looking bad for Biden

LexusLover's Avatar
Incorrect and useless post. Originally Posted by VitaMan
So was this one ...

looking bad for Biden
It was "looking bad for Biden" a year ago. But derangement prevailed and the illogical and groundless hatred for Trump prevailed over the commonsense that is required to assure that this country and it's influence and responsibilities over the World are conducted in a sane and effect manner.

You OWN the Southern Border Mess and the Afghanistan Blood Bath. It only took 6 months.
VitaMan's Avatar
Guess you know more than the former Trump national security advisor. What are your qualifications for that.....49,000 posts on a hooker board ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So was this one ...

It was "looking bad for Biden" a year ago. But derangement prevailed and the illogical and groundless hatred for Trump prevailed over the commonsense that is required to assure that this country and it's influence and responsibilities over the World are conducted in a sane and effect manner.

You OWN the Southern Border Mess and the Afghanistan Blood Bath. It only took 6 months. Originally Posted by LexusLover
8 months actually. that must be national record. Carter owned his fuck up in his 3rd year.
LexusLover's Avatar
Guess you know more than the former Trump national security advisor. What are your qualifications for that.....49,000 posts on a hooker board ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
The board has posting rules, which prohibit me from responding adequately to your ignorant remarks. I try to avoid embracing the comments of a "former" anything ....

but blaming Trump and his cabinet for this ONGOING cluster fuck is simply diverting attention away from your cluster fuck vote for a demented fool. Now why did he shit can the pipeline? Was that Trump's fault too?

You own the rising fuel prices at the pumps, which drives up consumer costs.

Thank you for your ignorant vote.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The board has posting rules, which prohibit me from responding adequately to your ignorant remarks. I try to avoid embracing the comments of a "former" anything ....

but blaming Trump and his cabinet for this ONGOING cluster fuck is simply diverting attention away from your cluster fuck vote for a demented fool. Now why did he shit can the pipeline? Was that Trump's fault too?

You own the rising fuel prices at the pumps, which drives up consumer costs.

Thank you for your ignorant vote. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The rising gas prices have nothing to do with anything Biden has done while in office. And you do realize that twice while Trump was in office gas prices hit $2.90 as compared to today's $3.05 average.

Fact check: Rising gas prices due to high demand and low supply, not Biden's policies

"Some of (a president's) decisions can impact or contribute to market changes, which can then impact (future) crude oil, but they don't dictate gas prices," said McGee. "If you go back and look at historical data, whether it was Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden, (gas prices) go up and down no matter who's in office."

Our rating: False

Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim President Joe Biden is to blame for the current higher gas prices. The upward trend in gas costs we see now began months before Biden took office. Because of reduced demand amid the COVID-19 pandemic, oil companies had to cut back on the amount of crude oil produced. Now with restrictions being lifted and more travel happening, the demand has increased, which, coupled with lagging supply, has led to increased gasoline prices. Canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and energy policies enacted by Biden have a long-term effect on crude oil supply but no present impact on gasoline prices.


After the 2016 election, several members on this board justified their vote for Trump by saying "He ain't Hillary". I will justify my vote for Biden the same way: "He ain't Trump".

How is your 401k doing since Biden took office?
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2021, 08:41 AM
Denial, deflection, Obstruction and rationalization from the Communist DPST side
So sad to see how indoctrinated are teh Communist DPSTs!

"We will tax and spend ourselves into Prosperity - or die trying"!!!!! - Nazi Pelosi/chuckie Schumer/AOC/Omar-Tlaib/ fiden -harris
I know which alternative i would choose.