I bet you wouldn't care about the "over/under" if one of your family members had his or her face blown off by a gun and you had to give a DNA sample in order to positively ID the dead body.
What's the over/under that Clarence is morally (and possibly illegally) corrupt and is using his position on the bench in order to better serve his wife.
The OP started a thread a while back saying he was supposedly moving away and wouldn't "bother" us anymore. That question is better asked of him. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
what's the numbers legal vs illegal gun murders ????
moved.. who knows or cares. Not "bother" mmmm ahhhh thanks Op Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
OP doesn't bother me at all..... unlike some others.....
In fact, I'm happy to see his poasts..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Wood-head is just butt-hurt cuz I have been the most consistent in calling him out on his simplistic, knee-jerk drivel that supposedly supports his poorly thought out "arguments."
I've barely posted in Upset this year, but he sure don't like it when I do. And he's too dopey to realize that it is so much fun getting a foolish reaction out of him that he risks motivating me to post more often...
Leave the tired emotional arguments out of this threAd please, WP. None of us are unsympathetic to children who get killed by a maniac. But harassment of gun-owners by gun-owner-haters like Kathy Hochul ain't gonna help this one bit.
In fact....some would even argue that she risks making a situation like this MORE likely by restricting the ability of someone to intervene when something like the Tops tragedy happens.
But both of those situations are unlikely. Statistically, mass shootings involving innocent victims are not common. And so are successful interventions to stop them. So let's leave that out of this.
The REAL problems....the ones that are continually ignored by both sides....are societal. We know what most of those are, so let's leave those out of this threAd too. Cuz no one is going to do what it takes to really address them.
Here's the deal: those of us who follow the laws and cause ZERO shit with our guns are really fucking sick of being beat up on by idiots like Kathy Hochul and Chuck Schumer. Stop harassing us with your simplistic, vote-seeking bullshit that will do nothing but distract from the real problems.
And whether ya like Clarence Thomas (or his wife) or not...whether you agree with him or not...his majority opinion is what rules right now.
We know the mind set of this court. I cannot imagine that they are gonna sit by and let Kathy and Gavin and their pals ignore them and try to come up with rules to make things even WORSE for gun-owners in their states than they are right now.