DEATH for Boston Bomber..... Better than SuperMax?

If the appeals process does get this terrorist 3 hots and a cot for the rest of his miserable life, I hope that he's fed pork products which will end any chance he has of hooking up with the pederast founder of his religion and meeting those "virgins" that they are supposed to get in their "'great reward " . And I would like to start a fund for the other inmates at the Supermax, adding to their commissary account, if they can strenuously and intently explain the error of his ways to him every day of his miserable, wretched life.
Being a Texan, I have NO problem with him being executed other than it takes so long for it finally to be done to him, compared to the amount of time that his murder victims had. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
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My sentiments exactly!
Death (putting him to sleep) would be the easy way out for him. He planned on dying anyway, so that is not a big deal to him. IMHO that isn't PUNISHMENT for the crime committed in this case.
He's a menace to society and should never be allowed out.
As this is the case, execute him. Whether rotting in prison the rest of his days or the chair is better/worse is irrelevant. I don't care what is better/worse for him. He's inhuman. I care nothing other than he never be allowed to walk amongst society again; thus, execution is advantageous to me as a taxpayer. Solves the issue of keeping this guy from ever hurting anyone again AND being (yet another) burden to the system.
I found this from Forbes article 2006
According to a study by the Urban Institute, the per-cell cost of a Supermax is about $75,000 annually, compared to $25,000 for each cell in an ordinary state prison.
$75,000 a year! He's not worth 7 cents. Let's allocate these funds for far more worthy and deserving causes. Originally Posted by KamaSutram
Strap him on a Hellfire missile and send him off to visit the Taliban 5 that were released from Gitmo.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!!
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They should let him rot in a cell