I can't make it because.............

I have an even crazier story about a provider too....but it doesnt fit in this thread topic.
I have an even crazier story about a provider too....but it doesnt fit in this thread topic. Originally Posted by artifice
Then post it in this thread: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=276542

Other than the typical reschedule, I don't personally have any crazy or funny excuses from providers, but in that other thread, I found this one to be quite humorous given the locations are 860 miles apart...

A few years ago when I decided I wanted to get back in the hobby I was living in Texas a couple hours north of Houston. I stumbled across ASPD and, wow, I had a ready source of provider information. So, I did my research and decided GFEJuliiette was the best choice for my first encounter. I called her up and after going through the newby screening we made the date for the following week. The night before I called her to confirm and asked her where in Houston she would be since I would be driving in. She said "Houston?? I live in Nashville." She was touring, and in Houston, when I saw her ad and reviews. I didnt have a clue that girls would go on tour to provide. It all worked out. She was scheduled to tour back to Houston the following week. She was so good. She is still my ATF. Originally Posted by regulardogwalker
PAPA JOE's Avatar
LMAO .... just a couple weeks ago, the lady finally called 20 minutes past the appointment time and said, "i partied too hard last night."

LOL, it didn't help my feelings , but i think she was honest at least.
One time a guy canceled on me because he says he zipped his manhood up in his fly and cut himself.

I did meet him another time and he was very nice.
I have had to cancel 2 times,

The first time was with Jessica, because during my normal prep for a session I accidentally cut myself shaving (and I don't mean my chin) so for her safety and mine, I thought it best to reschedule... I haven't heard from her again.

And the second time... I setup an appt. With Jackie (the one that travels with tanner and keekie) for an early morning session... Well the night before my (ex) wife received our divorce papers... She went nuts and told her family she wanted to die, so they committed her... So I had to go back to Florida to take care of that situation... Come to think about it, im not sure I ever said anything to Jackie about it until now...
I have an insane schedule, and everything sounds like a lie.

"A subsurface sprinkler main broke, it flooded the tenant, and the slab is now broken. I evacuated the building, and I'm calling in a structural engineer..."

"My car got towed."

"My connecting flight was delayed. I missed the connection."

"My wife hacked my hobby email and she's out for blood."
Madame X's Avatar
She thought I was full of it and proceeded to lay into me for giving her one of the lamest excuses she had ever heard. Originally Posted by Stick1969
Stick, you handled that a lot better than I would have! If that had been my dog, and someone tried to chew me out over it, I would have simply told her to shut the f*ck up and hung the f*ck up!

Glad your dog is back on her feet

~Mme X~