Showcase look and then theReal Thing

There you go again making me blush effusively Sir. From what I can remember, I was less dressed each time. Perhaps when we meet next, I'll opt for nothing more than my birthday suit!

Let me just state that Lena is more than just "cute." I've seen her in various states of dress, from a dress (yes, very hot) to a silk robe and she could wear a burlap bag and still be sexy as hell. I think it's the gleam in her eye and the wry smile on her face that give her away. . . She's anything but innocent but if you saw her on the street that would be your assessment. Originally Posted by monkeyseeyou
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I get told that I look better in person than in my pictures they say that my pictures to look really good though and I try not to wear a lot of makeup or do airbrush affect because I feel that that puts on an illusion unless they ask for makeup
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
My not-so-innocent Lena, I would be totally up for that! How about I sit at the bar waiting for you and you come join me in your birthday suit? Now THAT would be an entrance!

There you go again making me blush effusively Sir. From what I can remember, I was less dressed each time. Perhaps when we meet next, I'll opt for nothing more than my birthday suit! Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
gimme_that's Avatar
As long as a lady looks better in person I'll be happy yet content as this is how it usually is. But if her appearance in person is slightly less than the pic the performance needed to be superb for me to be ecstatic.

But on overnight I get the pleasure of seeing lady's in their most sincere state. Messed up hair, no make up, morning face, etc. Long as the performance is good and I'm not wanting for nothing showcase to physical appearance ain't so important unless it's a radical change. I like ladies comfortable around me. One got too comfortable and said she preferred to do number 2 with the door open. Said she was claustrophobic and usually had to listen for her young kids at home and that was what she was used to..... that was weird....luckily she courtesy flushed with fabreeze spritz and it wasn't too bad. I never saw her again though. Figured it was a trust issue with money or something left on dresser at my outcall and maybe she felt vulnerable on the toilet maybe. Who knows lol. Closed the door during the shower though....go figure. Lol

Nothing worse than a highly airbrushed chick who shows up and takes her clothes off and has that "project skin" or some shady looking chewed up arieolas. I'm not gonna explain what that means if you don't know.....but it's nothing racist. Lol
SaltyDog71's Avatar
I dress according to my modd.......whatever it is though,I always try to look my best.....after all we are "selling a product",so it needs to be presented properly....right??? Originally Posted by DallasRain
You are portraying an image, to promote a product that you rent by the hour. The only thing that gets sold is condoms that cum with a free demonstration. Just saying.

At least that is what one of my ATF's Lorelei Leigh used to tell me
DallasRain's Avatar
LOl Salty....sounds logoical