Bump Stock Ban Blocked

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  • Devo
  • 01-07-2023, 06:49 PM
i think you are taking my somewhat flippant post about banning bump stocks to mean i don't support the 2nd amendment which i do and that i don't see the "slippery slope" that such bans can lead to. i do.

my point was that bump stocks are not widely used and thus aren't a big impact on gun owners. we both agree they aren't very useful and you can be far more accurate with a similar rate of fire without them.

i agree with the court's reasoning to strike down the ban. i also know of what is going on in Canada under that jack booted dickhead dictator Trudeau and agree it should be a concern for the US even with a 2nd amendment. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I looked up the actual numbers, the government estimated 500,000 sold, and I figure it's low because part of the determination is what the cost is to the owners of bump stocks if they destroy them as required, at an average cost of 150 bucks or so each.

Cost initially was higher, and lower at the end but at that rate it cost gun owners about 75 million dollars to comply with the law, again not chump change, nor will be even more sold when the ban ends, and people flock to the formerly Verboten, as happened after the assault weapon ban.

Once a niche weapon, that ban put an AR in half the households in the USA.

I would call something that sold a half million somewhat popular.
I use Ar’s for fun. Again, I feel anyone bringing up bump stocks which very few people have and give a flip about is wanting to stir the pot, simple as that.

I use a 357 revolver for conceal carry. A 22 revolver in nightstand and a 12 gauge sawed off pump in corner of bedroom.
I have a sig 40 semi just for fun. I don’t care for semi revolvers for defense because I can have issues pulling them back sometimes and I don’t like carrying one with a round in the chamber, cocked.
For me a revolver, you just pull it out and pull the trigger. May I add, I’ve never pulled a gun on anyone.

I had a friend I worked and rode with 40 years ago or so. He was in a bar one night got into a argument with someone shot the guy and got 25 years. I have no idea how long he spent.
Point being, if your shoot someone you better be sure it was hard self defense not just a simple shoving match. Originally Posted by Chase7
Which is why I’d never carry one. Lot of good people have made terrible decisions. Usually alcohol related.
How anyone can see the mass shooting at Las Vegas video and NOT want to get rid of bump stocks.
Why bother with a bump stock? There's videos out there showing you how to use your belt loops for the exact same thing. And just as shitty way of aiming. Entertaining? Yes. Useful? Nope.

I'm surprised no one mentioned binary triggers yet?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why bother with a bump stock? There's videos out there showing you how to use your belt loops for the exact same thing. And just as shitty way of aiming. Entertaining? Yes. Useful? Nope.

I'm surprised no one mentioned binary triggers yet? Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay

devo did. in this post.

Bluntly, it doesn't matter one bit what your opinion is on a bump stock, its the matter that its a governmental over reach done by an agency with no power to make a law, doing just that.

I am an FFL and a manufacturer, IE, I can sell and make firearms including machine guns, which can not be sold to the general public, because that laws were changed preventing the sale of new machine guns to normal citizens, and, that has created a closed market for the relatively few "Pre ban" machine guns that can be sold amongst primarily collectors.

What it has done, is effectively prevent most people from owning one because the cost is prohibitive, generally running about 10 or 11K right now for a "MAC" series of 9mm or 45 submachine guns.

Classics like a Thompson, over 40K usually, an M16 about 20K, and, its mainly a investment purchase, as, I paid 2K for a M11-9 and suppressor years ago, and it now in that 11K category.

So, the only way for most folks to fire a MG is to rent one, or, use something that mimics the way a MG fires, as does a bump stock.

And, a bump stock will not work unless you use two hands, unlike a real machine gun, which, I can hold in one hand, pull the trigger and fire until the magazine is empty, a bump stock MUST have a forward hand on the grip, to allow the rifle to move back and forth between both hands.

I have used a BS, its not a natural movement to use one, and it takes practice and usually works best with low recoil rifles, as with any type of automatic weapon, physics take over and the gun rises so fast its unusable, and off target.

Having the abililty to make an M16 and a few other types, I can attest to the limited use for, and actual tactical necessity to have a FA weapon, and, even though I could easily have one as a primary go to weapon, I choose instead to use an AR with a binary trigger, as its far more accurate, and turns one pull of the trigger into two.

A 30 round magazine becomes 15 dual shots, as I once heard in the movie "Sword of Gideon" which was about the Israelis taking revenge on the killers of their olympic athletes, "Anything worth shooting once, is worth shooting twice."

So, the use of a bump stock, in anger, would probably result in LESS deaths as you just can't accurately fire with one.

Negating both the need for the law, and, just removing a civil right from a few million americans without good reasons, again, done without the congress passing a law as it should have.

We have a term for gun owners like you guys in this thread, and the term is "FUDD" as in Elmer Fudd, you take your rights for granted, until something gun related comes along, such as the ban on high cap mags that occurred during the failed "Assault weapons ban" and let the REAL gun owner fight the legal battles that occurr when laws are passed and restrict every gun owners rights.

"It's not MY gun" so it doesn't matter, it's not my revolver or shotgun being seized, so it doesn't matter".

Yeah, take a look at fucking Canada, where every few years a new law passes restricting more guns, and now, no more handguns can be sold new, to the public, just as machine guns were regulated here, and, they are wanting to confiscate tons of now legal hunting rifles and shotguns, and not AR15s or AKs, those are already relegated to few specially qualified and permitted owners, but, the shotguns and rifle even the Inuit use, and even they are pissed.

The vast majority of provinces are refusing to enforce the laws, but even the FUDDS are going to take a hit this time, because their handguns aren't going to be able to passed down to their kids, no new transfers are allowed, this will just create a new class of criminals as many will never follow the law.

Originally Posted by Devo
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  • Devo
  • 01-08-2023, 02:37 PM
How anyone can see the mass shooting at Las Vegas video and NOT want to get rid of bump stocks. Originally Posted by Charley3
It wasn't a bump stock, it was a belt fed machine gun.

Further you missed the points about how inaccurate a rifle becomes when using a bump stock, a dedicated shooter with a semi rifle could do far worse with well aimed shots.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-08-2023, 02:45 PM
Why bother with a bump stock? There's videos out there showing you how to use your belt loops for the exact same thing. And just as shitty way of aiming. Entertaining? Yes. Useful? Nope.

I'm surprised no one mentioned binary triggers yet? Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
Having a safe with full autos in it, let me state definitively a binary trigger is far more user friendly and accurate than an actual mo sheen gun.

A suppressed rifle with one is my grab and go choice.

For one scenario, a good shotgun is another, people mocked Alzheimers Joe for his comments, but at closer ranges, I'd rather be shot with a rifle.

I am firmly convinced the Newtown shooter used one, and they blamed it on an AR for political reasons.

Why the autopsies would be sealed forever, makes me wonder what they had to hide.

Not being morbid, but, every fact behind the motivations of a mass killer should be out there to figure out why a sick person did what they did.
It wasn't a bump stock, it was a belt fed machine gun.

Further you missed the points about how inaccurate a rifle becomes when using a bump stock, a dedicated shooter with a semi rifle could do far worse with well aimed shots. Originally Posted by Devo
I don’t care what it’s called. Any form of this (whatever the fuck it was) should not be available. Accuracy isn’t needed when there’s thousands of innocent people to slaughter.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It wasn't a bump stock, it was a belt fed machine gun.

Further you missed the points about how inaccurate a rifle becomes when using a bump stock, a dedicated shooter with a semi rifle could do far worse with well aimed shots. Originally Posted by Devo

if you listen to the audio of the many video clips of the incident it absolutely sounds like automatic rifle fire. you can hear it clearly, bursts of 20-30 rounds being fired. no way that kind of rapid fire can be done with a bump stock.

as part of an entire week of training by the Marines, we fired the M-16 on full auto. like you, i know the sound. the audio from the Vegas shooting makes it clear it wasn't bump stocks being used. it's too rapid and too perfectly spaced. only a full auto weapon can make that sound.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-08-2023, 05:41 PM
I don’t care what it’s called. Any form of this (whatever the fuck it was) should not be available. Accuracy isn’t needed when there’s thousands of innocent people to slaughter. Originally Posted by Charley3
More people die everyday in the inner city, and nearly all are pistols, and by one demographic.

I see kids carrying Glocks with full auto switches that can be made in a few minutes on a 3d printer, a full auto device can also be printed for an AR15 that converts a standard, stock rifle into a completely reliable machine gun, I know because I have done so, legally of course.

Bump stocks are a bulky semi solution to doing what is easily available to make at home.

Pandoras Box is wide open, and there is no going back, eventually somebody really good is going to show how unsafe anyone is, wherever you mistakenly think you are safe.

There is one answer, lots of people with guns that are ready to use them.

And WHEN bad people are aware someone is always there to shoot back, they might start to have some fear of doing what they do.

Just ask the recent looters in Buffalo.
More people die everyday in the inner city, and nearly all are pistols, and by one demographic.

I see kids carrying Glocks with full auto switches that can be made in a few minutes on a 3d printer, a full auto device can also be printed for an AR15 that converts a standard, stock rifle into a completely reliable machine gun, I know because I have done so, legally of course.

Bump stocks are a bulky semi solution to doing what is easily available to make at home.

Pandoras Box is wide open, and there is no going back, eventually somebody really good is going to show how unsafe anyone is, wherever you mistakenly think you are safe.

There is one answer, lots of people with guns that are ready to use them.

And WHEN bad people are aware someone is always there to shoot back, they might start to have some fear of doing what they do.

Just ask the recent looters in Buffalo. Originally Posted by Devo
Brilliant! The solution to gun deaths is more guns. This would be funny if I thought for a second you were joking. It’s actually pathetic. I’m out before I say what I really feel.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-09-2023, 11:33 AM
Brilliant! The solution to gun deaths is more guns. This would be funny if I thought for a second you were joking. It’s actually pathetic. I’m out before I say what I really feel. Originally Posted by Charley3
So, by your logic, the safest places should be gun free zones and places like Chicago, who has strict state laws in place, including a state ID to even be able to own a gun.

So, you wanna talk about how well that strategy is working?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Brilliant! The solution to gun deaths is more guns. This would be funny if I thought for a second you were joking. It’s actually pathetic. I’m out before I say what I really feel. Originally Posted by Charley3
The guy who just got dead trying to rob a Texas taco joint agrees.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-09-2023, 07:08 PM
The guy who just got dead trying to rob a Texas taco joint agrees. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I loved that, I mean, I hate to see anyone killed, but, in this day and age to brazenly start robbing people in a restaurant, walking back and forth, etc, was just stupid.

I mean, its Texas, he may as well have been in Armstrong County, the 4th highest rate of gun ownership in the country, by county, just under 60 percent per household, you KNOW someone in any restaurant is going to have a gun.

Then he gives the money back, and gets in his 70s pickup and leaves the scene.

I heard they are looking for him, but, in Texas, to probably give him a medal.

I'm sure the victim, will turn out to have legally purchased his pistol and had a concealed carry license........
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I loved that, I mean, I hate to see anyone killed, but, in this day and age to brazenly start robbing people in a restaurant, walking back and forth, etc, was just stupid.

I mean, its Texas, he may as well have been in Armstrong County, the 4th highest rate of gun ownership in the country, by county, just under 60 percent per household, you KNOW someone in any restaurant is going to have a gun.

Then he gives the money back, and gets in his 70s pickup and leaves the scene.

I heard they are looking for him, but, in Texas, to probably give him a medal.

I'm sure the victim, will turn out to have legally purchased his pistol and had a concealed carry license........ Originally Posted by Devo

bump stocks weren't an issue here, meaning they are a minor factor in gun violence.

now about that dufus in Texas .. he actually had a fake gun and figured he'd wave it around and "IF" no one had a real gun he'd get away with it. he didn't.


Police: Suspect who robbed Mexican restaurant with 'fake gun' shot, killed by customer

here's what happens when you bring a fake gun to a gun fight


the man who stopped the robber has come forward and met with Houston police.