Awww poor Jackass Smith , the Supremes shoots him down

ManSlut's Avatar
I just wish oilfieldace had learned more about correct grammar, spelling and punctuation from his high school days of being ranked #3 out of 23 graduating class.

I say post up your pic ‘oily’ and let us judge who looks more like a “serial killer”?

For someone who made a career of the oilfield, you sure are a sensitive type…Upon my graduation from high school one of my uncles (from my Dad’s side, who had also been a toolpusher previously before starting a business) got me a job working on the ‘4 legged jackup’ rig in the Gulf of Mexico, of which he was one the 2 toolpushers (1 for each 7 day on, 7 day off crew). The company would hire college guys, all pursuing some type of engineering degree, to work our summer and winter breaks. We were all just peon roustabouts, but because of my Uncle being in the position he was in, I got moved to the drilling floor my 3rd summer break and learned to roughneck (always wanted to learn be a derrickman)…Anyway, in my 4 years working offshore to help me earn my degree, I never met anyone as ‘sensitive’ as you!…All the oilfield hands I worked with, mainly the roughnecks, were some of the hardest working, toughest people I have ever met. You worked hard or they’d put you in your place. They were either strongass ex-cons or Missouri farm boy types, who either talked & joked almost incessantly or might not hardly ever speak, but not a one of them was ‘sensitive’ like you.

Like Lucious McCain tried to tell you, if you can’t take the fallout of starting of a ‘pro-Trumper’ type thread, then don’t start one.

I read Jack Smith’s bio and I find it impressive. The man even played football & baseball in high school; has competed in over 100 triathlons, at least 9 of them being ‘Ironmans’; graduated summa cum laude with his B.S. from a New York university and cum laude from Harvard Law School…Jack Smith is a bright man who doesn’t seem inclined to make mistakes or poor decisions. I just wish Merrick Garland hadn’t wasted 2 years to ‘sic him’ on Trump’s sorryass!
... Blimey! ... me good mate Bambino is gonna be blue as a
Paris monkey IF I start waving Yellow or Red cards at blokes
- like I used to on the other site.

As I mentioned - let's stow the insults in the name of Christmas.
At least Mr. Scrooge wised up come Christmas morning and was
able to walkabout Bourke St. and wish the people of Melbourne G'day!

Can we not agree to disagree and toast some cheer?
Tuesday will be here soon enough and the fighti--- no, that's Boxing Day
- OK then come Wednesday the fighting can commence.

This is really about Jack Smith - not insults, mates.

#### Salty
I can't fathom how the same ones who maintain the belief of "unfair" elections oppose expediting processes to vet out unqualified candidates before their names are placed on the ballot. Seems reasonable to me regardless of who the candidate is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Read the OP Salty. It’s an invitation to a rumble, for gosh sakes. Surely you can understand how such language can be inciting and provocative. Kinda like repeating the same lie over and over again.

I have seen nothing in this thread from the OP or anyone else that makes me change my opinion of SCOTUS’ “action.”

The appeals court should step up the activity so Smith can get the issue back to SCOTUS quickly and put this saggy ball back in their court and get back to business.

Then we’ll really see who they preserve, protect and defend.

Happy Christmas!

oilfieldace's Avatar
I just wish oilfieldace had learned more about correct grammar, spelling and punctuation from his high school days of being ranked #3 out of 23 graduating class.

I say post up your pic ‘oily’ and let us judge who looks more like a “serial killer”?

For someone who made a career of the oilfield, you sure are a sensitive type…Upon my graduation from high school one of my uncles (from my Dad’s side, who had also been a toolpusher previously before starting a business) got me a job working on the ‘4 legged jackup’ rig in the Gulf of Mexico, of which he was one the 2 toolpushers (1 for each 7 day on, 7 day off crew). The company would hire college guys, all pursuing some type of engineering degree, to work our summer and winter breaks. We were all just peon roustabouts, but because of my Uncle being in the position he was in, I got moved to the drilling floor my 3rd summer break and learned to roughneck (always wanted to learn be a derrickman)…Anyway, in my 4 years working offshore to help me earn my degree, I never met anyone as ‘sensitive’ as you!…All the oilfield hands I worked with, mainly the roughnecks, were some of the hardest working, toughest people I have ever met. You worked hard or they’d put you in your place. They were either strongass ex-cons or Missouri farm boy types, who either talked & joked almost incessantly or might not hardly ever speak, but not a one of them was ‘sensitive’ like you.

Like Lucious McCain tried to tell you, if you can’t take the fallout of starting of a ‘pro-Trumper’ type thread, then don’t start one.

I read Jack Smith’s bio and I find it impressive. The man even played football & baseball in high school; has competed in over 100 triathlons, at least 9 of them being ‘Ironmans’; graduated summa cum laude with his B.S. from a New York university and cum laude from Harvard Law School…Jack Smith is a bright man who doesn’t seem inclined to make mistakes or poor decisions. I just wish Merrick Garland hadn’t wasted 2 years to ‘sic him’ on Trump’s sorryass! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Thanks for your concern, I will take what I gots in the bank anyway over grammar. But your concern is noted and filed appropriately
Precious_b's Avatar
Like the dog he is. I swear that liberal freak looks like a serial killer. Perhaps that’s the course he should have choose that avenue because a lawyer he ain’t.

TRUMP 2024 Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Your obsession with degrading your fellow poster intelligence level astounds me? Why do you do that ? Does it compensate your manhood?
... Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Momma said to treat one and all politely. No matter how stupid they are. Even the English adopt that rule. They are polite to everyone. Even those they don't like.

Now don't get your panties in a wad when others *here* address you the way you talk about those that aren't memebers here.

... Now, now there, mates... Christmas comes but once a year.
No need to barney about things. ... Originally Posted by Salty Again
I think you'd make a grand looking St Nick, salty.
You got the jolly belly for it?


For someone who made a career of the oilfield, you sure are a sensitive type…
They were either strongass ex-cons or Missouri farm boy types, who either talked & joked almost incessantly or might not hardly ever speak, but not a one of them was ‘sensitive’ like you.

Like Lucious McCain tried to tell you, if you can’t take the fallout of starting of a ‘pro-Trumper’ type thread, then don’t start one.

I read Jack Smith’s bio and I find it impressive. The man even played football & baseball in high school; has competed in over 100 triathlons, at least 9 of them being ‘Ironmans’; graduated summa cum laude with his B.S. from a New York university and cum laude from Harvard Law School…Jack Smith is a bright man who doesn’t seem inclined to make mistakes or poor decisions. I just wish Merrick Garland hadn’t wasted 2 years to ‘sic him’ on Trump’s sorryass! Originally Posted by ManSlut
You'd think he was Jack Fords boss when Susie Meyerson referenced his sensitivity to the thickness of the skin of the scrotum.

All out, Jack Smith exercised the principle of Doesn't Hurt To Ask. And the Court gave the standard reply, let it play out in the lower courts. Can't blame the guy trying to counter a Roy Cohn tactic donny seems to do by delay, delay, delay.
Self description belies personal threads started.
Your obsession with degrading your fellow poster intelligence level astounds me? Why do you do that ? Does it compensate your manhood?

To answer your question , I graduated 3 rd in a H S class of 23. After the swim party for graduation, I went to work on Drilling rig SE of town. That was 1965, I retired in 2015. I made a ton of money . I retired from a company in 2015 and went to consulting. Geez I couldn’t believe the money they paid , had I retired 10 years earlier I would be a billionaire.

That’s pretty good for a farm boy. My company had many districts, when there was a problem that all those, LSU, A& M, Rolle School of Mines, Colorado School of Mines and UT engineers couldn’t fix, guess who they came to to fix the problem?

Biomed , I just had to respond publicly to this dude, he can post without attempting to insult people.

Point me if you must Originally Posted by oilfieldace