Whats wrong with African American Clients

Ok good honest answer I respect that, and I know some men of other races ain't all good Originally Posted by myown21
Thanks for accepting my post in the spirit it was intended.

You're absolutely right. Of the three absolutely worst, scariest clients I ever had one was white, one was Hispanic and one was black; that makes them pretty even in my book.
Disdain Things you cannot have, ignoring them is the best Revenge.

Keep in mind most "providers" do not choose clientèle based race,ethnicity or physical appearance . But rather his ability to be a gentleman and well mannered in her presence.
Originally Posted by anova444
I couldn't have said it better myself. For the record, I love black clients.
Thank you NicoleG, I just want to let everyone know that Gabriella4u was the originator of those words not me.
Dark Horse's Avatar
My first experience was with a lovely white woman who treated me like her boyfriend. At the time we made contact I described myself as a well educated (Yale) gentleman, successful lawyer, mid 30s, honest, humorous, and a pleasure to be with. All the traits that those of you have responded to this post identify as a good client.

The second experience was with a petite platinum blonde in Orlando. When I opened my hotel door she looked at me and angrily turned away muttering a few ill-advised words. Ever since then I make it a point to describe my heritage as well as my gentle manner and profession in any first correspondence.

I really do not have an issue with anyone turning me down. I don’t like certain qualities or features in ladies and I respect a woman’s right to have her own preferences as well. Hobbyists have the advantage of being able to see and read about a potential date whereas the providers can only go by what I write and what any reference might say. My self-description is offered as a way to share the advantage. If a provider has difficulty in feeling comfortable with me for any reason then neither of us will have a good time and as such it is best not to meet.

I do prefer honesty. If you do not want to see me or feel uncomfortable providing a DFK or other service then please tell me so and I will move on. I respect this more so than the non response and subterfuge of telling me that you are busy, booked, or walking the dog. These tactics lack character and although you might believe that it is a polite way to let me down please understand that it is insulting when compared to a direct response.

I get the busy excuse about 50% of the time regardless of whether I suggest a specific day or anytime in the near future. I doubt that anyone else who has 100% excellent refs has such a high non-response and already booked declination rate. The majority of clients do not have to mention their race, religion, or nationality when contacting a provider but I do. I am being honest and I am aware that some providers may not want to see me for a variety of reasons. If you do not want to see me then there is nothing wrong with telling me directly.
  • anita
  • 10-01-2010, 12:33 AM
african american are cute. Being well hung isn't a bad thing...being enormous... oh well.
People have preferences,and I am pretty sure you do too.
I can't tell you why they won't see black men because I do see all races.
i have said it once and i will say it again. providers are operating a business, they get to choose how they run that business, is it our (hobbyist) business? no. it is their business. do we have a right to tell them how to run their business? NO.
providers are in control, not the hobbyist, we just learn to play by their rules.
after all who sets the rates, times available, menu,location on and on.
that is why.

soon to be S.E.B.
herfacechair's Avatar
I say attitude is a biggie.

When I was in Lisbon, Portugal, whore mongering as usual , I came across a black Portuguese street walker. She was hightailing it away from a bunch of African Americans that had tried to get her to serve them. She asked me, in Portuguese, why our guys behaved like jerks and jack arses. I replied to her in Spanish that they were drunk, and that we just had some arduous duty. She was like, I'm not doing them and continued about her business.

If you come accross a provider that doesn't want to service you, because of your color, move on to a provider that will provide you with a good time. If you're well behaved, you shouldn't have a problem.
It's kind of mess up if one person act stupid, then I guess they assume the rest are like that too. I wonder if another guy from another race act all stupid and not well behaved do they stop seeing them too.
It's kind of mess up if one person act stupid, then I guess they assume the rest are like that too. I wonder if another guy from another race act all stupid and not well behaved do they stop seeing them too. Originally Posted by myown21
The answer to that is absolutely, unequivocally...YES! Some of us enjoy gents of all races, ages, whatever. I know I do. If you can speak with me, rather than talk at me, and are ready to enjoy yourself...then I'm ready to see you! If you can't figure out how to behave like a gentleman before you come to meet me, then I don't care what kind of money or education you've got...not interested.

I've seen college drop-outs and Harvard Law grads. The one thing I looked for in each of them wasn't "type", it was civility.
Wow!!!!! Well i will see AA men so hit me up babe!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!
In my situation, I didn't have any race in particular that I "would" or "would not" see; however, I did have a higher price than most, so I would only get the attempts at arrangements from African American men. I would have seen them, if they wouldn't have tried to reduce my donation. Honestly, all other races, including Asians, did not try to make arrangements on my donations. I made my choices based on their respect for me. Now, I'm completely "under the radar" and I don't have to worry about such things.

On another note: I've met many Caucasian men who's penises are as large as a horse. Thank goodness, I did kegles to keep it tight.
Lol I would like to see you too.
I don't discriminate based on race. However-- if a person calls me and taks with nothing but street slang, I don't care if he's white, black, eighty, crippled, dumb, or crazy--- I'm not wasting my time. Some of my favorite clients ever have happened to be well groomed, polite, educated black men. The only robbery I've ever experienced was at the hands of a white man. I think too many ladies confuse "thugs" with AA gentlemen. Thugs come in all colors, my dears.
tejero's Avatar
I lot of them believe and fall into the media hype that us black men are thieving, robbing, slick talking, overly sexed gorillas that want to rape every white woman or any woman in general in sight. which is far from the truth. Last time I checked all of the serial killers killing prostitutes were white men. Craigslist killer was white. If that's your preference oh well. Far as black men having big penises. It's a stereotype for a reason. But still. You're a professional sex worker. You should know how to accomodate salami's in all sizes.
ben dover's Avatar
WTF? Two years old? Where do they find these?