The Biden Touch is GOLDEN!!!

LexusLover's Avatar
This guy isn’t serious, is he? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well, he has two choices:

1. Donald Trump is brilliant.
2. Joseph Bitten is brilliant.

We know for whom he voted, but he also voted for HillariousNoMore!

The facts change. The SCIENCE changes. The pandemic changes. He doesn't!

His guy, Joey, is fixing to put a "curfew" on the illegal, criminal aliens he's been letting sneak into the country and they have to stay "at home" from 8:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. the next morning. After the city government where they are being provided "homes" have defunded their police and the Feds don't have the LE resources* to monitor their "curfew" ..... just another failed idea with no FACTS and no SCIENCE.

*The "capitol police" are unavailable, because they are investigating Republican Reps and Senators.

Only a deranged idiot could make up a better movie theme. GoldenBoy Bitten got caught making another deal!
HedonistForever's Avatar
[QUOTE=Tsmokies;1062738245]I say so and it's a fact. Look at the numbers. 2020 (one covid) vs 2021 (two+ covids). It's not rocket science lol n omg n wtf.

History says so lol n omg n wtf[/QUOTE]

So Joe allowed another Covid to develop after telling us he would shut down the first one? Apparently this is rocket science for you.

OK, lets look at the numbers

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dated December 19, 2021, 803,593 people have died due to COVID since the beginning of the pandemic.
OurWorldInData's figure for December 19 is slightly higher, putting the total at 806,439 deaths. Of those, 351,754 deaths occurred in 2020, meaning that indeed there more deaths—nearly 455,000—in 2021.

And Biden had full blown vaccines, Trump did not.

We also found a Dec. 21 tweet by Williams that said,"Americans are WORSE off under this Administration than ever before," citing "More COVID deaths under President Biden than President Trump."
At the request of a reader, we're fact-checking this claim: Is it true that, despite vaccine availability, more people died from COVID-19 in 2021 than in 2020?

National outlets including USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Forbes all reported in late November that the number of deaths in 2021 exceeded those in 2020. They usedJohns Hopkins data as an up-to-date marker of 2021 deaths and compared that to the CDC's official count of 2020 death certificates.

CDC data indicates there were 385,443U.S. deaths attributing COVID-19 as an underlying or contributing cause on death certificates in 2020.
By contrast, there were 446,197 U.S. deaths attributed to COVID-19 on death certificates in 2021, as of Jan. 12.

A CDC spokesperson wrote in a Jan. 5 email the CDC won't have the final 2021 data for nearly a year, but the death toll will climb as more data comes in for 2021. The spokesperson said it is safe to say the 2021 death toll will remain higher than in 2020.

The CDC numbers show there were over 60,000 more deaths in 2021 compared to 2020.

So, indeed, the number of COVID-19 deaths in 2021 as reported by the CDC exceeds the number of deaths reported in 2020.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course he is. There are 80 million just like him. Originally Posted by Levianon17
88 million.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
[QUOTE=HedonistForever;10627388 64]
I say so and it's a fact. Look at the numbers. 2020 (one covid) vs 2021 (two+ covids). It's not rocket science lol n omg n wtf.

History says so lol n omg n wtf[/QUOTE]

Apparently this is rocket science for you.

OK, lets look at the numbers

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), dated December 19, 2021, 803,593 people have died due to COVID since the beginning of the pandemic.
OurWorldInData's figure for December 19 is slightly higher, putting the total at 806,439 deaths. Of those, 351,754 deaths occurred in 2020, meaning that indeed there more deaths—nearly 455,000—in 2021.

And Biden had full blown vaccines, Trump did not.

We also found a Dec. 21 tweet by Williams that said,"Americans are WORSE off under this Administration than ever before," citing "More COVID deaths under President Biden than President Trump."
At the request of a reader, we're fact-checking this claim: Is it true that, despite vaccine availability, more people died from COVID-19 in 2021 than in 2020?

National outlets including USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Forbes all reported in late November that the number of deaths in 2021 exceeded those in 2020. They usedJohns Hopkins data as an up-to-date marker of 2021 deaths and compared that to the CDC's official count of 2020 death certificates.

CDC data indicates there were 385,443U.S. deaths attributing COVID-19 as an underlying or contributing cause on death certificates in 2020.
By contrast, there were 446,197 U.S. deaths attributed to COVID-19 on death certificates in 2021, as of Jan. 12.

A CDC spokesperson wrote in a Jan. 5 email the CDC won't have the final 2021 data for nearly a year, but the death toll will climb as more data comes in for 2021. The spokesperson said it is safe to say the 2021 death toll will remain higher than in 2020.

The CDC numbers show there were over 60,000 more deaths in 2021 compared to 2020.

So, indeed, the number of COVID-19 deaths in 2021 as reported by the CDC exceeds the number of deaths reported in 2020.

Originally Posted by Tsmokies

But but but ... it's just the sniffles, right?
This thread like so many is a joke about Trump's dick is igger than Biden's dick or vice versa. Who fucking cares? The country is in shambles, record high inflation, energy costs going even higher, crime on the rise and th world is also at the brink of a major war. And we have a sleeping idiot in the oval office. Lets fix what is broke today who fucking cares about stupid shit in 2020, or 2019, what about where we are in 2022. I will tell you some well known facts no Biden ass supporter can defend. We as a nation and the world in whole is much worse off today than it was before. Ok, so lets look at what worked back then and see if we make some corrections to energy prices, inflation, crime, etc. etc. And if the stock market being up is due to polcies Biden put into place keep them. Thbis is not rocket science, what it is, is each side bitching they were right and neither admitting their mistakes. Shut the fuck up and fix our nation and our planet. There is an idea for us!

Trump had a good idea with stay in Mexico policy while asylum cases are being sorted through, why not go back it, oh because Biden would have to face Fox news saying Biden was wrong. WHo gives a fuck? Fix it, fuck! Biden's idea of getting away from oil and natural gas for our energy is a good idea for both energy independence and the planet, great lets look at that but lets not stop the resources we have now. Utilize what works for the American people, not sitting around saying well Trump did this so just for that simple fact we as the inp ower party has to undo it. Stay in Mexico was a great idea, lets go back to that.
tman1847's Avatar
The economy is soaring at historic levels, unemployment is nonexistent, wages are increasing at never before seen rates, and inflation and interests are extremely tame compared to other periods of prosperity, And yes, the stock market has been very rewarding, especially to investors that turned away from the nose-bleed valuations of the FAANG stocks towards more asset rich stocks that benefit from a little inflation. And when you fill you SUV at the gas pump at 3.50 a gallon, thank you for making me a tiny bit richer. Originally Posted by tobias1988

Saw this post last evening and thought wow have things improved that quickly.
An hour later watching national news subject was “Inflation still at record pace”

Wholesale inflation 88%, Manufacturing 71%, Retail 69%, Construction 69%

61% of small business raised prices in 2021, the most in 5 decades.
5th week of gas price increases. Wages up 5%, but because of 7% inflation worker realize a 2% loss.

Starting the week every Sunday morning watching Chuck Todd (who still tries to pimp Joe Biden) dying on TV because he has to report on Biden failures week after week. At least he does so, unlike some idiot liberal posters on this board
You can't blame it on Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell. Originally Posted by Tiny
Couldn't be more right. The blame goes to Obama, Fauchi, Soros, and pretty much any other Dem.
... So Biden wants to end coal, closed the Keystone pipeline
and ended drillings in Alaska - all because those things
were hurting the enviorment and pushing the destruction
of the planet --- then WHY would he permit Putin to
use the pipeline over there?? ... Doesn't THAT aid in
the destruction of the planet?...

Biden and his policies are a JOKE. ... But no one's laughing.

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
The economy is soaring at historic levels, unemployment is nonexistent, wages are increasing at never before seen rates, and inflation and interests are extremely tame compared to other periods of prosperity. And yes, the stock market has been very rewarding, especially to investors that turned away from the nose-bleed valuations of the FAANG stocks towards more asset rich stocks that benefit from a little inflation. And when you fill you SUV at the gas pump at 3.50 a gallon, thank you for making me a tiny bit richer. Originally Posted by tobias1988
Wow! Except for stupidly describing inflation as "tame" (the 12-month CPI increase quintupled last year to 7.0% from 1.4% in 2020, which means prices are rising FIVE TIMES FASTER than a year ago) you paint a pretty rosy picture. But yeah, the economy has definitely been on a tear. It's been on a tear ever since Trump started pushing the state Governors to lift covid restrictions back in Q3 2020.

Real GDP climbed by a brisk 5.7% last year. That's the fastest growth since 1984, when Ronnie Reagan rode the wave of a strong economy to a landslide re-election victory. (Your fellow libtard wtf has been in a dejected funk ever since.)

But therein lies the paradox, toby. Why isn't our current President similarly benefiting from all this wonderful prosperity? Why is Joey's approval rating now under 40%? He's at a record low for any POTUS one year into his term. Why is the electorate so fucking ungrateful to Joey for the flush economy? There seems to be a huge disconnect there, toby! Care to explain it?
HedonistForever's Avatar
This thread like so many is a joke about Trump's dick is igger than Biden's dick or vice versa. Who fucking cares? The country is in shambles, record high inflation, energy costs going even higher, crime on the rise and th world is also at the brink of a major war. And we have a sleeping idiot in the oval office. Lets fix what is broke today who fucking cares about stupid shit in 2020, or 2019, what about where we are in 2022. I will tell you some well known facts no Biden ass supporter can defend. We as a nation and the world in whole is much worse off today than it was before. Ok, so lets look at what worked back then and see if we make some corrections to energy prices, inflation, crime, etc. etc. And if the stock market being up is due to polcies Biden put into place keep them. Thbis is not rocket science, what it is, is each side bitching they were right and neither admitting their mistakes. Shut the fuck up and fix our nation and our planet. There is an idea for us!

Trump had a good idea with stay in Mexico policy while asylum cases are being sorted through, why not go back it, oh because Biden would have to face Fox news saying Biden was wrong. WHo gives a fuck? Fix it, fuck! Biden's idea of getting away from oil and natural gas for our energy is a good idea for both energy independence and the planet, great lets look at that but lets not stop the resources we have now. Utilize what works for the American people, not sitting around saying well Trump did this so just for that simple fact we as the inp ower party has to undo it. Stay in Mexico was a great idea, lets go back to that. Originally Posted by Computerwise

Well, the "stay in Mexico" policy has turned into "stay at the Holiday Inn" with an ankle monitor that you will probably cut off and disappear before your court date. Great plan huh, Biden supporters?

And was it a great idea to "save the planet" by reducing our production of gas and oil only to beg OPEC to up their output which I can only guess is better at reducing carbon emissions than our gas and oil and while criticizing Germany for getting oil and gas from Russia, I hear that we are now "importing" Russian oil more than we did in the Trump years.

I have no problem at all investigating Trump as long as we investigate Biden. Equal justice under the law can never be a partisan issue but that is exactly what is happening in the Biden administration.

One latest example is the BLM protester that set fire to a store, killing the owner, a young Black man with a family and the Democrats are calling for leniency and got it with a less than the usual sentence but trespass in the halls of Congress, never attacking anybody ( Horn man ) and do you get any leniency having never touched anybody much less killed anybody? Yes, the place, our Capital, infuriates some of us, me included but that shouldn't change the written laws. Equal Justice means equal for everybody. You simply can't get a more harsh sentence for trespass and assault than you get for arson and murder. Anybody disagree with that?

The American people see this shit and wonder "where is the equity", where is the equal justice? Has any trespasser ever been held in solitary confinement for over a year for trespassing? I think the people that did trespass and assault cops, deserve to have the book thrown at them. And anybody caught on camera or audio calling for violence against anybody, should be charged appropriately.
HedonistForever's Avatar
... So Biden wants to end coal, closed the Keystone pipeline
and ended drillings in Alaska - all because those things
were hurting the enviorment and pushing the destruction
of the planet --- then WHY would he permit Putin to
use the pipeline over there?? ... Doesn't THAT aid in
the destruction of the planet?...

Biden and his policies are a JOKE. ... But no one's laughing.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

And why would we beg OPEC to produce more oil and natural gas so that we could continue to use what we were already using to supply our energy needs? And then to acknowledge we are getting more oil from Russia? OMG! Who the fuck is driving this clown car?
Sure, It is a matter of perspective. Seven percent inflation seems tame compared to 14-16-20 percent and if you take a long view, the last 30 or years of abnormally low inflation and interest rates, you can recognize the aberrational market behaviour obviously due to Federal Reserve intervention vis-a-vis the bond market and manipulating M2b. I am happy with my stock market returns. However, if you have not pivoted to asset rich companies and a posture to protect and profit from a more inflationary environment ( I like lithium, copper, silver, even wood and paper), then its probably too late for you.
... So Biden wants to end coal, closed the Keystone pipeline
and ended drillings in Alaska - all because those things
were hurting the enviorment and pushing the destruction
of the planet --- then WHY would he permit Putin to
use the pipeline over there?? ... Doesn't THAT aid in
the destruction of the planet?...

Biden and his policies are a JOKE. ... But no one's laughing.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

The Nord Stream 2 pipleline isn't oil, it's natural gas. Not the best, but better than coal and oil. At the end of the day, mother nature is undefeated, and we are like fleas multiplying and reducing the health. I doubt we'll ever figure out how to remedy the entire problem...but I'd prefer she not wipe all of us out of existance while I'm still above ground. Oh hell...apparently I'm going to be incinerated because I had the vax and die in roughly a year. Who cares??


Burning natural gas for energy results in fewer emissions of nearly all types of air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2) than burning coal or petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy. About 117 pounds of CO2 are produced per million British thermal units (MMBtu) equivalent of natural gas compared with more than 200 pounds of CO2 per MMBtu of coal and more than 160 pounds per MMBtu of distillate fuel oil. The clean burning properties of natural gas have contributed to increased natural gas use for electricity generation and as a transportation fuel for fleet vehicles in the United States.
  • Tiny
  • 02-09-2022, 09:42 PM
Burning natural gas for energy results in fewer emissions of nearly all types of air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2) than burning coal or petroleum products to produce an equal amount of energy. About 117 pounds of CO2 are produced per million British thermal units (MMBtu) equivalent of natural gas compared with more than 200 pounds of CO2 per MMBtu of coal and more than 160 pounds per MMBtu of distillate fuel oil. The clean burning properties of natural gas have contributed to increased natural gas use for electricity generation and as a transportation fuel for fleet vehicles in the United States. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Exactly. Perfect is the enemy of good. It doesn't make sense to discourage natural gas production.

The reason U.S. carbon emissions have dropped since 2006 is more because of natural gas than renewables. Low gas prices brought about by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing created a surplus of natural gas. And natural gas prices went down. Electricity generation from gas became cheaper than from coal, when you include capital costs. So coal consumption went down.

Warren, Sanders and some of the other Democratic presidential candidates in 2020 wanted to ban fracking. Biden wasn't willing to go that far, perhaps because he figured he'd lose Pennsylvania if he did. But he did promise to stop issuing drilling permits and leases on federal lands and federal offshore waters. Fortunately the courts struck that down.

The irony of all this is that without fracking we'd probably be a net importer of natural gas, and our carbon emissions would be higher than they are.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Exactly. Perfect is the enemy of good. It doesn't make sense to discourage natural gas production.

The reason U.S. carbon emissions have dropped since 2006 is more because of natural gas than renewables. Low gas prices brought about by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing created a surplus of natural gas. And natural gas prices went down. Electricity generation from gas became cheaper than from coal, when you include capital costs. So coal consumption went down.

Warren, Sanders and some of the other Democratic presidential candidates in 2020 wanted to ban fracking. Biden wasn't willing to go that far, perhaps because he figured he'd lose Pennsylvania if he did. But he did promise to stop issuing drilling permits and leases on federal lands and federal offshore waters. Fortunately the courts struck that down.

The irony of all this is that without fracking we'd probably be a net importer of natural gas, and our carbon emissions would be higher than they are. Originally Posted by Tiny

There we go again, two minds thinking alike. I just finished writing about how we stopped gas and oil production to help "save the planet" and lower carbon emissions, and then ask, beg OPEC to sell us back, the same amount we just gave up. We use it just like we always have and put just as much carbon into the air as if we were burning the energy that Americans produced and pay for generating huge sums of money and jobs.

Why is this so damn hard for some people to understand. I apologize about assuming we are thinking a like. You may be thinking, "what the F*** is he running on about". Yeah, I'm way past my bed time and I see the wine glass is empty.