Sugar daddy dating & info ??

YoursTruly's Avatar
Lexi here is a link to the SD/SB forum in Eccie. You'll find it quite helpful. There are some SD who like converting Providers into SB but many who feel it is a waste of time.
As you mentioned, this isn't exactly the forum for SD/SB discussions. Originally Posted by John Bull
Do you really want ladies to read out private forum?
Gotyour6's Avatar
To With the great comments that have been made here I definitely think that the SugarDaddy/SugarBaby forum of this site should be made available to providers, since there are many who are seeking this type of arrangements and apparently there are many male hobbiests in that forum wondering which providers ate interested. (I certainly am). I have used the majority of the sites out there (fsd/sb sites) and I have found that many gentlemen on those sites are not interested in having providers or EXproviders as their SB. Originally Posted by 1Jannessa

That wont happen. Maybe you can ask the mods to create a sugarbaby forum or maybe just start a thread and keep it going.

Put your prices down that you would want per month etc.

The problem with SB/SD relationships is that with me. I do more with my SB. I take them shopping, shooting, out to plays etc..

Most think that it is I pay you so much money per month and get to see you so many times. That to me is a hooker on retainer. I have one of those called my lawyer. He fucks me all the time.

I have sugar babies that I take out to lunch, I bought a car for a girl last week because hers was totaled. Wasn’t a brand new one but $5000 is still a lot to drop.

You may want to set it up as a one price per month thing.

The reason why I don’t want a provider as a sb is because I enjoy being with my SB as a friend and not a 1 hour fuck for 4 times a week
Gotyour6's Avatar
Lexi here is a link to the SD/SB forum in Eccie. You'll find it quite helpful. There are some SD who like converting Providers into SB but many who feel it is a waste of time.
As you mentioned, this isn't exactly the forum for SD/SB discussions. Originally Posted by John Bull

The first rule of fight club
ForumPoster's Avatar
There are two "schools of thought" when it comes to SD/SB relationships.

One - it is simply glorified prostitution and SBs are "hoes in training" while their SDs are johns who delude themselves into thinking that they are not paying for it.

Second - SB/SD is regular dating relationship with SD taking care of his SBs financial needs simply because he is a generous caring gentleman and she happens to be a lady in need.

Like with everything else the truth lies somewhere in between. Sugar babies in most cases are providers "without website and reviews", and their sugar daddies are their exclusive clients. Or so they may be lead to believe.

Problem with these types of arrangements is amount of self delusion they require to work. A man has to convince himself that he is not paying for sex while he really does. A woman has to convince herself that there is more to this relationship than simple exchange of sex for money, or 1 carat earnings and sapphire bracelet, or new pair of boobs, or a car, etc. Eventually she will want marriage and kids and he will have to figure out how to get out of that one.

When it ends it will not be a pretty one, since it will require facing reality vs fantasy.

Professional companions rarely make good Sugar Babies for very simple reason. We have better grip on reality and prefer honesty of straight forward transaction vs creating alternate reality.
shorty's Avatar
There are two "schools of thought" when it comes to SD/SB relationships.

One - it is simply glorified prostitution and SBs are "hoes in training" while their SDs are johns who delude themselves into thinking that they are not paying for it.

Second - SB/SD is regular dating relationship with SD taking care of his SBs financial needs simply because he is a generous caring gentleman and she happens to be a lady in need.

Like with everything else the truth lies somewhere in between. Sugar babies in most cases are providers "without website and reviews", and their sugar daddies are their exclusive clients. Or so they may be lead to believe.

Problem with these types of arrangements is amount of self delusion they require to work. A man has to convince himself that he is not paying for sex while he really does. A woman has to convince herself that there is more to this relationship than simple exchange of sex for money, or 1 carat earnings and sapphire bracelet, or new pair of boobs, or a car, etc. Eventually she will want marriage and kids and he will have to figure out how to get out of that one.

When it ends it will not be a pretty one, since it will require facing reality vs fantasy.

Professional companions rarely make good Sugar Babies for very simple reason. We have better grip on reality and prefer honesty of straight forward transaction vs creating alternate reality. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

Gotyour6's Avatar
ForumPoster's Avatar
Lol Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Not even close to what?


PS yeah seen the post pre edit
John Bull's Avatar
I think Providers wanting to make the transition or who want to play in that arena should also be aware that probably 90% of actual SB's are young and beautiful. Or they might be very very well preserved 30-40 yr olds and still beautiful. If you're not that, you're wasting your time.
Also, rates vary so much from region to region with some as low as 300-400 per month. I know, I know! You hear about those 3-4K retainers + perks. Sounds good but you'd better be Megan Fox and you'd better get lucky or it isn't going to happen.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Very true John. As I mentioned before I've done the SB/SD thing before and as I am still in my 20s, I can command a decent allowance. It just depends on where, who, chemistry, and a ton of other factors.

When I saw someone in Vancouver (which is actually what led me to being a provider full time) it would have been around 3000 a month (as he was only looking for "part time" - 1, maybe 2 visits a week with dinner + movie + time at his place). Unfortunately in Vancouver average rent STARTS at 1500. So 3k/month as your full time job? Yeah, no. Just no. I discovered I could work LESS and make MORE providing in Vancouver. Not the same everywhere, some places you can make more as an SB than providing.

If you're not in your 20s (or can't reaistically pass for in your 20s) or as John said are not extremely "well preserved" you are more than likely better off as a provider. That's not to say there aren't SDs out there looking for mature or BBW SBs by any stretch - but they're few and far between, and the allowance is going to be nothing like what a 25 year old hourglass would get. And in terms of the money received vs time invested ratio, providing would probably take about 1/2 the time for the same money. If you thought this industry was looks based, being an SB is even more so. You are arm candy, you are a trophy, you are a lover and a friend, you are a travel companion - but first and foremost, you're eye candy .
bladtinzu's Avatar
Bladtinzu well i dont think im asking for more than what i think is average and of course shopping money and upkeep maintence {{make up and nails, pedi}}.. 1-3 gs is not much for unlimited play and special one on one exclusive .. i am open to a low monthly at first to see the chemistry bc i do want a good relationship as a sb /sd should be.. I am a good woman and pamper my men too.. Im not incapable of working but i just have lots of bills to catch up on and it would be a great way to be with just with one person and not multiple partners.. Ive been really intrigued with the thought of this sort of thing ..its a little tabu but what i do now is too.. Thank you for the info and what determines $$ do u think on cities and girls .. ???
sweet lexxxi dd's Originally Posted by Sweet Lexxxi dd's
I think you have the right mindset sweetheart. A lot of women go into this expecting more than what is the "norm". Then a lot have no clue and take the first offer made to them. There is a learning curve for you here but I think you have a pretty good grasp of what you need. And regional economics have a lot to do with allowance. I do a lot of business in Washington D.C. and I have met a couple of potentials up there that out front wanted 15k a month. First off they were not that pretty, second teh "test ride" wasn't all that either. But some where some old fart will pay that for a 20 something to be around. I'm under 40 so I can be very selective.

My advice is to come up with an amount that will keep your bills paid and allow you some play money every month to do what you want to do. Just remember to keep it on a "friendly" level and NOT do what one of mine did this morning. After our roll in the sack and before she left I got the dreaded "I love you" phrase. So she is getting cut and the quest for a replacement begins..
Gotyour6's Avatar
I think you guys need to stay as providers. That is why you arent in the sb forum.

Most providers ask for a BMW on the first meet
macdeft's Avatar
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Most think that it is I pay you so much money per month and get to see you so many times. That to me is a hooker on retainer. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Being a SB is so much more than sex, and so much more than money. The words "mutually beneficial" aren't bullshit. SDs are total princes who treat you like a princess AND pamper you. Not just "pay you to fuck". If you don't like your SD as a friend, it will not work out. Period. If you wear your green tinted glasses, it will not work.

I had a fantastic SD when I was 19 or so. We saw movies, went to dinners, exercised together, went on a road trip. It's not the same as providing, even though there is money involved. It's just so much more.
uthorn's Avatar
sounds like you really get it mm...glad to be under about dinner?

I just finished math and advanced math tutoring for my San Antonio sb adult high school program, which I was glad to pay for. One thing I make a point telling all my prospective SB's is they will be better persons after having been my sb.

One thing I fear from provider to sb transition is their inability to have a true full blown orgasm like a young 20 yr old with only a couple partners is able to achieve....comments?
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Missy there is someone for everyone .. its a simple matter of preference!!!!! Now I dont think im a trophy buti have alot to offer .. i think its funny how some think they are to have a SD.. HOW many SD did have u had .. was it 3 in the past and ohh not one asked u for bbfs is that u are so lucky .. u def gotta let me in on ur secret ...

I think yes things can get complicated however im willing to explore and see where it goes.. I offer monthly rates here as well but my sole purpose is to have a ONE ON ONE partner and make it less noticeable when a constant flow of ppl coming in and out of my condo. I dont think im asking for anything over the top.. I had someone who i was seeing off here and he took care of me, flowers, gifts, spa treatments, bills, and a low monthly fee of 7-8 but always took care of me and if i ever needed anything it was only a phone call away.. we did dinner, lunch , just hang out , gun range, gambling trips and ect.. I never established calling him a SD but it was what it was .. I know it was kinda hard bc i really had no extra $ and he wanted to hang out alot and i needed to continue to work so i could have play money .. Since that is not enought for me now im looking for a few hundred more but im not asking for an absurd amt .. Plus i just want to be exclusive with one person. Im not young nor immature and i can distinguish reality vs fantasy.. There are alot of providers who secretly call their regulars sd bc they give and give and do alot for them so whats the diff..??

Bottom line IM just trying to be with ONE person .. have fun, enjoy life and travel.
I believe theres someone for everyone and its THEIR preference.. Men like all kinds of women. I mean u have to be blind to not see all the variety here .. spinner, petite , bbw, curvy, midgets, and TS ..hello .. its all a matter of what they prefer.. SOmetimes its not about looking at a pretty face but also someone who can stimulate ur mind and intelligence is a turn on too!!

well thanks everyone for ur opinion ... it really does help and make me think about the good and bad ..

sweet lexxxi dds