ladies do fake you Cumming with your client?

pickupkid's Avatar
I'm done
I've actually tried hard to hold it in and not cum bc I'm afraid they will just finish when I'm right there ..has happened multi times to me! I end up asking them if they can go again and if not I take it out on my next session! Lol crazy I know...another thing frustrating is when a guy is doing oral and u really want to finish by jumping on top of him but hes so so small and u know that it won't do!! uhhh ..that's when ur like yeah just keep doing oral

Some nites still end up going home to play with my never let me down toy! Haha
SpursFan's Avatar
Let's take a vote...

Dumbest thread post by the pickupkid ever.

Maybe I'll start a poll?

Jesus Mary and Joseph what are you thinking? Seriously!

You must have way too much time on your hands To come up with this one.

I may have to block you to avoid wasting my valuable time with such drivel. In fact I will.

Bueno bye...
tpepsi's Avatar
frustrating is when a guy is doing oral and u really want to finish by jumping on top of him but hes so so small and u know that it won't do!! Originally Posted by Blondie xxx
Yeah, I've never made a woman cum, ever.
jennamc's Avatar
Just pretend to be interested and moan appropriately from time to time, and I'm happy. Being clean, polite, and friendly goes a long ways. Originally Posted by Mature210
See that's how I feel. I moan at every touch I enjoy. I'm not going to fake enjoyment. But I can be vocal and moan and enjoy myself without an orgasm.
Dude...your asking the wrong question....the question is do we really give a fuck if she fakes it or not.

IRL, I always make sure the lady comes first, even if it takes 20+min of oral....but In the hobby world, I'm paying for it, so all I care about is gettin mine
^^^^^ so true !!