I have some good news and bad news for you WorknMan. At "a bit over 30k a year" you are poor. Not so poor you don't have a pot to piss in, but poor all the same. The currenty poverty baseline stands at $22,350 per year.
Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Well, if I am considered poor, then I'd love to see how the middle class are living

Right now, I live in a decent apartment, have plenty of food in the fridge, a car that runs reliably, health insurance, a few grand in the bank in case of emergencies, and I can afford to get laid every once in awhile. Would I like to have more? Sure, but what else do I need? My income is more than enough to sustain me.
If I had to define 'poor' in my own terms, it would be somebody surviving off ramen noodles and trying to figure out how they're going to pay next month's rent. I started out there, except I was so dumb that I didn't even know what ramen noodles were

I was living in a motel that you probably wouldn't even take a hooker to, and I was making a HELL of a lot less than $22,350. In fact, if you were to adjust for inflation, it would've been about $16,500. I'm not even sure if that's above minimum wage these days. To me, living in poverty means that somebody is going hungry and/or doesn't have a roof over their head, and I was never that destitute. Perhaps we should have government programs for these people to help them find jobs, assuming we don't already ...
Here's the bad, at that level of income there's no way in hell you'll ever make enough money to retire on.
Well, I've been in the workforce for about 15 years, and have already doubled my income, even in this economy. Odds are that I'm going to do that again at least twice before I hit retirement age, and that is assuming that I expend the same amount of effort that I have been, which is probably about 20% of my actual potential.
The nice thing about a starting salary is that you're not stuck there. You think people who are making 6-7 figures started out that way? Even if you have a job flipping burgers, hopefully after about 10 years or so, you will have at least worked your way up to store manager.
If you're over 30 years old and still working a McJob (e.g. - minimum wage), and somebody could train an immigrant with no real employment skills and no understanding of the English language to do your job in a week or two, then perhaps we should deport your ass and let the immigrant have a shot at the American dream. He would probably do better at it than you.
As for retirement itself, that is probably a topic for a different thread ...
You still think the left "caters" to the victims you call poor, or are they simply trying to look out for people such as yourself who try to make an honest living on an sub-honest wage?
For starters, you didn't really know anything about me before asking this question, except how much I make. So, why do you automatically assume that I need looking out for? Quite frankly, I find that a bit insulting.
To be honest, my dad was willing to pay my way through college back in the day, so I went for about a year at a community college, and then dropped out, because I was more concerned with playing video games and chasing pussy than getting an education. Even with the handout I was given, I did not take advantage of it. (Which was one of the many mistakes I made back then.) So, my dad sent me out on my ass, as he damn well should have.
A lot of people went further who had it a lot worse than me, including my sister. While I went to live with my dad, my sister unfortunately ended up living with my mom (because my dad was not her dad). My mom would often go out all night drinking and leave her alone, often with nothing in the pantry except maybe some flour or something, so my sister survived on biscuits, literally. She left home with nothing, and still managed to put herself through college, and now makes a lot more money than I do.
So, what does that say about me? It says the fact I started out with nothing is nobody's fault but my own. So do I expect the government to come to my rescue, even if I were still living in that shitty motel? Of course not... why the fuck would I? If I lost my job tomorrow, I could afford to live for several months at my current standard of living, and add a few more to that if I were to max out the one credit card that I have. If I ended up at that point with $0, I'd try to get a loan somewhere. Failing that, if there were some sort of government handout that I was eligible for, then I guess I'd take it. But even then, I'd probably be like Cinderella Man and pay it all back as soon as I got the chance. In other words, when it comes to handouts, I don't want, nor do I deserve a goddamn thing.