Nobody is coming after your guns, no one is coming after my guns. It was a rumor started by the NRA to build support. Keep sipping the kool aid Judy. You make idiots look smart.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You really want to believe that don't you? Let me recount my own personal experience (some of the names and places have been changed to protect MY privacy):
Some years ago I was driving home from a day of shooting at a range. It was late and I missed a STOP sign in the dying light. I was pulled over by some of (XXXX)'s finest. They say the empty brass and magazines in the back seat of my car and they said that it was enough to search my car. I guess they hit the jackpot. They found a .45 Colt Auto, a .38 Taurus revover, a 30/30 Thompson Center Contender, A MAK-90 rifle, and a Taurus 9mm. Plus hundreds of rounds of both empty and loaded cartridges, most of them empty after a day at the range. They confiscated all the weapons and ammunition but released me with a ticket. After a couple of weeks I was allowed to go down the police headquarters and retrieve MY property. It was light a couple of pistols. They told me that the .45 Auto and the .38 Taurus were both loaded when found and that was a more seriouis charge of carrying a concealed weapon. I was not charged and got to leave with a large paperbag of weapons which I had to walk three city blocks in my arms to get to my car. I contacted the city prosecutor and was told that if I wanted to pursue getting my weapons back (the .45 Auto and the .38 Taurus) then the police would press charges and face jail time. Being recently arrived at the city and looking for a job I let it go (and about $800 worth of handguns). Years later, I called back looking for the disposition of the guns. I was told that they were destroyed. I wanted the paperwork to prove it. Guess what? They could give the paperwork for the cheap Taurus pistol but the tack driving, almost new .45 Auto from Colt.....they could not find the paperwork.
They took two of my pistols, I was not charged, and I suspect the one of them is sitting the safe of some cop right now.
Do you want to revise your statement? I can come with more cases of confiscation if you want me to or you can just admit that you were wrong.