The Benghazi Hearings

The White House had over $200 million in budgeted but unspent funds allocated for embassy security......the money for security was in the bank, but Obama failed to adequately protect our people............your making excuses for Obama.

He failed. But you guys want to give him an A+. Why is that ? Because he is black and you are grading him on an affirmative action curve ?
markroxny's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
The White House had over $200 million in budgeted but unspent funds allocated for embassy security......the money for security was in the bank, but Obama failed to adequately protect our people............your making excuses for Obama.

He failed. But you guys want to give him an A+. Why is that ? Because he is black and you are grading him on an affirmative action curve ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nice post the lie that security at the embassy was lacking because of GOP cutbacks,,,but when confronted with the facts showing otherwise you post some BS head fake...............

Americans Died and Obama Lied !
Why did Obama not take the necessary steps to protect our Americans in Benghazi ???????
Everyone knows George Bush never should have been elected let alone reelected. Just like Obama, these people are all basically criminals.
George Bush, like his father, was a terrible President.
LexusLover's Avatar
George Bush, like his father, was a terrible President. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
But more than likely either one of them would have had ....

... too much security

....for the peaceniks on the left.

(It was to Bush II that Libya turned over her WMDs without a shot being fired!)
True....very true....

But more than likely either one of them would have had ....

... too much security

....for the peaceniks on the left.

(It was to Bush II that Libya turned over her WMDs without a shot being fired!) Originally Posted by LexusLover
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Markie? Do we have to add sexism to your many sins? Your little cut and paste blast John McCain but leaves out (just like Obama) that fact that Senator Kelly Ayotte is also making the same charge.
markroxny's Avatar
Markie? Do we have to add sexism to your many sins? Your little cut and paste blast John McCain but leaves out (just like Obama) that fact that Senator Kelly Ayotte is also making the same charge.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Fine, fuck her hating ass too. And Graham while too we are at it.

Tell them to talk to the CIA about why they approved Rice's talking points. And to attend the actual hearings instead of holding press conferences.

And Marxy purposefuly is deceiving about what King has said; Marxy left out crucial King statement that placed the talking point edits squarely on Obama's White House !

On ABC's "This Week," House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King (R-N.Y.) said the talking points changed after they left the CIA: "[S]omewhere after it left the intelligence community, somewhere in the administration, there was very vital language taken out."

In other words, the White House altered the talking points for the purpose of deceiving Americans and deflecting blame to the phony video story!
markroxny's Avatar
Hey Marxy, why didn't Obama have adequate security in place at Benghazi ?
markroxny's Avatar
Hey Marxy, why didn't Obama have adequate security in place at Benghazi ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Better question...who made the decision on the levels of security that was in place in Benghazi? Who cut the funding for that? (* wasn't Obama)