Pathetic receipt of Infraction Points

Duke of G's Avatar
...Perhaps every single person that responded should get infraction points. Technically. Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
They didn't do it after the warning. Pointing them before a warning would be "heavy handed." And while you admit to not having seen my post (due to us posting at the same time) you failed to edit your post as you did with this one.

You also came at this from a confrontational point in public, instead of via PM. (You decided to PM much after this) That doesn't really speak of any sort of compromise. You chose how you wanted to handle this. There were other ways that might have gotten better/different results.

I am trying to figure out why the thread is still open. If the OP only wants PM's, why are moderators leaving the thread open? Are mods leaving it open because it is ok for us to respond, or what? Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
It's still open because you are working in hobby-time and think the mods sit in overwatch over all threads. We don't. I was out of touch besides a phone, and couldn't close the foolishness that is happening. Also, instead of closing it, we can just point people until they correct their behavior. Which do you think works better for the long run?

I'm sorry you don't like your points. You were the first to come along after a very specific piece of guidance regarding ISO threads. You ignored it, or chose to keep it, and still try to defend it. All of which earned you the infraction.

Funny part is, yourself came along, also hijacked, also got points, but then saw where he was wrong. He edited his post and his points were reveresed.

And please don't play coy that your questions were "helpful" or trying to seek out someone for the OP.

I could call you stupid and many other names, but calling you names accomplishes nothing Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
I think it is a stupid fucking idea, very unsafe, and is asking for trouble. Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
The above was your real message. Couching it in other language to soften it doesn't change the message.

Oh, and if guidline #6 doesn't apply, #1 does, and you'd still have 5 points for Unnecessary Rudeness.

Sorry for the mispelling. I bet I have done that a hundred times or more. My cousin spells her name with a "Z" and a good friend of mine the same, so I tend to migrate to that spelling. Perhaps PS does have a redeeming quality after all.

Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 04-29-2013, 09:01 AM
...beneficial to provide a link to the point system... Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
This is a good idea. I hear people mention points all the time, but, other than knowing they are a way of recording infractions, I have no idea what they are or what they do. I don't even know how one would discover that they had been given points.
Duke of G's Avatar
This is a good idea. I hear people mention points all the time, but, other than knowing they are a way of recording infractions, I have no idea what they are or what they do. I don't even know how one would discover that they had been given points. Originally Posted by Crock
In short, if you accumulate enough points, your account is automatically banned for 90 days. Different infractions carry different amounts of points. We don't publish the amount needed to ban, simply to prevent people from "gaming the system." Points also expire after a certain period of time.

If you receive a warning or infraction, you will be notified via private message.

Our goal isn't to ban people. The points system just keeps track of members that refuse to follow the rules. The vast majority of members have zero points or very few. It takes a lot of bad behavior to self-ban.
The requests and ISOs forum is a specialized forum. It isn't a place to have discussions or opinions about the subject matter, unless that the original poster asked for feedback.

This was the topic:

There is nothing ambiguous about the request, and nowhere does it say that he wants feedback on how hobbyists and providers feel about his choice. If you aren't a provider offering it, why would you reply to that thread? As a matter of fact, if there were providers offering the service, they are likely sending him offers by private messages.

Rule#6 applies to topics that are open for discussion. This ISO isn't in that category. Had this been a discussion in Coed Discussions, everything would have been OK. There are multiple forums on the site where discussions are welcome. The ISO forum isn't one of them, and most people replying there are hijacking threads in most cases. Originally Posted by Matador
Not true.

Some mods see it differently, some mods love to point people.

I rec'd points in the Coed section for this infraction, folder doesn't matter, but the Mod does. remember Chipper? That dude like handing out points like Skittles at Halloween. Duke of G is like that.
Duke of G's Avatar
Actually, Tiger...for this specific topic at this specific time...yes there are points being handed out. You KNEW better, and you hijacked it anyway. You have several warnings, and know the state of the current issue, so why be that guy?

I don't really care so much about the points. But the constant derailment and lack of respect for others' topics makes the board less friendly.

Sorry you don't see it that way.