Bring your gun to school day...

LexusLover's Avatar
...anyone who promotes the idea of children bringing guns to school is an idiot. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You are being generous with your assessment of their intellectual capacity.

BTW: When I first saw this "story" my immediate reaction was the PSA was some form of Parent-Student Association (as in PTA) that had some formal connection with the school and the school had acquiesced in the "program," because the teachers were to be the "collectors" of the firearms the kids were being requested to STEAL and UNLAWFULLY bring to school.....which made the PSA member responsible for the request AND the teacher receiving the stolen property accomplices in the crimes....including contributing to the delinquency of a minor, if not "endangerment of a minor."
FIFY. No Charge. Originally Posted by LexusLover
As usual made no sense like most of your comments.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First, I don't have "people". Second, a person who believes in some limited gun control is not a "gun grabber". If that was true, probably 95% of the people in the U.S. would be termed "gun grabbers" since I'd bet that many believe in some form of gun control. Typical stereotypes from you.

I was simply agreeing that anyone who promotes the idea of children bringing guns to school is an idiot. Don't take any more or any less from that statement. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Look, you have a right to your opinion but I am not going to stand here and have you call my buddy EVA an idiot. That's my job and I can use the money after this holiday.
FYI, a gun grabber is not and has never been someone who believes in some form of gun control. A gun grabber is someone with a ingrown hatred of guns and everything they represent and is willing to, and does frequently, lie to get what they want.
Look, you have a right to your opinion but I am not going to stand here and have you call my buddy EVA an idiot. That's my job and I can use the money after this holiday.
FYI, a gun grabber is not and has never been someone who believes in some form of gun control. A gun grabber is someone with a ingrown hatred of guns and everything they represent and is willing to, and does frequently, lie to get what they want. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nobody is coming after your guns, no one is coming after my guns. It was a rumor started by the NRA to build support. Keep sipping the kool aid Judy. You make idiots look smart.
LexusLover's Avatar
It was a rumor started by the NRA to build support. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The NRA needs more "support"?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
FYI, a gun grabber is not and has never been someone who believes in some form of gun control. A gun grabber is someone with a ingrown hatred of guns and everything they represent and is willing to, and does frequently, lie to get what they want.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for clarifying that. Based on your definition, I certainly do not put myself in the category of gun grabber. I do not hate guns at all. I choose not to own one because I see no need for one. Some people have a definite need for a gun. Others believe they have a need for a gun. I fully support anyone's decision to own or not own a gun.

BTW, you have totally strayed from your opening post in this thread.
LexusLover's Avatar
BTW, you have totally strayed from your opening post in this thread. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The only threads staying on topic are those closed by the Mods after Post #1.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The only threads staying on topic are those closed by the Mods after Post #1. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Now THAT was funny.
The NRA needs more "support"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
They did at that time,would redo or build a gun range for a town if all members in it belonged to the NRA.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I certainly know my way around a weapon. And I've brought home my fair share of venison and hog.

I am no gun grabber. per JDIdiot's for in mouth definition. But I sure as hell believe in stronger gun laws. A lot stronger.

Fuck the NRA.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Nobody is coming after your guns, no one is coming after my guns. It was a rumor started by the NRA to build support. Keep sipping the kool aid Judy. You make idiots look smart. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You really want to believe that don't you? Let me recount my own personal experience (some of the names and places have been changed to protect MY privacy):

Some years ago I was driving home from a day of shooting at a range. It was late and I missed a STOP sign in the dying light. I was pulled over by some of (XXXX)'s finest. They say the empty brass and magazines in the back seat of my car and they said that it was enough to search my car. I guess they hit the jackpot. They found a .45 Colt Auto, a .38 Taurus revover, a 30/30 Thompson Center Contender, A MAK-90 rifle, and a Taurus 9mm. Plus hundreds of rounds of both empty and loaded cartridges, most of them empty after a day at the range. They confiscated all the weapons and ammunition but released me with a ticket. After a couple of weeks I was allowed to go down the police headquarters and retrieve MY property. It was light a couple of pistols. They told me that the .45 Auto and the .38 Taurus were both loaded when found and that was a more seriouis charge of carrying a concealed weapon. I was not charged and got to leave with a large paperbag of weapons which I had to walk three city blocks in my arms to get to my car. I contacted the city prosecutor and was told that if I wanted to pursue getting my weapons back (the .45 Auto and the .38 Taurus) then the police would press charges and face jail time. Being recently arrived at the city and looking for a job I let it go (and about $800 worth of handguns). Years later, I called back looking for the disposition of the guns. I was told that they were destroyed. I wanted the paperwork to prove it. Guess what? They could give the paperwork for the cheap Taurus pistol but the tack driving, almost new .45 Auto from Colt.....they could not find the paperwork.

They took two of my pistols, I was not charged, and I suspect the one of them is sitting the safe of some cop right now.

Do you want to revise your statement? I can come with more cases of confiscation if you want me to or you can just admit that you were wrong.
You really want to believe that don't you? Let me recount my own personal experience (some of the names and places have been changed to protect MY privacy):

Some years ago I was driving home from a day of shooting at a range. It was late and I missed a STOP sign in the dying light. I was pulled over by some of (XXXX)'s finest. They say the empty brass and magazines in the back seat of my car and they said that it was enough to search my car. I guess they hit the jackpot. They found a .45 Colt Auto, a .38 Taurus revover, a 30/30 Thompson Center Contender, A MAK-90 rifle, and a Taurus 9mm. Plus hundreds of rounds of both empty and loaded cartridges, most of them empty after a day at the range. They confiscated all the weapons and ammunition but released me with a ticket. After a couple of weeks I was allowed to go down the police headquarters and retrieve MY property. It was light a couple of pistols. They told me that the .45 Auto and the .38 Taurus were both loaded when found and that was a more seriouis charge of carrying a concealed weapon. I was not charged and got to leave with a large paperbag of weapons which I had to walk three city blocks in my arms to get to my car. I contacted the city prosecutor and was told that if I wanted to pursue getting my weapons back (the .45 Auto and the .38 Taurus) then the police would press charges and face jail time. Being recently arrived at the city and looking for a job I let it go (and about $800 worth of handguns). Years later, I called back looking for the disposition of the guns. I was told that they were destroyed. I wanted the paperwork to prove it. Guess what? They could give the paperwork for the cheap Taurus pistol but the tack driving, almost new .45 Auto from Colt.....they could not find the paperwork.

They took two of my pistols, I was not charged, and I suspect the one of them is sitting the safe of some cop right now.

Do you want to revise your statement? I can come with more cases of confiscation if you want me to or you can just admit that you were wrong. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You failed to say which state you were in at the time. If it was Missouri it is lucky that was all you got as you were in violation of several laws. I am sure you will come up with several excuses as usual Judy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You failed to say which state you were in at the time. If it was Missouri it is lucky that was all you got as you were in violation of several laws. I am sure you will come up with several excuses as usual Judy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I'm just dying to know what those laws are in Missouri. Let me clarify for you. The guns were in the trunk. I was driving a sedan. Go from there and we'll say that I was in Missouri (because I want to hear this).
I'm just dying to know what those laws are in Missouri. Let me clarify for you. The guns were in the trunk. I was driving a sedan. Go from there and we'll say that I was in Missouri (because I want to hear this). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Probably changed, if guns were in the trunk ammo was supposed to be in the front. If guns were in front ammo has to be in the trunk. No loaded guns anywhere, Did you have a hunting license? At one time you needed a hunting license to transport guns to the range. Since concealed carry laws have changed now you can send off to West Virginia and for $50. get a CC which Missouri will recognize. No class or background check.