What is the average overall tax rate?

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  • 02-12-2019, 03:25 PM
The Motely Fool has it at almost 30%.

I read a study that put it at around 40%.

Many of you will not understand this as you seem to only focus on Federal Income Tax.


. Originally Posted by WTF
The poor pay no fucking income tax...get that through your head...if anything they get EIC!!
I don't know where you get your nonexistence figures...LIARS figure but figures DON"T LIE!!
I"m not going to let you spew this NONSENSE!!

https://nypost.com/2017/04/18/almost...al-income-tax/ Originally Posted by bb1961
I tried to warn you that you would not understand the OP.

But nooooooooo, you had to go and prove me right.
You need to not only get someone to read these posts for you but to explain what is meant... Originally Posted by WTF
Why don't you figure the money the people with lower income get back as an IEC and figure that in the money they spend on all taxable items that the people that don't get the EIC pay also so you don't know what your talking about...do you have any idea how much money is given in the EIC to millions of people so they start off with monetary gain then at that point you can compute % ...comment on this when you do
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  • 02-12-2019, 03:57 PM
I'm want to assume you meant EITC...but will await your clarification
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  • 02-12-2019, 04:04 PM
The Motely Fool has it at almost 30%.

I read a study that put it at around 40%.

Many of you will not understand this as you seem to only focus on Federal Income Tax.


. Originally Posted by WTF
What does your CPA say? Please don't tell us "we don't understand" or what you think "our focus is."

You really need to read this link Originally Posted by WTF
VOX...the liberal nonsense that you eagerly consume...
I'm want to assume you meant EITC...but will await your clarification Originally Posted by WTF
You're soooo brilliant...you don't disappoint...there is hope for you yet...I heard nothing in regards to 100's of million paid out to those that use that money for all necessity...this has to calculate into the equation...
P.S. This money is GIVING to them...and it didn't come off a money tree!!
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  • 02-12-2019, 04:22 PM
VOX...the liberal nonsense that you eagerly consume... Originally Posted by bb1961
You can easily refute what you think Vix is lying about.

Why not go that route instead of trying to shoot the messanger.

From their research, we are down to 14% of the population paying no taxrs, mostly senior citizens.

Can you refute that ir are you going to continue wacking off on the monkey bars upside down?
  • Tiny
  • 02-12-2019, 05:19 PM
Can you not read?
The total tax rate paid for both rich and poor is around 30-40%. That means the poor through regressive taxes pay a similar amount % wise in taxes as the rich.

Which means your post does not have a fucking thing to do with the topic.

Jesus Originally Posted by WTF
These kind of mistaken impressions stand in the way of your becoming a true libertarian. It's the reason you're only a three-quarters libertarian, which still means I agree with you more often than not.

I've posted this twice before,


I don't think you should consider social security and medicare deducted from your paycheck as an income tax, because you're going to take out multiples of what you pay in. However, even if you do include social security tax, medicare tax, sales taxes, etc., the USA has the most progressive tax system in the developed world. In percentage terms, the rich pay a lot more.
He's doesn't have the comprehension to read the MANY sources that I provide that almost 50% of people who file taxes...PAY NO INCOME TAX...but get money back...he doesn't comment on that because it doesn't fit his narrative!!https://www.marketwatch.com/story/81...why-2018-04-16
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  • WTF
  • 02-12-2019, 05:42 PM
What does your CPA say? Please don't tell us "we don't understand" or what you think "our focus is." Originally Posted by gnadfly
I do not discuss whore board politics with my CPA.
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  • WTF
  • 02-12-2019, 05:45 PM
He's doesn't have the comprehension to read the MANY sources that I provide that almost 50% of people who file taxes...PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX...but get money back...he doesn't comment on that because it doesn't fit his narrative!!https://www.marketwatch.com/story/81...why-2018-04-16 Originally Posted by bb1961

I knew that part would stump some of you.

You seem not to understand that there are regressive taxes that hit the poor harder and progressive taxes that effect the rich to a greater extent.

But both pay taxes at a rate of between 30-40%.
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  • WTF
  • 02-12-2019, 05:54 PM
These kind of mistaken impressions stand in the way of your becoming a true libertarian. It's the reason you're only a three-quarters libertarian, which still means I agree with you more often than not.

I've posted this twice before,


I don't think you should consider social security and medicare deducted from your paycheck as an income tax, because you're going to take out multiples of what you pay in. However, even if you do include social security tax, medicare tax, sales taxes, etc., the USA has the most progressive tax system in the developed world. In percentage terms, the rich pay a lot more. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why would you not consider SS or Medicare a Tax?

How is it different than say a gasoline tax?

There is no such thing a Military Tax but if there was...and indirectly there is....how is that different?

Are you not deriving a benefit from that? I would argue not as much as we are paying in (or not paying in considering the 21 trillion dollar debt)
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  • 02-12-2019, 06:04 PM


., the USA has the most progressive tax system in the developed world. In percentage terms, the rich pay a lot more. Originally Posted by Tiny
That is not what you linked article states. It does not say the rich pay a lot more. But it does express why we are having a continued rise in inequity. To counter that, it suggest the opposite of what many of you want....which is to cut benefits.

So while the US tax system is progressive and reduces inequality, the US welfare state is much less effective at reducing inequality. And because the US has a very unequal distribution of income from capital and a much wider wage distribution than many other OECD countries, it ends up as a relatively unequal country after taxes and benefits.
If you look at Nordic countries, they all have much less progressive tax systems than the USA, but they collect a lot more in taxes (including in VAT). They then spend this much higher tax revenue on social security and services, and it is this side of the equation that is most important in reducing inequality.
So the implication is not that the USA either needs to increase or reduce the progressivity of the tax system. If you want to reduce inequality, you need to increase the level of taxes collected and spend it more effectively.
  • Tiny
  • 02-12-2019, 06:08 PM
Why would you not consider SS or Medicare a Tax?

How is it different than say a gasoline tax?

There is no such thing a Military Tax but if there was...and indirectly there is....how is that different?

Are you not deriving a benefit from that? I would argue not as much as we are paying in (or not paying in considering the 21 trillion dollar debt) Originally Posted by WTF
Again, it doesn't matter if you do consider social security and medicare to be taxes, instead of payments for a pension and medical insurance. If you consider them to be a tax, we still have a highly progressive tax system, not regressive taxation. The wealthy in the USA pay more in % terms, more than any other country in the developed world, counting social security and medicare as taxes.

You'll get no argument from me that we spend too much on defense and don't get sufficient value for what we spend.