Guys-What's the first thing you notice when meeting a provider?

Facial expression at first meeting/reveal - The slightest look of dissappointment or unhappiness is really a turn off (no matter how much I stare at your tits, its always the eyes that tell the story)
As soon as the door opens and the first few minutes what are you looking for/thinking?... Originally Posted by Valerie
If her face is as cute, cuter, or not as cute as her pictures. That is, if she has chosen to post face pictures.

btw have got it going ON!!!
Ladies, IT'S the eyes, ... Originally Posted by gdan55
That's man code for boobs.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Eyes and lips.... if only Naomi lived closer.... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
greenibanez's Avatar
Perhaps not in the very first moments of meeting.... but involuntary pupil dilation is what I look for. From that moment I know the attraction is there (yes its important even when $ is involved).
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 01-02-2011, 07:49 PM
Like pretty much everyone else so far, the eyes first.
It may be the fragile male ego, but I'm kinda looking for that first look of disappointment or "well shit, here we go again".
So far I've been pleasantly surprised; all I've gotten were really good actresses or ladies that weren't TOO disappointed in having me at their door!

It's only after that that I check out the way she's dressed and how she keeps the room.
I'm normally so nervous she could be wearing a cop uniform, a badge on a chain around her neck, holding a huge microphone that is input into an old reel-to-reel tape recorder...and I'd never notice. I'd just invite her in.
So everyone seems to notice the eyes first...guess it would be a bad idea to answer the door wearing my sunglasses... j/k!
Well everyone except Greeni....PUPIL DIALATION?!?! What do you do when the room is softly lit, wave a flashlight in her eyes to check involuntary pupil response???
geecue's Avatar
So everyone seems to notice the eyes first...guess it would be a bad idea to answer the door wearing my sunglasses... j/k! Originally Posted by Valerie

That would not matter with the shades on ...n/k!
It has been quite a while since I "met" a new Provider, but I can tell you this.

The single most important thing to me is, "is this the Lady I expected". By that, I mean did she truly represent herself in her ad, because in all honesty, that is what would have drawn me to her in the first place.

Men get so tired of ads full of pictures that are so damned photo shopped that it is darned near comical. Good grief, who do these women think they are going to be meeting, Stevie Wonder?

That is one of the things that I liked about my ATF the first time I saw her in person. She looked exactly like her pictures. She never tried to hide anything, what I saw, I got. What I got, I liked.

Very refreshing in a world that seems to be permiated with deceit.
greenibanez's Avatar
Well everyone except Greeni....PUPIL DIALATION?!?! What do you do when the room is softly lit, wave a flashlight in her eyes to check involuntary pupil response??? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Actually, I pop her eyeball out and hold it up to a non-flourescent light! Come on.... Maybe I'm a body language geek, but still.... Pupil dilation is an OBVIOUS indication of sexual attraction. Humans cant fake this or control it. This is a discussion about what we "notice".... Assuming we are not feeling out way around in a dark room.... I
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
That's man code for boobs. Originally Posted by FLWrite

Lol yes "the eyes"
I have only seen three providers and each time I looked at the face first, not the eyes in particular. Am I attracted to her? Then I quickly check the body second. I want to know if she is the one in the pictures since most do not post their face pics.
Cpalmson's Avatar
This may sound strange, but the first thing I notice is her smell. More specifically, does she smell like a smoker. Why? There are several reasons. First, if there a definite tale-tell signs of smoke on her, I know that the smell will transfer to my clothes which means not only a cleanup shower for me but also the need to do some quick laundry. Second, if I can tell she is a smoker, I know kissing will not be fun. As a non-smoker, I don't like kissing smokers. Finally, if I can tell first hand that she is a smoker, it makes me wonder what else she is unwilling to readily mask. There's a reason a lot of reviews ask if a client can tell if a provider smokes or not. It goes to the quality of the provider. A provider who smokes but can mask the smell is more likely to have other more positive qualities than a provider who smokes and takes no effort to hide the fact. I'm not trying to be moralistic or anything when it comes to smoking. That is an individual choice. However, I do think providers should be aware that the smell of smoke is a potential turn off, and quality providers will make attempts to prevent this issue from even arising.