"
I guess next the girls will tell us that they only see men they find "attractive" in addition to "liking" them. LOL Heff
Guest012211-3's Avatar
We hobbyists are NOT as stupid as you would like to think. Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
Nope, in some cases you're stupid-er! Just kidding...sort of...

Seems like you are just trying to stir the pot OR you have zero respect for providers, and just like entertaining the thought that we are miserable creatures just enduring an hour of meaningless sex to make a buck.
Mr. Heffner's Avatar
Nicole, the REALITY that we ALL know it is, is that this is a BUSINESS transaction. Its NOT a dating service, and providers do NOT just have sex with hobbyists they "like" or find "attractive".
You girls are in this to make MONEY, not find "new friends". What a crock. I'm NOT dissing you for it but we ALL know that this is the reality of this BUSINESS. If someone you didn't particularly care for waves $500 in front of you, you WILL take it. LIKE him or NOT.
You girls PLEASE stop the bullshit. Heff
Guest012211-3's Avatar
LOL, come wave your $500 my way and see how fast I turn it down