I disagree. Any attempt by any law enforcement agency to expand their power or to keep tabs on We the People is an infringement on our rights against unreasonable search and seizure. I don't want to be watched - by anyone - for any reason. Organized by law enforcement is unacceptable. Those powers don't need to be expanded.
I hear you LL, I'm not overly in love with the constant surveillance by businesses and governmental bodies everywhere.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
It's your position that the security screening requirements at airports are an unreasonable search and seizure? 3,000 dead Americans on 9/11 would disagree. And so would the SCOTUS.
My point is that COG, as usual, overstates the case in furtherance of his opinions and irrational fear of the government. I'm not in favor of government snooping either. But, there's a middle ground here. We live in a dangerous world with crazy hyper-motivated religious whackos out there who want to do us harm. Reasonable security measures have to be undertaken. I don't see what is currently being done as being an unreasonable trade-off between our privacy and our security. And, I certainly don't see what is being done as the creation of a police state. That is ridiculous. Police states exist to keep a regime or political entity in place. As much as COG and the rest of the whackos would like to think that all of this is an Obama scheme to perpetuate his presidency beyond what the Constitution allows, it just isn't (that's the underlying theme here, right COG?). At worst, it's an attempt by our legislators to try to keep us safe.
Frankly, the drug laws have done more to undermine our 4th Amendment rights than the Patriot Act, the NDAA and the TSA. Far more.