A Voting Fraud Survey

  • Tiny
  • 12-16-2023, 03:19 PM
What is absolutely showing up now is that republicans have tried to redraw more gerrymandering districts and been told to pound salt by courts, and more attempts at stripping voters of their 15th, 19th, and 24th amendments of rights. Essentially, vote like a republican or we'll take away your vote. Fucking can't make this shit up. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Republican House candidates got about 6% more votes in the 2022 midterms (54,506,136 votes / 51,477,313 votes) and 4% more House seats (222/213). It doesn't look like the Republicans did a very good job of gerrymandering.


The New York Supreme Court told Democrats to pound salt over gerrymandering in 2022, and an independent expert ended up drawing the lines. However, it's likely New York will go back to an extreme gerrymander next year that will favor Democrats.

Could you please provide examples of how Republicans in recent elections deprived people of their constitutional right to vote.
... Lads, the issue here in THIS thread is the survey
by Rasmussen - as LustyLad has mentioned.

And discussion of Trump and the elections and gerrymandering
can happen in a different thread... Go and start one.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Rasmussen was not the mentioned topic and had it been mentioned, nobody would reply to their right winged BS.
biomed1's Avatar
As Members cannot agree on the Original Topic (to include the Thread Starter)
Thread Closed