Twitter might be toast!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the other part is to look at their profits. they should be making money, but they're not. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Muskrat has some rather ambitious plans to jack up twittybird's revenues. like triple it in about 10 years.

twittybird does not make money. rather surprising that, would have expected a 15 year old company to be profitable by now. this makes Muskrat's buyout offer a little stranger. pay 50b for a company that loses money? be an interesting turn around if he can pull it off. butt Muskrat has a lot of experience with companies that make a lot of money like Tesla. oh wait ...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-15-2022, 04:14 AM
and just how do you monetize bots? if the bots are internally created by twittybird and it becomes known companies paying for ad's will be pissed and stop buying ad's. they want their ad's on sites with high pages hits if they find out a large number of bots falsely pad those stats they will pull the ad's. if the bots are mostly external from twittybird then twittybird has no control at all over it and again the page traffic is inflated. and one of the things Muskrat said he wants to do is to see a subscription for ad free accounts. as low as 3 dollars i hear. which for a monthly subscription is pretty damn cheap.

it would not surprise me that the current woketard leadership at twittybird has been faking bot data. what could it really be? 10%, 15%, over 20%?

that would be like 20% of posters here on ecky are bots. of course VitaLessMan thinks i'm a bot anyway

bhahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
bambino is parroting Russian bot material, you too.

But bambino is the King!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-15-2022, 04:16 AM
Muskrat has some rather ambitious plans to jack up twittybird's revenues. like triple it in about 10 years.

twittybird does not make money. rather surprising that, would have expected a 15 year old company to be profitable by now. this makes Muskrat's buyout offer a little stranger. pay 50b for a company that loses money? be an interesting turn around if he can pull it off. butt Muskrat has a lot of experience with companies that make a lot of money like Tesla. oh wait ...

bahahahahahhaaaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm ready to see Elon get his ass handed to him.

He said he didn't care about making money from Twitter! That didn't last long!
ICU 812's Avatar
Folks like Limbaugh and Hannity have often said that Twitter was, in some ways, not eal or did not represent a reality.

I do recall that Rush had figured out that when a cascade of negative tweets on him hit the 'net, that it was just a small number of operators twittering away and re-tweeting in an echo effect.

So to find that there are far fewer real accounts than the Twitter organization reports is not surprising. Did the Twitter organization know this? I think they may very well have.

Did Musk know it was hollow and the whole "I'll-just-buy-Twitter" thing was his way of exposing the sham and then collapsing Twitter? Yeah, I could believe that too.
texassapper's Avatar
10-15% of twitter accounts are bots... less than 10% of the US has a twitter account.

It isn't reality.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
10-15% of twitter accounts are bots... less than 10% of the US has a twitter account.

It isn't reality. Originally Posted by texassapper
You heard it hear first. We have an exact range - right out out sappy's ass.
bambino's Avatar
Only a stupid person would buy Twitter for that price, and Elon is not a stupid person. Besides, how can the deal go through when he may have illegally bought his shares? Would be very unfair to all of those shareholders, past, present, and future, who got “screwed.” I appreciate the offer, but I will never go back to Twitter. I love TRUTH!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yup! Confirmation. Bina is our conspiracy-tard.
bambino's Avatar
Yup! Confirmation. Bina is our conspiracy-tard. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
And you’re a miserable, drunk loser.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

And you’re a miserable, drunk loser. Originally Posted by bambino
lustylad's Avatar
bambino is parroting Russian bot material, you too. Originally Posted by WTF
And you dutifully parrot DNC bot material, like a good little partisan hack!
lustylad's Avatar can the deal go through when he may have illegally bought his shares? Originally Posted by bambino
He didn't buy any shares illegally. Under SEC "beneficial ownership" rules, he was required to file a Form 13 disclosure within 10 days of acquiring more than 5% of the company. He disclosed his ownership stake of 9.2% on April 4 in a Form 13G (for passive investors), which was amended/replaced a week later by a Form 13D (active investors) after he decided not to take a Board seat but to bid for all outstanding shares instead.
lustylad's Avatar
The question isn't just how many bot accounts are on Twitter. I want to know how active they are in taking tweets viral. It's been known for some time that 10% of Twitter accounts generate 80-90% of all tweets. How many of those super-active accounts are bots?

Are bots being used to goose traffic by artificially elevating certain tweets to the "what's trending now?" list?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Thank you. Long, but detailed.

Sizing Up Twitter Users Originally Posted by lustylad

The design of this survey provides a unique opportunity to measure the characteristics and attitudes of Twitter users in the United States and link those observations to actual Twitter behaviors, such as how often users tweet or how many accounts they follow.

The Twitter platform provides multiple ways to post and share content, but the top 10% of tweeters are more likely to report using automated methods that allow others to post tweets on their behalf: 25% of highly prolific tweeters have done so, compared with only 15% of Twitter users in the bottom 90%.

Here we go!
It seems to me that Musk, by his actions, is flushing out the sewer.

Musk reminds me a lot of Howard Hugh’s is his ability to be involved in so many diversified
endeavors and make huge amounts of money.

Heck, he might shut Twitter down just for the heck of it.

Remember back when Hugh’s decided to rent the entire top floor of one of the plush Vegas hotels. After a while, the Hotel Management wanted him out. So, he bought the Hotel.

Elon Musk just might be Howard Hugh’s redux without all of the craziness.