Fishing @ Bucks FW

KoreanKonnoisseur's Avatar
It was probably cum breath in her case.
This one chick breath is smelly when she first walks out onto the floor. It's 24/7. It could be a bad tooth. She is doing bbbjcim but she has to brush her teeth sometimes. :-)
Occulariam's Avatar
Meth mouth causes bad breath...
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Shep3.0's Avatar
Too funny. Rule #1. Catch em start of shift.

Daytimers start at noon. Night starts at 7pm.
These two under 21 year old dancers breath are smelly at the beginning of their shift. They have the fishy smell below also at the beginning... One of them sat with me on Monday and i could not make myself give her a dance even though I knew I could have had anything I wanted.