Going Negative

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, it's refreshing to know that some folks do post something intelligent and informative.

Unfortunately there are many buffoons whose mouths are like the rear end of a cow and each time they open their yaps it's only to expel another load of crap!

. . . Yes, you know who you are and dumb enough to even labeled yourself as such!


The "Stand By Your Ad" provision (SBYA) of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA, also known as "McCain-Feingold"), enacted in 2002, that requires candidates in the United States for federal political office, as well as interest groups and political parties supporting or opposing a candidate, to include in political advertisements on television and radio "a statement by the candidate that identifies the candidate and states that the candidate has approved the communication." The provision was intended to force political candidates running any campaign for office in the United States to associate themselves with their television and radio advertising, thereby discouraging them from making controversial claims or attack ads.[1][2][3]
In American politics, "I approve this message" (sometimes in the past tense, also with "authorize" in place of "approve" or with "ad" instead of "message") is a phrase said by candidates for federal office to comply with this provision. Originally Posted by CJ7
It was worse than that. Modern day politics pales in comparison to the old days.

From CNN.Com:

Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."

In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."

http://articles.cnn.com/2008-08-22/l...n?_s=PM:LIVING Originally Posted by joe bloe
It got even dirtier after that campaign I think...

That when the rumor of him having children with his servants arose wasn't it?
I B Hankering's Avatar
It got even dirtier after that campaign I think...

That when the rumor of him having children with his servants arose wasn't it? Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
True. And the accuser, James Callender, was found floating in the James River a few months later. Autopsy said he drowned "accidentally" while taking a bath.
True. And the accuser, James Callender, was found floating in the James River a few months later. Autopsy said he drowned "accidentally" while taking a bath. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Damn, they really played dirty back in the good old days.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Damn, they really played dirty back in the good old days. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Yes they did.
Yes they did. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I wonder why they didn't bring this up on the Monticello tour...
I B Hankering's Avatar
I wonder why they didn't bring this up on the Monticello tour... Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Actually they do, but they're staying on script claiming it was an "accident":


Callender had many, many enemies, but it is also entirely possible he did die "accidentally."
Actually they do, but they're staying on script claiming it was an "accident":


Callender had many, many enemies, but it is also entirely possible he did die "accidentally." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Went to Monteciello in the spring maybe I had a lackluster tour guide, but they were very hesitant to discuss his possible relationship with Sally Hemmings. I had to hear about it from another patron in my tour group and the date I went with said that the committee in charge on the montceillo estate was very hesitant to recognize the possibility that Jefferson fathered some of Sally Hemmings children.

Just because he fathered her children I don't think that made Jefferson a bad person. In my mind Sally and Tommy had a respectful yet secretive relationship I couldn't imagine a man such as Thomas Jefferson forcing a himself on a woman against his will.But that's just me.

Extra Note: after reading that article Callender seems like a modern day Rush.
joe bloe's Avatar
I wonder why they didn't bring this up on the Monticello tour... Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Jefferson and Adams later became great friends and corresponded for years. They both died the same day, the fourth of July 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. John Adams last words were "Jefferson still survives."

If you like history, I recommend the HBO miniseries on John Adams; it's excellent.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Went to Monteciello in the spring maybe I had a lackluster tour guide, but they were very hesitant to discuss his possible relationship with Sally Hemmings. I had to hear about it from another patron in my tour group and the date I went with said that the committee in charge on the montceillo estate was very hesitant to recognize the possibility that Jefferson fathered some of Sally Hemmings children.

Just because he fathered her children I don't think that made Jefferson a bad person. In my mind Sally and Tommy had a respectful yet secretive relationship I couldn't imagine a man such as Thomas Jefferson forcing a himself on a woman against his will.But that's just me.

Extra Note: after reading that article Callender seems like a modern day Rush. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
It is still a controversial subject. Jefferson had promised his dying wife, Martha - for the rights of her children, he would not marry again. Also of note, Martha's father was also Sally’s father; Martha and Sally were half-sisters. It’s possible Jefferson’s affair with Sally was prompted by characteristics and attributes Sally may have shared with his wife.

Someone once wrote that Callender was "drunken, vicious and depraved, albeit talented."
joe bloe's Avatar
It is still a controversial subject. Jefferson had promised his dying wife, Martha - for the rights of her children, he would not marry again. Also of note, Martha's father was also Sally’s father; Martha and Sally were half-sisters. It’s possible Jefferson’s affair with Sally was prompted by characteristics and attributes Sally may have shared with his wife.

Someone once wrote that Callender was "drunken, vicious and depraved, albeit talented." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sally probably had a better ass.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
I think the gent discussing what Mitt Romney did with Bain Capital ads are pretty negative and out of character with the Obama campaign. I guess if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit comes into play.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There are some bitter lessons learned in each campaign.

I don't think John Kerry really expected the Swift Boat attacks and they were brutal when they blasted him out of the water!

I think President Obama learned much from those underhanded tactics and is determined to beat them to the punch this time!

. . . The gloves will be off for this election!

joe bloe's Avatar
Yea right, it was really underhanded telling the truth about Lurch. John Kerry is a lying sack of shit. He gave testimony to Congress after his tour in Vietnam that was nothing but lies. He slandered American soldiers. John Kerry is a despicable creature.


Fast Gunn's Avatar
You are quite mistaken.

John Kerry would have made a much, much better President than the village idiot that we got instead.

John served heroically in Viet Nam and was even courageous enough to oppose that foolish war, but the problem was that some thought he was unpatriotic because he opposed it.

. . . Viet Nam was as stupid a war as the invasion of Iraq.

Yea right, it was really underhanded telling the truth about Lurch. John Kerry is a lying sack of shit. He gave testimony to Congress after his tour in Vietnam that was nothing but lies. He slandered American soldiers. John Kerry is a despicable creature.


http://archive.frontpagemag.com/read...px?ARTID=14008 Originally Posted by joe bloe