Au Revoir, Mr.Chan

His is a voice of reason and calm in a sea of... well... something less. I will miss his clear and creative prose, his unswerving ability to see the purse in every sow's ear and most of all his rapier wit. I hope that his reasons for departure were happy, or at the least self directed and not the result of a crisis in his personal life. Sail straight and true, brother Chan
I believe it was a personal choice to change his direction, rather than a reaction to a crisis.
We will all try to be as witty and insighteful and fail.
Folks, we've lost a good one in Mr. Chan. My mind can't help but go back to some of the recent drama on here where he tried to rise above the fray and give some level-headed advice...only to be shot down quickly and rudely by a couple of us...I sure hope the disgust of such unnecessary chatter didn't play a role in him quietly riding off into the sunset...

May we become a happy, helpful family again, and may Mr. Chan be blessed in all of his future endeavors.
TechOne's Avatar
Well Mr.Chan certainly went out with a BANG...or maybe that should be expressed as a BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG! In little more than a month he visited with and reviewed the TOP 5 providers IMHO. A feat that would place a permanent grin on any man's face that could not easily be disguised.
A completely unrelated matter, and I apologize for for running off the subject but I too have asked the mods to close my eccie account.
My hobby phone is gone, my hobby email is gone. All traces of MGL will be gone.
It's a personal matter, but those of you that have my personal number are free to call.
Please do not call my hobby ph, as it is Missing in Action. That number is 787-244-++++, Don't call it.
My AR # is alive and well
I will be back under the guise of another name after my shit storm subsides.
TechOne's Avatar
We will still know you by your drool for the latina lolitas!
  • loboy
  • 04-03-2013, 01:08 AM
So he is really gone? I had only recently known of him and he's a well-articulated man with such an intellect...Was looking forward to engaging in some of his insights but can only bid him farewell now...Take care and best wishes from all that know him
Just when I come back from being UTR, my "hobby board friend" goes UTR.... You'll be missed!
willro's Avatar
Best wishes to you MrChan. Your writing and wit never failed to amuse me and the information you passed along was always accurate and valuable. You've helped me personally more than once. Eccie will be less with your departure.

Goodbye also to you MGL. I appreciate your contributions as well.... especially since we share common geography in this state. I will make a point to find you by your new handle in the days to come.
All good things come to an end. I wish them well...

I'm just one of the poor unfortunate bastards left here to enjoy all of the AR ladies that will see me.
  • jaxar
  • 04-03-2013, 06:51 PM
Farewell guys, best wishes to the both of you.
Moto1971's Avatar
His comments will be missed greatly
MGL post an I'm back thread so we know it is you.
MGL post an I'm back thread so we know it is you. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
What? And copy Livonia's style?? Lol.