why are not providers screened?

Sorry but doesn't cut it yet.

We only know each other here by handles, and real personalities are anonymous. Providers here don't want me to know who they really are. I've tried. But they insist on knowing who I am.

*sigh* (and I mean that in the most exasperatingly non-judgmental way)

Please, think hard about what you are saying. Yes, most of us only know one another by handle names...and so? If you have the wherewithal to go check out an "agency", then you should have the same wherewithal to check out a provider based on her reviews, ok's, and even by asking other gents she's seen. THAT is your screening method. It takes moments. I encourage gents to do that with me so that they feel safe.

Holly smoke! Not suggesting ALL independents are crooks...never said that. All it takes is once....one crooked girl to ruin you're whole life. Why play Russ Roullette when you don't have to. If you want to know who I am why not tell me who you are? Not saying I don't play. Just need to screen you...that's all.

[COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]As for indies being like russian roulette...isn't seeing one of you hobbiests the same thing? Yes, I think so. To top it all off...the stories I hear about pimps strong arming gents and ladies doing a grab and run are agency stories! The truth of the matter is that bad things can happen with indies and agencies alike. Just like some people aren't as hygenic as others, some aren't as trustworthy as others. [/color]

[COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]Yeah, criminal background checks aren't required to be verified. But then again, the same is left out with verified P411 members. I'm supposed to trust that a gent is ok b/c P411 says so? No. You guys aren't the only ones who get left out in the cold sometimes. At least with providers, you can check to see if someone else has seen her...has there been an alert posted on her...what kind of posts does she make...has she been professional...was she safe...did she come alone or with muscle? [/color]
[COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"][/color]
[COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]There isn't the inequity you seem to see to the degree you seem to see it at. We don't know who you are, we take your word for it. "Oh? Your name is John Smith and you're from Chicago?" Great. So when I check out John...and nothing comes up...I can take that a number of ways. Either he's got no harmful baggage, OR he's a fake. Hmmm. Seem fair?[/color]

Verified Provider here means she/he has good services, not that a background check
has been done to see if that person is a crook, predator, scumbag or armed robber.

For example....

Started doing business with Wildflowers, which I found on this site. Turned out the owner, calls himself "Max," but doesn't want anyone to know who he really is.

If someone like that can be a verified provider then what does that tell you?

[COLOR="rgb(139, 0, 0)"]I doubt that verified provider status was started to make you think everyone has a clean record. Its function is to verify that the person IS an actual provider...NOT Ellie or an agent of. Silly. Besides, a past criminal history is no different than YOUR current one. People in glass houses, man...if you get arrested on your next visit with one of your prized agency girls, is everyone supposed to write you off from that point on b/c you're "tainted". (Coming from a woman with no criminal arrests or convictions myself, I don't even do that).[/color] Originally Posted by barrister
There are risks. This is a risky hobby. Take it like a man or get a sugar baby and go to town. That...is all. LOL
The_Leopard's Avatar
There are risks. This is a risky hobby. Take it like a man or get a sugar baby and go to town. That...is all. LOL Originally Posted by Nina Rae
I think he should. His risk is his own thoughts. He is thinking of getting caught or the such that he has posted. I think he should get a girlfriend and figure out what he wants.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I'm not on the staff here, but I think people should not read too much into someone being a "verified provider." As I see it, at best it means she is known to have actually provided services. It doesn't mean she's good. It doesn't mean she doesn't kill and eat one client every month and nobody on the board has figured it out yet.

Some of the most dangerous providers in this business are those who do provide good service for a while and then rob, blackmail, assault, expose, or otherwise harm their clients.

By the way folks,
Budman's Avatar
Budman...There are plenty who "require" not only your first and last name, but verifiable work info as well...I think the point that Barrister is making is that for their own safety the girls want to know as much about us as they can, but as their customers we don't even know their real names. They guard their identities and info, but want to know all about us...In other words "trust me with your info, but I don't trust you with mine".
"Safety" is a 2 way street and I think we can all agree with a providers need for it.They never know for sure who is walking in the door of their incall, or what they might be walking into during an outcall..The same is true for us as their customers though. It works both ways, and I personally refuse to give any info about myself other than my first name untill I'm I'm good and ready to. But that's just me and that's how I roll. If a providers screening standards are too rigid to suit me then I don't even bother trying to see them. They have their rules, and I have mine. The word "discrete" has become a buzzword, is overused and worn out as far as I'm concerned.
I was at a party a year or so ago and ran into a provider that I'd recently seen. She glommed onto me, chatting incessantly and wouldn't get the hint when I kept trying to get away from her...The entire time she was following me around the party I was getting a hole stared through me by her creepy looking boyfriend/friend or whoever he was that she came with..I'm real glad that she knew nothing about me other than my first name...Screening info might be safe with a provider, but there are certainly no guarantees about how safe it is with psycho boyfriends/significant others who could also have access to it. Originally Posted by Libertine

We have apparently been contacting different providers. I have never or will I ever give out my real name. Providers ask for screening info and I provide them with several providers I have seen recently. If this does not satisfy them I move on. What they are looking for is some assurance that you are not w/ LE or a short change artist or abusive. As a hobbyist I am doing my research (read screening) to make sure they are not w/ LE or a cash and dash artist. Once those items have been satisfied for both parties a session takes place. It may not be the greatest session but screening from either side will not gaurantee a great time but it will eliminate as much as possible a really horrific time. I'm curious which providers require full name and place of employment. I know I've seen it listed a time or two but it certainly is not the norm.
Whispers's Avatar
Some of the most dangerous providers in this business are those who do provide good service for a while and then rob, blackmail, assault, expose, or otherwise harm their clients. Originally Posted by GneissGuy

Good Girls do go bad....
runswithscissors's Avatar
You are quoted as saying "providers here don't want me to know who they really are. I've tried."

My suggestion would be to step away from this hobby.

1. You are scaring the shit out of everyone with a statement like that.
2. Stop and ask yourself why it is you want to hobby in the first place.

It is o.k. to be paranoid, but to go to the extreme is non-productive for everyone, mainly yourself.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Good Girls do go bad.... Originally Posted by Whispers
That's true.

However, I'm talking about the ones who always were rotten, but give good service until you tick them off, or they decide it's an opportune moment to take advantage of a particular client.
Holly smoke! Not suggesting ALL independents are crooks...never said that. All it takes is once....one crooked girl to ruin you're whole life. Originally Posted by barrister

Hmmm...Is that like saying that if you get one bad blow job, it ruins you for all blow jobs? All it takes is one.... I'm just saying.......If you want to be completely safe and have no risk whatsoever, then perhaps you should never get out of bed in the morning. After all, with Austin traffic, just leaving your house every day is probably riskier that seeing an established Indy provider!!!!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 05-27-2010, 06:17 PM

By the way folks,
Originally Posted by GneissGuy
More and more, I'm surprised at how few people can recognize the various incarnations of the antagonist in the children's fairy tale, "Three Billy Goats Gruff." What happened to cultural literacy?

I blame public schools. And the Me generation. And the general American cultural malaise of the 1970's. And cable TV. And George Lucas. And the internet. And Cartoon Network. And DVDs. And YouTube. And my ex-wife. I blame her for a lot of shit. It's just fun.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 05-28-2010, 11:44 AM
I do things the old fashioned way, way my Papa taught me. If you have a reputation to protect, and you're not a fool, then know who you're doing business with. Originally Posted by barrister
There have been numerous cases of providers being stalked or having their activities exposed. You knowing who they are puts them at risk of you creating problems for them.

Never use independents for that reason. Do this with a stranger? Get caught? Hidden cameras? Getting ripped-off isn't the worst thing that can happen. A girl or her madam turn rat on you? Blackmail maybe?
Better to avoid crooks, and stupid humiliation, when you can satisfy the urge intelligently. Originally Posted by barrister
This is illogical. Independents are less likely to have the resources to do this sort of thing. Anonymity is what protects EVERYONE. If everyone is a stranger and all is known is from reviews, ads and on-board posts, that is enough.

For the slam-bam go to a madam, or a service. My Papa showed me this way. Introduce yourself to the manager. Look her/him straight in the eye and offer them your hand to shake. Shake theirs firmly and continue looking at them in the eye. Find out who they are, and what they do, because they know who you are. Originally Posted by barrister
They should NOT know who you are. And what difference does a handshake really make? If someone is planning to rip you off, do you think they care whether you shake their hand or not? You are not hiring someone to remodel your kitchen.

My suggestion to you is to look at the pictures and text of ads and read the reviews. Everything you need to know should be there.
pyramider's Avatar
Let barrister draw his own conclusions. If he prefers to diddle with strippers, so be it. If he were truly worried about his good name would he really be p4p with strippers? Most of the gents on any SHMB can tell tales on strippers, and some of those are real page turners.

Barrister, if you are really worried about protecting your good name why hobby at all? Get a porn and a bottle of lube, then you have no worries.
The_Leopard's Avatar
Let barrister draw his own conclusions. If he prefers to diddle with strippers, so be it. If he were truly worried about his good name would he really be p4p with strippers? Most of the gents on any SHMB can tell tales on strippers, and some of those are real page turners.

Barrister, if you are really worried about protecting your good name why hobby at all? Get a porn and a bottle of lube, then you have no worries. Originally Posted by pyramider

Thanks for summing this up man.
To Budman, I am one provider that will require name and employment IF you are a newbie and requesting an appointment. I am an established lady that will see newbies. I have my requirements. If you don't like them then you don't have to see me. I do not budge on my screening. Ladies know and speak to eachother so we pretty much know who screens well and who we will trust a reference from, so this benefits a newbie in big ways. Guess what I do with your most valuable info after we have met..... I hit the delete button. I only maintain the info needed for a reference. Period.
Budman's Avatar
To Budman, I am one provider that will require name and employment IF you are a newbie and requesting an appointment. I am an established lady that will see newbies. I have my requirements. If you don't like them then you don't have to see me. I do not budge on my screening. Ladies know and speak to eachother so we pretty much know who screens well and who we will trust a reference from, so this benefits a newbie in big ways. Guess what I do with your most valuable info after we have met..... I hit the delete button. I only maintain the info needed for a reference. Period. Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe

I guess we will never meet then. I have no problem with your methods but I won't give you that info. If you are not OK with several provider references then I move on. I do believe you when you say you delete the info but that doesn't make it true. I don't know you and for all any of us know you could be keeping a little black book like Heidi Fleiss. I'm not accusing you of this but that is the reason I protect my identity. I.m sure you protect yours as well.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 05-28-2010, 08:25 PM
I guess we will never meet then. I have no problem with your methods but I won't give you that info. If you are not OK with several provider references then I move on. I do believe you when you say you delete the info but that doesn't make it true. I don't know you and for all any of us know you could be keeping a little black book like Heidi Fleiss. I'm not accusing you of this but that is the reason I protect my identity. I.m sure you protect yours as well. Originally Posted by Budman
You have 8 reviews, dog; pretty sure you're not a newbie.