Kissing, doing it well or not at all?

I think if I kissed Al the trauma to us both would never go away. But equally true if you told me kissing All would get me a full night to have my way with you, I'd tongue gag him till he fucking passed out. If I absolutely had a kiss another profile I think we both know the answer to that don't we punkin. My fellow mandle. :::snickers::::
Now if you meant any provider profile? That would put me in a difficult spot. Lol only two real answers to that.
annie@christophers's Avatar
Yea...but not someone already seen. I'm trying to think. Without knowing what look like... I mean I kinda ...well you go. There's a couple... you and al...gentlemen and the joker....I wish I could remember that Cajun guys handle.. he was so cool. Years ago. It'll come.. OK everyone tell. I won't get picked cause if by writing well they would be crazy to pick this handle. Lmaof. Let's ask the girls. I'll go bug them back.
Someone not seen? That's easy Lena Duval. No question. Would love a kissing session with her.
You asking the girls? Aweee man I am screwed. Okay I am a much handsomer version of King Kong Bundy. This should be interesting.
annie@christophers's Avatar
They are boring. So Ole gent. Unless we drag boudin. Back on here we are gonna have to pull teeth to get a funny going. So tell me a story. You had fun as a boy??
myren1900's Avatar
There HAS to be some chemistry between us if I kiss a provider.
That happens nearly all the time

Someone I haven't met? Well then, let's keep it among friends: Cloey Banks.
Lol my man Boudin, went in dry on that one. I agree I've never really had a good kiss from a hooker, some are skilled but still cant kiss because its 99% emotion, which is completely cut out of this.

One had breath that didn't stink like a cock. ONE. There are some girls in the moment I would love to kiss, but shortly after I blow my load I'm glad I didn't. I'm itchy down there, fucking street walkers smh. I guess Ill shave tonight and search for crabs or herp...again, sigh. I wish I had more self control.

That was very insightful, masturbation by proxy. Exactly. These girls are disgusted by us, we are all lowlife, pathetic, losers that have to pay for sex or someone to acknowledge our existence, companionship. Which isn't always true, I pay to keep your mouth shut. But I understand, I am disgusting and fat, I'm to old and don't care anymore, I don't have the energy anymore and it doesn't matter. But then again I'm not selling my body, my looks don't matter anymore, some of you girls need to get your shit together, ya'll fucking gross. I often walk away from a date feeling I should have been paid. We are disgusted by them because they suck a load out of anything with a fist full of dollars.

DATY, get the fuck outta here, I'm not lonely and not knocking the lonely dudes, I get it and it sucks I've been lonely in the past and wanted nothing more than a soft touch and a smelly wet snatch in my face. I fully expect the burning rubber smell and a little fish, we're humans, they fuck latex all day. Whats uncalled for is the rotting semen smell. Long story short yeah not a fan. I always do I finger check first and smell their mouth without them seeing. Its rare for me to lose control and daty, its never even been my thing with real sex though.

There are some high quality women out here and you girls really deserve your hard earned money putting up with us cheap slobs. But everyone else is riding your coattails.
A funny story hmmm. I grew up on a sugarcane farm. That explains my strapping good looks. When I began to date my grandfather, the man who raised me decided to have to man with me and warned to that if I was gonna play I had better protect myself from that nasty "herbs". I was herbs?, he says yeah that herbs stuff. He says this in the thickest coonass accent you can imagine. I am like so which herb Papa? He says there only one herb. I said so like I need to protect myself from parsley? He smacks me in the head. I say you mean herpies? He says yeah herbs. I go ohhhhhhhh and just nod my head safely.
myren1900's Avatar
Yep, if you start growing herbs in your private areas, something is definitely amiss, LOL

These girls are disgusted by me, I'm a lowlife, a pathetic, loser that have to pay for sex for someone to acknowledge my existence. I understand, I am disgusting and fat, I'm to old.
Originally Posted by radio109

some of you girls need to get your shit together, ya'll fucking gross. Originally Posted by radio109
....Says the man with the small penis

There are some high quality women out here and you girls really deserve your hard earned money putting up with my cheap sloppy ass. Originally Posted by radio109
Keep the sour sacks down ladies. Peck to the wandle. Dam I am kissing myself now. Well a favorite is in town. Going get some kissing. Handcuffs and blindfold for fun. Bad pulp porn to follow. Later.
That's nice hun. Sorry you're angry babe. Did I do something? Nothing but respect over here. I'm a confident man btw, but I get it. Did we just break up or something? Sorry, you're very slightly over my age limit, fucking smoking btw. Glad you dropped the gloves and lashed out, even more glad I was man enough to bring it out.

albundy's Avatar
So I am sure there have been hundreds of threads on this, but I am too lazy to data mine today. So I really like a good kisser and so far I have had nothing but good experiences in general, but a good kisser is not so common. I know some won't do it and that is totally cool, but I think if a provider does it there should be some attempt to do it well or take it off the menu. Your thoughts? Originally Posted by OldGent
When Gianna goes to your town, rent her. MOST of the time she starts kissing damn near right when the door opens. Or maybe I'm just that irresistible. Who knows?

I love DATY, but it depends on the chick. No fucking way was I eating out "Trouble". With "Daisy" I would have, and I have before, but she wasn't "fresh out of the shower". She smelled fine and wasn't all sweaty or anything. She was clean. But, I need a "JUST" out of the shower hooker to do any dining. Just my personal preference.