Ladies, for your safety

pyramider's Avatar
As I have said often, the dead make the best modtards.
Smmfh I Don't Think any of this funny at all. There is a time to talk shit and a time not too, time to use your heads. I'm leaving Sat to attend the protests in the Chi and praying it doesn't get as bad there as Dallas
Are you serious? Every weekend in Chicago is worse than last night. If there is one protest to avoid it would be the one in the city with the highest murder rate. Keep your running shoes on and maybe a bit of kevlar. Stay safe.
Frique-Me's Avatar
Smmfh I Don't Think any of this funny at all. There is a time to talk shit and a time not too, time to use your heads. I'm leaving Sat to attend the protests in the Chi and praying it doesn't get as bad there as Dallas Originally Posted by shayla84
Now that's a false equivalency... To compare Dallas to Chicago is like finding the level of violence in Afghanistan and Wyoming comparable. Our city struggles BUT WE DON'T DO THIS SHIT DAILY!!! Nothing like Chicago... NOT IN ANY WAY!!! I think the OP made a failed attempt at levity. Any decent person knows some severely sick shit happened last night, it was (IMO) a terroristic act specifically targeting "cops and white people". Let's call a spade, a spade (no pun intended)
Generic White Guy's Avatar
DrZ - poor taste and even worse timing...

Shayla - thanks for getting involved and making your opinion known...