Why are Gallup’s findings worse for Dems?

The bottom line is: when you walk down the food line of Highland Park Cafeteria, those aren't the pictures of the guys on the wall that lost or "gave away" an election. And ten years from now, I'm pretty sure you still won't be seeing Mitt's smiling face up there either.
It's a long way till November. In todays instant news cycles, things can change in hours, much less days or weeks.

President Obama will finish shoring up the party faithfull, then he will go moderate, and sound more like Bill Clinton every day.

Mitt Romney will also finish shoring up the party faithfull, then go moderate, and sound more like Bill Clinton every day.

It's a long time untill November.
joe bloe's Avatar
CBJ7, my point was that the Republicans are too stupid to win. Therefore, President Obama wins by default. Sorry my sarcasm was lost on you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Even a blind hog finds an acorn sometimes. The economy is in shambles. People usually vote their pocketbook. Carter was leading Reagan at this point in the campaign and he lost by almost ten points.
joe bloe's Avatar
Romney is not my guy; but if he wins (which I think he will), he will be very serious about controlling our debt and the size (and intrusiveness) of our government....here is what Rush said; and Rush knows............

RUSH: Folks, I must be honest with you. I hear this all the time from people about Romney, and I know him and I’ve talked to him. He came here and he sat down and he told me what his plan was, and it sounded like anything you and I would say. He even said to me, “If I accomplish everything I want to do, I may only be a one-term president.” I said, “What do you mean?” “Because I am gonna so fix this. It’s gonna be dramatic. We’ve gotta reverse this. We gotta stop this. Our children’s future is at stake here, and I’m gonna stop the direction that we’re headed, and if they throw me out after four years, fine and dandy.” And from right here in this studio he left to go to a huge fundraiser here in Palm Beach. First traffic jam I have ever been in since I lived here trying to get home. (interruption) No, I don’t go to fundraisers. Of course I wasn’t invited. I don’t go to those things. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

That sounds encouraging. I hope Romney really trys to reign in spending. This country is running out of time. The interest rates can't stay low forever. When we start rolling over the debt at much higher rates it's going to explode the deficit. We're paying roughly three hundred billion in interest on the debt per year and that's at approximately two percent interest. If we get Carter era rates, it's going to be game over. The higher the rate, the higher the deficit, the higher the deficit, the higher the rate, etc; it's a death spiral.
Yep; Obama spends $5 trillion in under four years; the Feds are forced to keep rates low; and the middle class who has may have some cash assets get fucked by the low rates on their CDs/IRAs and other cash holdings...................... again, Obama fucks the middle class.

That sounds encouraging. I hope Romney really trys to reign in spending. This country is running out of time. The interest rates can't stay low forever. When we start rolling over the debt at much higher rates it's going to explode the deficit. We're paying roughly three hundred billion in interest on the debt per year and that's at approximately two percent interest. If we get Carter era rates, it's going to be game over. The higher the rate, the higher the deficit, the higher the deficit, the higher the rate, etc; it's a death spiral. Originally Posted by joe bloe