Rate changes....

Providing that the comments
and reviewers are real and not a clone and the comments are true
I don't see what the issue is.

I have no clue why some are trying to hold Q at a higher regard than
other providers? It's her choice to be here
and If she offers BBFS then she's doing what she wants to do,
she's not the only provider around here who offers it. (I don't offer it)
Apparently, everything is alright with her.
You have to have a thick skin to be here.

So, if some things are being said out in the open .... so what!
If a tone of a review or a comment isn't to your
licking then stop reading that persons reviews/comments.

There are providers who openly offer BBFS and there are providers
who offer it on the low and stupidly think it's just a secret between the two of you.

There are plenty of you guys who enjoy seeing BBFS providers
and if that's your thing then that's on you. Don't try and act like
you're better than the next guy. Just enjoy your time w/the provider and
carry on about your day. There is a place for you all to share info if you choose to do it privately,
but don't be all low down and loose lipped towards a provider and show screenshots
to others etc of private communications talking about the last provider. You know who
you are. Red

From what I can see the reviews in question are informative to the community,
providing the comments are true.
Take what you want from them.

I pay attention to what's being said by all but I
fine tune and really pay attention to
the person(s) who isn't saying anything at all.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 07-11-2018, 11:59 AM
Very True
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 07-11-2018, 12:06 PM
Providing that the comments
and reviewers are real and not a clone and the comments are true
I don't see what the issue is.

I have no clue why some are trying to hold Q at a higher regard than
other providers? It's her choice to be here
and If she offers BBFS then she's doing what she wants to do,
she's not the only provider around here who offers it. (I don't offer it)
Apparently, everything is alright with her.
You have to have a thick skin to be here.

So, if some things are being said out in the open .... so what!
If a tone of a review or a comment isn't to your
licking then stop reading that persons reviews/comments.

There are providers who openly offer BBFS and there are providers
who offer it on the low and stupidly think it's just a secret between the two of you.

There are plenty of you guys who enjoy seeing BBFS providers
and if that's your thing then that's on you. Don't try and act like
you're better than the next guy. Just enjoy your time w/the provider and
carry on about your day. There is a place for you all to share info if you choose to do it privately,
but don't be all low down and loose lipped towards a provider and show screenshots
to others etc of private communications talking about the last provider. You know who
you are. Red

From what I can see the reviews in question are informative to the community,
providing the comments are true.
Take what you want from them.

I pay attention to what's being said by all but I
fine tune and really pay attention to
the person(s) who isn't saying anything at all.
Originally Posted by Seeking ~P

Your absolutely Right
Dickjonesbr's Avatar
To the op. Every provider has their own opinions on what they are worth. Some hobbiest are value shoppers and some pay because they know what they like. So it’s one of those questions that to each individual will have their own opinion. I have seen some providers who didn’t offer certain things they were the same amount as ones who did but they made it worth it. The same with providers who offered everything goes and was not worth the same as some who didn’t.

For the encounters part I like them because from time to time I will submit one. With that said when seeing a ROS that is lengthy tells me that person enjoyed the time spent with the provider. That leaves me wanting to see her and experience it for myself. The ones that just rush through and have one paragraph let’s me know that something was up and the mood was not good. Now that’s just my personal opinion. To the op I seen post by you and didn’t know from the activities described it sounded to good to be true. After reading several encounters with you I felt ashamed for judging. I want to see you one day because it is apparent that you make the session very enjoyable. For the details in the encounters one provider has been moved to the top of my list because one hobbiest finally wasn’t scared to endulge in all the activities they explored. Yes I’ve read the no reviews and with any negative review on anything you have to figured out if a bad time was actually had or that person was just mad because they felt they should have gotten more things for little to nothing.
Gabby_Belle's Avatar
The only issue I've had about reviews is the fake ones that pop up & are misleading. I personally have had to deal with that on another board & it was a pain in the ass to get removed (although its a moot point now, since that site is no longer available to those of us in the US without a vpn).

Example being, my fake review ultimately was a booking assistant that I had decided to part ways with that went through and made a review just to throw shade. They could not even describe accurately what I look like or what my sessions are anything like. Thank god, TER saw that & yanked it down. But it took a whole month of investigating before that happened. So, ultimately, said person mentioned earlier might not be offering any of that -could just be some butthurt person trying to throw shade or give the wrong impression even.

I'm a big fan of testimonials -but I agree that reviews are a double edged sword for sure. And while I never offer BBFS, I don't judge those that do -however, I more than likely not see someone that does engage in that risky activity. But then again, who's to say that said date isn't engaging in that in general just not with providers. I can only keep myself safe
annie@christophers's Avatar
And look back at the REALLY GOOD ONES..LOL..
Meh.. xxoo annie

Not our place to give advice when they sooner or latter have a sudden "cough" in de trooattt..dr..
Nope... not mine to say it's the dumbest move a girl OR GUY.. could make..
I'm old..what do I no huh ..
Yikeys.. xxoo annie
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 07-12-2018, 10:38 PM
Tasteful reviews are fine. I'm talking about the reviews...You know what...Nevermind lololol...
....I'm not saying reviews aren't beneficial lol I'm saying keep in mind if your going to put things out in the open and Not ROS tone it down Damn ....(and for the love of God this post isn't about " a certain someone" btw that's not my business or concern I wanted to make this post before all that)....

But Who am I to give a opinion about something out in the open...It's just a opinion of a opinionated person lol
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 07-12-2018, 10:39 PM
And look back at the REALLY GOOD ONES..LOL..
Meh.. xxoo annie

Not our place to give advice when they sooner or latter have a sudden "cough" in de trooattt..dr..
Nope... not mine to say it's the dumbest move a girl OR GUY.. could make..
I'm old..what do I no huh ..
Yikeys.. xxoo annie Originally Posted by annie@christophers

Ok I just reread your comment for the 7th time and had to edit my comment lol
You not telling no lies
some comments on recent reviews have gone too far about
discussing details that should have been kept in the ROS. Originally Posted by myren1900

Mmm hmm...

annie@christophers's Avatar
10th is the CHARM..
xxoo annie
I remember when gas was only $0.86 a gallon! 😂
Mmm hmm...

Originally Posted by Phoenixx
annie@christophers's Avatar
IF wishes were horses THEN begged would ride. .
Reviews, if penned properly, are very beneficial for others. Prior to the temporary shut down, we were able to obtain all relevant information concerning potential dating partners. It was essentially yelp where the potential dating partners, such as a business, were normally exposed for the their respective positive attributes. Certainly there are people that author crude comments as well as post indifferent replies, but obviously that is a bi-product of the free speech we are allowed. But the popovers benefit from this as well: by providing outstanding customer service, the reviews accumulate substantial value that only enriches her brand.

As to rates, this new format makes it difficult to directly identify rates. Indirect methods are not necessary, which would appear to require direct contact with the dating partner. This could lead to an immediate reply from the suitor, asking for less upon receipt of a response from the potential dating partner.

TV Originally Posted by televill

While I don’t like every word that’s been written about me even in positive reviews....

My reviews and the guys who wrote them seem to be pretty darn good...

To the point where just about every gent who contacts me says something about it.....

I don’t mean to sound harsh but the gents I know I’m going to enjoy spending time with (respectful of me, my boundaries, the things I offer and lots more) will do their research ...they will go find the answers to the questions they have on their own..and if they feel they can’t , they will offer up screening so that we both feel comfortable talking openly...if a guy can’t, won’t or just plain refuses or isn’t smart enough to figure it out ...he is more than likely not someone I want to spend time with...he’s a danger to himself, me and my world and this community as a whole..

Now about rates...we can all charge as little or as much as we please and I for the most part in line with that...

I personally want to raise mine.... from 250/hr to 300 because I know damn well what I offer is worth it... I am decent looking not perfect I’m very GFE...with a pretty open menu with about 3 no no things...and I have a fan base if you will...but there are a few things I know I need to work on in order for guys to see that price and for it to make sense to me...

I want a private incall
More pro photos and not the heavily photoshopped kind but something that isn’t a selfie
Work on getting my website how I want it
Lose about 20-30 pounds

These are personal goals ..short term of course...but all things I know will help justify a 300 price tag..

Just my .02 fwiw
pyramider's Avatar
Reviews, if penned properly, are very beneficial for others. Prior to the temporary shut down, we were able to obtain all relevant information concerning potential dating partners. It was essentially yelp where the potential dating partners, such as a business, were normally exposed for the their respective positive attributes. Certainly there are people that author crude comments as well as post indifferent replies, but obviously that is a bi-product of the free speech we are allowed. But the popovers benefit from this as well: by providing outstanding customer service, the reviews accumulate substantial value that only enriches her brand.

As to rates, this new format makes it difficult to directly identify rates. Indirect methods are not necessary, which would appear to require direct contact with the dating partner. This could lead to an immediate reply from the suitor, asking for less upon receipt of a response from the potential dating partner.

TV Originally Posted by televill

There are probably only seven "penned properly" reviews in NOLA, even less in TX.

For a review to give pertinent information it only needs to give a couple of things:
  • is the lady the same as her photos
  • is her incall clean, safe
  • did you enjoy your time with the lady.

Anything else is just a fucktard beating his chest, or slapping another fucktard's butt.