Better Off Platform ... ??? Really?

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think the Democratic strategy now is just to give the GOP enough rope.

. . . When they have enough rope, they will hang themselves!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fast Goon makes no sense most times...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that's putting things in perspective, here.

I'm glad someone finally said out loud what the Republican party has been thinking (but denying) for nearly 4 years now!

I love the way "millionaire Obama" is used disparagingly in the same paragraph noting that gazillionaire Romney, with his half-dozen homes, off-shore bank accounts, and 13% income tax rate, "may live well." The hypocrisy boggles the mind. It's fine for the white blue-blood venture capitalist vulture to make money....but a skinny black guy from a single-parent family who made it on guts, brains and determination to be the most powerful man in the world, oh noooo. He shouldn't be allowed to make any money by writing a book, should he? You're not even capable of recognizing the irony, are you?

President Obama has earned every nickel he made. None of it courtesy of some rich, well-connected daddy/family who paved the way for him like Romney and, of course, everybody's favorite leper whose name we're not allowed to mention: George W. Bush. Originally Posted by timpage
cptjohnstone's Avatar
And Obama's campaign adviser won't say we are better off............... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
more donkey babble babble
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bingo! We have a winner! I call someone a millionaire and a liberal here says that is disparaging. Do tell? When did you decide that calling someone a millionaire is an insult. Careful your socialism and classism are showing. Wasn't meant to be disparaging (except the Occupy crowd and socialists) but just to remind you that Obama is a millionaire.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There is nothing wrong with wealth in and of itself.

Where people go wrong is in the method they use to acquire wealth.

If you produce goods or services that are beneficial for society and you acquire wealth as an end product then that is good clean wealth.

If you find ailing companies and buy them on the cheap then sell off assets and fire people and make money from the misery of others then I'm not so sure you have benefited anyone except your own company.

That is akin to making a fortune as a hit man. A hit man can be financially successful, but is he beneficial or just a blight to society?

. . . If you then manage to pay only 13% income taxes then you have completed your getaway from the crime scene. You might even be seen as a hero to some who think like you do.

Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-05-2012, 08:16 AM

If you find ailing companies and buy them on the cheap then sell off assets and fire people and make money from the misery of others then I'm not so sure you have benefited anyone except your own company.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Is to have the company fail, go into liquidation, lose all capital, fail to pay vendors, employees now unemployed with loss of all benefits, shareholders holding worthless paper, really that much better to you than someone else coming in and working the issues?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, of course that is the position that private equity corporations will take.

The practice is legal, but it does leave a bad taste in my mouth, nonetheless.

Is to have the company fail, go into liquidation, lose all capital, fail to pay vendors, employees now unemployed with loss of all benefits, shareholders holding worthless paper, really that much better to you than someone else coming in and working the issues? Originally Posted by Dawgs