
What's great about all this is Janessa, has once shown here true colors, she is no better then a streetwalker and calls herself world class, when she has no idea what the word class means.

What a shame to have such a nice body and no brain to go with it, Frankenstien would of loved having her around!

I seen this post on a site today:

It's the Carmyn and Janessa Fraud show, Carmyn is the ventriliquist & Janessa is the dummy, stay away, not worth the effort!!!!

It seems what goes around comes around, to bad, she did give great h--d!
Yes carmyne... there are 2 cities that I use BP for... Im also on dozens of other sites and currently 2nd most viewed out of 5000 providers on Datecheck ,State ambassador on GBN, have over 50 reviews on various sites, and also make a point to APPRECIATE the wonderful clients that have chosen to share their time and roses with me.... so what exactly is your point???
Just don't engage them Golfer. The 90% - 10% rule. You are in the 10% for a reason.
LMAO Golfer did you just post something to yourself ??? Thats why you are aweeesommmeee!!! Thats too funny
Omahan's Avatar
Remember the movie Dumb and Dumber? We should name this thread Nasty and Nastier.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Obviously not many understand how to get along.
carmyne if you do intend to stay here at eccie I would suggest no more trashing of the clientele. Those of you who do not care for janessaskye I strongly suggest you stop taking every moment you have to argue with her or about her.

If she does something you believe is against the rules here then let me know. Otherwise I can only conclude that it's something more.

Marcus Aurelius.
It matters to everyone on this board, your employee, provider, client has made to many and I mean to many snide remarks about members, providers and thinks she is way above the rules of the game and better then others.

Now you pop in and are going to save all these problems for her? Yea right, spare us your stories and bogus knowledge for you have very little.

Let's see:

West Coast Premier providers use Eros or Redbook
You can use adult search in any state
Cityvibe you can use in any state

So see some of us hobbyists know where the real providers are and certainly not on BP, so your wisdom once again falls short.

As for Janessa which this is probaly you, what's going to happen when you continue to piss of these eccie members because we mean nothing and one of them resorts to blasting you all over these sites with bad reviews?

The magic of the keyboard and mouse can do one's career in this business very good or bad, teach her that Carmyn.

By the way the new pics on BP well they sure make those boobs look deflated, are you on that new Meth diet?

Good luck and remember we do matter! Originally Posted by onerichmandsm
Redbook is a joke. no one makes money from it. No one ever has and no one ever will. I applaud your google skills though. You entered "escorts in san francisco" and got redbook.

Of course you have never worked there, or probably seen anyone there, and so dont know that its like Naughty nightlife. Present everywhere, valuable nowhere.

Eros costs 100$ an ad. Few people use it because the handful of cities its valuable in you get buried almost immediately and then have to pay 50$ more to repost every few days.

Adult search is a pathetic auto repost site. No one looks at it and no business comes from it. Anywhere.

And cityvibe is only good in southern cali and LV. Outside of that its a giant waste of money. Frankly in most of the midwest Sipsap is better for call volume.

Do continue to pretend you know about this business from our side though. Its quite amusing.
Obviously not many understand how to get along.
carmyne if you do intend to stay here at eccie I would suggest no more trashing of the clientele. Those of you who do not care for janessaskye I strongly suggest you stop taking every moment you have to argue with her or about her.

If she does something you believe is against the rules here then let me know. Otherwise I can only conclude that it's something more.

Marcus Aurelius. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Please. Rich man called with a pissy attitude months ago and thinks everyone should just take his bad attitude with a smile and if not he'll throw a hissy fit.

And seth is just an e-troll with fake reviews.

But like most forums this is a bash site for hobbyists.

Seth made it that, look at how many positive reviews of girls (not just Janessa) that he has jumped into and thrown garbage on and attacked the reviewer in. And nothing has ever happened to him for it. Nothing.

If it was just my client that would be one thing, but its not. He does it all the time to hobbyists putting up reviews about lots of girls here. He's just here to feel important after being kicked out of grainbelt and to throw dirt on people.

And thats why forums in the midwest dont matter. Because few people here look at them and see an unbiased environment.

It goes back to the ASPD moderators who would contact a provider and say they would put up a bad review if she didnt do bareback for free for them.

Theres simply no unbiased believability on any forum in this part of the country outside of grainbelt and the girl who runs truly angels says some awful things about them, even though i never experienced any of it.

And thats why it doesnt matter here. 99% of hobbyists dont want to be part of the drama of a forum. So they look at the reviews to see if the provider is real and then click off.

If thats ever going to change in this part of the country people like Sethg need to be restrained.

Just send an email to the TNA board owners and ask them how to handle his type. I'm sure you'll get good advice.
Just don't engage them Golfer. The 90% - 10% rule. You are in the 10% for a reason. Originally Posted by Golfer1

Wow. Best post in the thread...
