Bloomberg 2020

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
bloomberg is an idiot. he cant/wont win in the south! Originally Posted by winn dixie
The Democratic candidate does not have to win in the south in order to win the 2020 election. Florida is the only state in the south which may go Democratic. And if it falls to the Democrats it is probably over for Trump.

The states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona are the battleground states that Democrats need to flip (3 of the 4) in order to win the electoral vote in 2020. I predict Michigan will turn blue. And every poll done so far has Biden quite far ahead of Trump in Pennsylvania. Same with Wisconsin -- Biden leads Trump but closer than in the other 2 states. Arizona is a toss-up. Polls at the state level will be done more frequently as the election nears.

As far as Bloomberg being an idiot. The guy is worth $60.2 billion so he must be doing something right. As Dev Null said, if Bloomberg throws his financial support behind the Democratic candidate, the money lead that Trump currently has will be quickly surpassed.
Precious_b's Avatar
Bloomberg get/try to steal the $$$ from his parents?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
As far as Bloomberg being an idiot. The guy is worth $60.2 billion so he must be doing something right. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Mini-Mike on NBC this week:

“I watched as a lot of people I liked dropped out slowly over time. And those remaining had ideas that I did not think were practical. And I looked, and I didn’t think any of them could beat Donald Trump,” explained Bloomberg. “Some, in fact, would almost guarantee his reelection.”
Wondering if Mini-Mike ends up voting for TRUMP2020
Dev Null's Avatar
Mini-Mike on NBC this week:

“I watched as a lot of people I liked dropped out slowly over time. And those remaining had ideas that I did not think were practical. And I looked, and I didn’t think any of them could beat Donald Trump,” explained Bloomberg. “Some, in fact, would almost guarantee his reelection.”
Wondering if Mini-Mike ends up voting for TRUMP2020 Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Not very likely. Here's the interview you're referring to:

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would vote to convict President Donald Trump if he were a senator, he told Craig Melvin in an exclusive interview that aired on NBC's "TODAY Show" Monday.

“I’d have to swallow two or three times, but I would say I would vote to convict because there’s so much evidence that he acted inappropriately,” said Bloomberg, who’s running for the Democratic nomination.

Spelling out why he feels Trump is so dangerous, Bloomberg said that his impetuous style was hazardous for the country.

“It’s his process and lack of inclusiveness and getting advice from people. I always joke there’s no ‘I’ in the word team. The way Donald spells it, there’s no T, E, A or M, and that’s not the way to accomplish things,” he said.

In the NBC News interview, Bloomberg defended his ability to fund his campaign.

“They're not saying they're not going to spend money. They will spend every dime they can get. The difference is, I'm spending the money that I made,” he said.
Bloomberg get/try to steal the $$$ from his parents? Originally Posted by Precious_b

And DT got his start by picking up aluminum cans along the highway?
Talking about helping the poor people...
Precious_b's Avatar
At least he has a billion that he made on his own.
Unless someone can show otherwise.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona are the battleground states Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Apologies, getting older and prone to fuzzy memories, tell me again how that plan work out on Nov 8, 2016?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
“I’d have to swallow two or three times, ...” Originally Posted by Dev Null

I'm assuming he was referring to the OVERWHELMING evidence that Liddle Adam Schitt-stain has been keeping hidden in a mayonnaise jar on his back porch.
Dev Null's Avatar
If you weren't allergic to NBC News, you wouldn't have to assume:

"Bloomberg called the impeachment process “not good,” and said that the country would be “much better off letting the voters decide who is president.”"

Since then, Bloomberg has run an ad calling for Trump's removal from office.

“It’s time for the Senate to act and remove Trump from office, and if they won’t do their jobs this November, you and I will,” Bloomberg says in the ad, which appears to use footage from a recent campaign stop.

Bloomberg has focused his campaign more on Trump than his Democratic primary rivals have. The billionaire businessman and former New York City mayor has promised to continue spending his own money to defeat Trump even if he loses the Democratic nomination.

The ad also highlights Bloomberg’s spending to boost Democratic candidates in key U.S. House races in 2018, when the party took back control of the lower chamber.

Looks like the Citizens United v. FEC decision is a double-edged sword, and not just because of Bloomberg. It also opened the door for Lev Parnas to use soft money to seek influence in the Trump White House. Too bad Parnas and his little butt buddies broke the law by funneling foreign money including Russian funds into U.S. political campaigns, most notably America First Action, a super-PAC supporting Trump and his allies:

That soft money got Parnas, now indicted for campaign finance violations, access to Trump's inner circle, where he pushed for influence in a Ukraine gas enterprise that would enrich Parnas and his cohorts. According to Parnas, this is how the campaign to railroad Maria Yovanovitch began, as well as the pressure on Ukraine for a phony investigation into the Bidens:

Even the Wall Street Journal is reporting on this story (damn the paywall):

"Lev Parnas Paid His Way Into Donald Trump’s Orbit
Ukrainian-American with reputation for quick access to financing made inroads at White House, won GOP allies while his business ventures soured"
Dev Null's Avatar

"Overall, we rate the Daily Beast Left-Biased due to story selection that favors the left and High for factual reporting based on proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Apologies, getting older and prone to fuzzy memories, tell me again how that plan work out on Nov 8, 2016? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The Trump campaign team outworked the Clinton campaign team in 2016. Clinton thought Michigan, Pa., and Wisconsin would stay blue and did not campaign hard in those states. Trump did and turned those 3 states red. He won Michigan by .2%, PA. by 1.2% and Wisconsin by 1.0%. Not exactly a landslide despite the poor Democratic strategy.

Since Trump took office in 2017, his approval rating in MI. has gone down 23 points (to -15), 15 points in PA. (to -6) and 15 points in WI. (to -10). Couple that with the 2018 midterms in which Democrats won big time in all 3 states and also recent polls which show Biden leading Trump in all 3 states.

So if you think those 3 states are positively in the Republican column for 2020, very little points in that direction at the current time.
Who's we?????

"Overall, we rate the Daily Beast Left-Biased due to story selection that favors the left and High for factual reporting based on proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record." Originally Posted by Dev Null
Dev Null's Avatar
Who's we????? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Obviously a rhetorical question, since their history, background, and methodologies are transparent. If you really want to know, you can find their About, FAQ, and Methodology pages with little effort.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
.."Bloomberg called the impeachment process “not good,” and said that the country would be “much better off letting the voters decide who is president.”"

Since then, Bloomberg has run an ad calling for Trump's removal from office... Originally Posted by Dev Null

Typical leftist-socialist I s'pose. Against until it he was all-in for it. Honestly, loads of politicians of all stripe act like that. It's the ugly ones that click their heels together and salute with ye olde Zig Heil, when their master tugs their leash.

Why I remember, back in the day, when the 'ol Reverend Al Sharlaton thought his 'ol pal Donald J Trump was a swell guy. There are pictures and videos even. Then the VSGEPOTUS got elected and now Al thinks he's a racist.

What we need is a President who speaks their mind, does what they say they would do and delivers supreme results. Oh wait! We got that now...