"The Republican Party Will Adapt, Evolve or Die

flghtr65's Avatar
You are delusional.

Whoever the dems put up against McCann was going to win because the country was fed up with the Bush/Chaney eight years.

Romney's problem was personality as much as anything. He came across as uncompassionate. Not saying he is, but that was his image.

A "true conservative" would have done better? Not in 2008. Maybe in 2012 if they were a fiscal conservative with a good message and delivery, and who stayed out of the bedroom. But usually when I hear someone say the reps need a "real conservative" they mean a whacked out Thumper. And that era has passed. Originally Posted by Old-T
Good post Old-T. The country was fed up with Bush and Dick Chaney.

No auto worker that lived in Ohio, Wisconsin or Michigan was going to vote for Mitt after he said let GM go bankrupt. There was no way for Mitt to win in the electoral college if they lost all three of these swing states. No way for Mitt to win if he lost both Ohio and Florida and he lost both.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
They'll settle for what ever they can get. A political party's main function is to survive. "Wait till next time!" is the universal cry, whether it be sports, politics or any other endeavor of competition.
Doove's Avatar
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  • 05-01-2014, 05:53 PM
But he still has his die hard kool aid drinking followers. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Most of the "die hard kool aid drinking followers" (your stupid term, not mine) oppose the stupidity of the phony outrages against him moreso than they actually support him. And that's not to say they don't support him as much as it is to say that the majority of the outrages against him are, simply, inane. As is evidenced by this board and to a lesser extent, your post.
flghtr65's Avatar
Most of the "die hard kool aid drinking followers" (your stupid term, not mine) oppose the stupidity of the phony outrages against him moreso than they actually support him. And that's not to say they don't support him as much as it is to say that the majority of the outrages against him are, simply, inane. As is evidenced by this board and to a lesser extent, your post. Originally Posted by Doove
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-01-2014, 06:55 PM
That SHOULD have been obvious to the hatemonger RWWs, but it isn't. They are too blinded by their hate they don't realize that every asinine post just reenforces the "opposition". But keep it quiet, we don't want them to figure it out, do we?
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Hope they die along with the Tories!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Democrats and Republicans are redundant. I hope the GOP dies. Then all the Statists can move into the Democrat party, and a new opposition party to statism could develop and grow, without the baggage of the Old White Guard of the Republicans weighing them down.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Most of the "die hard kool aid drinking followers" (your stupid term, not mine) oppose the stupidity of the phony outrages against him moreso than they actually support him. And that's not to say they don't support him as much as it is to say that the majority of the outrages against him are, simply, inane. As is evidenced by this board and to a lesser extent, your post. Originally Posted by Doove
Phony outrages? LOL
Say hi to Dorothy and the tin man for me.
Everybody, even the Democrats, are talking how the Democrats are getting shellacked in Nov 2014...by the Republicans!

But the GOP is dying. Hilarious.

What's more hilarious? The Dems are basing the death of the GOP to the certain election of Hillary Clinton as POTUS in 2016. An old mare who couldn't even beat a freshman Senator with basically no legislative track record.

And who can't even list her major accomplishments as Secretary of State when asked.

Fuckin' Hilarious.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Everybody, even the Democrats, are talking how the Democrats are getting shellacked in Nov 2014...by the Republicans! Originally Posted by gnadfly
What difference does it make. Both parties are screwing us over.
Everybody, even the Democrats, are talking how the Democrats are getting shellacked in Nov 2014...by the Republicans!

But the GOP is dying. Hilarious.

What's more hilarious? The Dems are basing the death of the GOP to the certain election of Hillary Clinton as POTUS in 2016. An old mare who couldn't even beat a freshman Senator with basically no legislative track record.

And who can't even list her major accomplishments as Secretary of State when asked.

Fuckin' Hilarious. Originally Posted by gnadfly
About as hilarious as the GOP not being able to come up with a candidate worthy of beating that same freshman senator...Twice.
About as hilarious as the GOP not being able to come up with a candidate worthy of beating that same freshman senator...Twice. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You must excuse Gonad the smelly ol' Turdfly. Being able to put that thought together would take an intelligence level higher than being able to add 2+2=4.

Adding 2+2 is well beyond Turdy's intelligence level. Or lack thereof! Remember, all Turdy is and all he will ever be is the smelly ol' Idiot Family Lapdog.

It should be noted that the Idiot Family patriarch, LexiLiar, is especially fond of his smelly ol' Lapdog!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hope they die along with the Tories!!! Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Pip pip. Jolly good.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
The Tories actually have a better chance @ PM than the Republicans in this country come next election. Yesterday on Hardball it was reported Jeb was running. It doesn't sound like the right wing portion of the Republican Party was all that supportive. I thought he was a bible banging candidate? More so than Jr.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-02-2014, 09:06 AM
About as hilarious as the GOP not being able to come up with a candidate worthy of beating that same freshman senator...Twice. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The logic of that is lost on gnadfly