The Democratic Convention 2012, Best I have seen in years

Gotyour6's Avatar
Most watched I am betting.
There is no doubt in my mind more people watched this than the RNC.
Most Dems dont work.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Nobody was watching. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I disagree. Obama has a good, solid plan for increasing jobs and paring down the national debt. Clinton described Obama's plan perfectly. He sincerely wants what is best for this country.

The largest portion of our debt is due to the massive tax cuts for richest Americans.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The largest portion of our debt is due to the massive tax cuts for richest Americans. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Wrong!!! The largest portion of U.S. debt, as a fraction of GDP, has resulted from the busted housing bubble [the legacy of the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act which repealed Glass-Steagall] leading to massive unemployment resulting in reduced overall tax revenue at a time when the government chose to extend and enhance social welfare programs; thus, increasing government costs.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Contrasting the Democrats to the Tpubs is sort of unfair, on the one hand you have the Party of NO!, that wonderful collection of scowling, constipation-inflicted faces who look like they haven't taken a good, cleansing sh*t in decades, haters to the core, true believers in 1928 and the essence of "I've got mine, fu*k ya!" On the other hand, you have actual people. Not much of a competition, really.

BTW, "GOP" stands for "Grouchy Old Pricks."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 04:46 PM
Wrong!!! The largest portion of U.S. debt, as a fraction of GDP, has resulted from the busted housing bubble [the legacy of the 1999 Financial Services Modernization Act which repealed Glass-Steagall] leading to massive unemployment resulting in reduced overall tax revenue at a time when the government chose to extend and enhance social welfare programs; thus, increasing government costs. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

followed up by two wars, three revenue reducing tax cuts and 1100 spending bills passed in 1700 days kind of LEGACY ..

specifically deb ...
The debates are going to have more impact to the undecided voters.
I B Hankering's Avatar
followed up by two wars, three revenue reducing tax cuts and 1100 spending bills passed in 1700 days kind of LEGACY ..

specifically deb ... Originally Posted by CJ7
You're a moron, CBJ7. The ratio of government debt to GDP remained fairly constant under Bush 43 until the advent of a Dim controlled Congress and the housing bubble sent the debt soaring: a fact that belies your ignorant claim otherwise.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Only because the Cheney/Rove wars weren't on the books during the first term.
DNC had more viewers than NFL -- now that's something to confuse experts in here!

Flyer Originally Posted by b2flyer51
Not according to this:

The numbers are telling:
NBC NFL Football’s Cowboys vs. Giants game: about 21 million viewers
FOX’s So You Think You Can Dance: about 4.14 million viewers
ABC’s The Middle: about 4.55 million viewers
CBS’s DNC coverage at 10 p.m. Eastern: 3.94 million viewers
These shows aired between 8-10 p.m. Eastern Time (5-7 p.m. Pacific Time). Comparatively, the DNC coverage on CBS and ABC that followed did not gather more than 3.94 million viewers. Also noteworthy, the big three Late Night shows that followed most markets’ local news at 11 brought in between 4 million viewers (Jimmy Kimmel) to as many as 9 million (Jay Leno). That would indicate people tuned in to see dancing, sit-coms and football, then tuned out during the convention, then came back for some late night shows.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Only because the Cheney/Rove wars weren't on the books during the first term. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Get on the short bus with CBJ7, Randy4Andy, Bush 43's first term ended in January 2005. Look at the chart, the unsustainable debt increases began after the Dim controlled Congress came on board in 2007.
Not according to this:

The numbers are telling:
NBC NFL Football’s Cowboys vs. Giants game: about 21 million viewers
FOX’s So You Think You Can Dance: about 4.14 million viewers
ABC’s The Middle: about 4.55 million viewers
CBS’s DNC coverage at 10 p.m. Eastern: 3.94 million viewers
These shows aired between 8-10 p.m. Eastern Time (5-7 p.m. Pacific Time). Comparatively, the DNC coverage on CBS and ABC that followed did not gather more than 3.94 million viewers. Also noteworthy, the big three Late Night shows that followed most markets’ local news at 11 brought in between 4 million viewers (Jimmy Kimmel) to as many as 9 million (Jay Leno). That would indicate people tuned in to see dancing, sit-coms and football, then tuned out during the convention, then came back for some late night shows. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Good job
I was amazed at how good the Democratic convention was.

Man I wish I could have been there it looked like so much fun. I watched most of it. Even Joe Scarborough from "Morning Joe" who is a loyal Republican and says the most asinine things on TV (I put him right up there with Bill O'reily, sometimes) even he admitted this morning, that the Republican campaign folks flopped their convention and better pull it together, because the Democrats rocked yesterday in a major way.

Man I love this former Governors speech she was something else:

Ex Michigan's Governors Jennifer Granholms Fiery Speech "Video"

Quote: (in speaking about GM and the saving of it)...."Well in Mitt Romney's world the cars get the elevator and the people get the shaft"! I laughed my ass off when she said that. She was so animated...haha

Obama is going to win this and I will be rooting for him! Originally Posted by Sensia

Yes, Sensia! They have brains, passion and a plan to help this country continue its recovery! It is too bad that Citizens United has given the villains who drive corporate America another chance to destroy the American dream!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Just thought I'd throw a little Marshall in there for you IB, since he's your daddy.

Thank you for taking the bait...Bushies' wars didn't hit the books until the Democrats finally made the CBO put them there. Besides, who would have SIGNED what that Congress passed in 2007 and ALL of 2008?

I swear, this is so simple that's it's not even fun.

Get on the short bus with CBJ7, Randy4Andy, Bush 43's first term ended in January 2005. Look at the chart, the unsustainable debt increases began after the Dim controlled Congress came on board in 2007. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I was amazed at how good the Democratic convention was.

Man I wish I could have been there it looked like so much fun. I watched most of it. Even Joe Scarborough from "Morning Joe" who is a loyal Republican and says the most asinine things on TV (I put him right up there with Bill O'reily, sometimes) even he admitted this morning, that the Republican campaign folks flopped their convention and better pull it together, because the Democrats rocked yesterday in a major way.

Man I love this former Governors speech she was something else:

Ex Michigan's Governors Jennifer Granholms Fiery Speech "Video"

Quote: (in speaking about GM and the saving of it)...."Well in Mitt Romney's world the cars get the elevator and the people get the shaft"! I laughed my ass off when she said that. She was so animated...haha

Obama is going to win this and I will be rooting for him! Originally Posted by Sensia
I'm just glad the Communist Blubberfest is over. That was the biggest collection of Freaks in the history of man kind...LOL
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just thought I'd throw a little Marshall in there for you IB, since he's your daddy.Only in your addled mind, Randy4Andy.

Thank you for taking the bait...Bushies' wars didn't hit the books until the Democrats finally made the CBO put them there. That happened during Odumbo's administration, jackass. While the cost of the wars, 2001-2007, is/was not in the "budget" it is/was still factored into the debt/GDP ratio in the chart cited above, jackass.

When Bush 43 took office, the debt/GDP ratio was 35%. When Bush 43 left office, the debt/GDP ratio had risen to 40%. By 2010, under Odumbo, the debt/GDP ratio had risen to 63%. So, once again your addled mind has failed you, Randy4Andy.

Besides, who would have SIGNED what that Congress passed in 2007 and ALL of 2008?
The Dimocrat Congress larded the appropriations bills. Bush 43 was given the choice of signing the larded appropriations bills or shutting down the government. Bush 43 did refuse to sign some of the larded 2009 appropriations bills, but Odumbo signed them within days of taking office.

I swear, this is so simple that's it's not even fun.
When you are as mentally unprepared as you are, it's understandable why you are perplexed. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy