"A classy gentlemen is not looking for a hooker on the Internet"

TravelingGentleman's Avatar
My personal definition of upper class is a person whose main income isn't from working. Work is done to maintain the fortune and you don't touch the sizable principal. Originally Posted by SA Angel
I shall step up and disagree with you. The use of of the word classy in this discussion is to describe someone's bearing, presentation, and manners.

adjective, classier, classiest. Informal.
1. of high class, rank, or grade; stylish; admirably smart; elegant.

One can behave in such of a way to mimic the traditional expectations of a person born into gentry or nobility (high class or upper class), but that accident of birth does not make someone classy. It makes them rich. Neither old money or new money defines character.

If the family doesn't own multiple vacation properties you don't belong. Originally Posted by SA Angel
Again, I disagree. Wealth does not equate to class. Your mistaken assumptions are because in olden days, families of influence had the leisure time to define communal mores and etiquette. Conducting yourself in a manner similar to one of class is the very definition (above) of classy - not because you or they were rich, but because at the time, the conduct of the rich was stylish, admirable, and elegant.

This is no longer true. The strumpets on T.V. that the media forcefeed as entertainment into the vacuous expressions of the majority are not classy. They lack elegance, poise, grace, and humility.

Personally, I'd rather be well bred than classy. The word "classy" seems to be used most often by those who don't deserve it or utter snobs. Originally Posted by SA Angel
As do you.

I *do* agree...and have said in the thread that spawned this discussion that the word "classy" is overused. As is the word "lady" and "gentleman."

I am at least acquaintances with several millionaires, and two billionaires - I had lunch with Bob McNair last week...and while I have on occasion been stunned with displays of opulence and wealth (seriously, a real batcave - with rotating car display, minus bats) that wealth can only offer the leisure to pursue dignity, but does not inherently confer it.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Many truly classy, well bred, well educated, upscale women are hookers!! I have known doctors, lawyers, judges, college professors etc etc who LOVE fucking for money!! Every type of woman can be found!!!!!
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Many truly classy, well bred, well educated, upscale women are hookers!! I have known doctors, lawyers, judges, college professors etc etc who LOVE fucking for money!! Every type of woman can be found!!!!! Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Again, I think misunderstandings arise from the misuse of words. Any of those people can be classy - but they probably aren't well-bred - which means having been selectively bred (born) from good mating stock.

For humans - as opposed to horses - being well-bred requires that someone both be born into a family of wealth and power, and most importantly, having received a proper upbringing (refer to class and etiquette), training, and education.

Those three things can provide the circumstance to create a doctor, lawyer, or judge...but the former two professions are the original reason the word "profession" came into use. They are highly paid, and if the person in that profession is well-bred, is not having extra-marital sex; LEAST OF ALL with johns for money.

"Yeah, circuit court judge Pamela Huntsman...yes, of THE Huntsman family....is a prostitute on the side. Oh yeah - she puts her career at risk twice a week and risks every one of her judgments and convictions bring reversed so that she can make an extra $200 giving me a blowjob over lunch break."

I don't buy it - even if this isn't the dumbest fiction fantasized about, they STILL WOULD NOT BE CLASSY OR WELL-BRED. By definition.

and this is another reason why people don't know what words mean anymore, and despite surfing the internet profusely, don't care enough enough to use the same internet to educate themselves on the meaning of the words they willfully misuse.
... I am at least acquaintances with several millionaires, and two billionaires - I had lunch with Bob McNair last week...and while I have on occasion been stunned with displays of opulence and wealth (seriously, a real batcave - with rotating car display, minus bats) that wealth can only offer the leisure to pursue dignity, but does not inherently confer it. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Status & name dropping isn't classy either
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Status & name dropping isn't classy either Originally Posted by papadee
I've never claimed to be well-bred, nor classy. Nor aligned myself with a social class or economic indicator, nor dropped my name.

I have claimed to be a gentleman, which I am - and educated, which I am. These long posts are attempts to educate others - and where examples help, I provide them.
  • katee
  • 11-13-2015, 09:23 AM
Your argument is spot on. Merely the definition serves to prove your point. Class and well bred are NOT the same.
My goodness TG what did I ever do you to you?

Are you always like this or did I manage to offend you in another life? I stated my personal definition and you take umbrage and precede to focus on the parts of my post you can attack and even take a thinly veiled shot at me personally. You took a similar tacit on another post I made on a thread you started. I didn't respond to you in that thread because I figured that with time enough people would respond in support of the two points I had made. This however is just a mere clash of opinions so I guess I'll glove up this time.

My post in this thread was in response to what I felt the quote in the original post was getting at.

A classy gentlemen is not looking for a hooker on the Internet.
A classy lady is definetly not selling her snatch here on ECCIE
Let the Butt hurt begin. Happy classy hobbying and whoring Peeps. Originally Posted by SknyDiva
Looking at her showcase she seems happy, positive and confident in herself and her sexuality...so it makes no sense for her to have that view as it relates to Merriam-Webster's definitions. Definition of Classy

"Full Definition of CLASSY

: having or showing class: as
a : elegant, stylish <a classy clientele>
b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior <a classy guy> <a classy gesture>
c : admirably skillful and graceful <a classy outfielder>"

A - is out because she certainly has style. I love that she saw how alluring she could make that fringed shawl.
B - is out because she's positive, optimistic, and considerate.
C - is out because she is skillful and looks plenty graceful in the pictures she posted.

So we are left to consider what is she getting at. I thought maybe she was referring to social class so that is where my post came from and I used my personal definition of upper class. "Old" and "New" money is a bigger issue out east where I grew up so it certainly affected how I view the classes. Do I think it holds true for everyone? Of course not which is I deliberately stated it was my personal definition and have done so multiple times in this current post. For example, I felt my family was middle class growing up but because we were relatively wealthier and had a particular social set I was told different many times by others. Since my father wasn't donating enough to have college buildings named after him nor was my mother heading a charity foundation, I didn't feel we qualified and to pretend so would be rather gauche.

Why are you so upset by the ladies and gentlemen on here making use of the words "lady" and "gentleman"? Using those terms is normally a courtesy that is extended to show politeness in most cases. I do believe the masses understand good manners.

As for your ill attempt to insult me....please point out where I have used the term "classy" outside of discussion of the term itself. Thank you and I hope you day goes well so you can be kinder to the people that you interact with. That animosity must come from somewhere.
I've never claimed to be well-bred, nor classy. Nor aligned myself with a social class or economic indicator, nor dropped my name.

I have claimed to be a gentleman, which I am - and educated, which I am. These long posts are attempts to educate others - and where examples help, I provide them. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
You dropped Bob McNair's name and the status of acquaintances who are millionaires & a billionaire.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
You dropped Bob McNair's name and the status of acquaintances who are millionaires & a billionaire. Originally Posted by papadee
Yes I did. Since you're determined to avoid discussion on literacy and comprehension and divert the conversation into ad hominem territory, let me b explicit: I don't care what you or anyone else here think of me. Im here to find women I want to have a memorable time with, not to score fake Internet points with fake friends.

I engage in these discussions because I would like to peacefully read and browse without being assaulted by corruption of language and the mediocre understanding of the semi-literate.

It's been extremely difficult to find refined women of elegance and class when every two dollar hooker on this site labels themselves such without knowing what the words mean. The same go for gentlemen.

Call me what you will.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
My goodness TG what did I ever do you to you?

I stated my personal definition and you take umbrage and precede to focus on the parts of my post you can attack ...
Originally Posted by SA Angel
What did you do to me? You posted an opinion I disagreed with, so I decided to debate it with you. Don't be offended that someone disagrees with you. Be even less offended that I thought your post worth dissecting word by word to disagree with. Thus is a good debate conducted, discussion had, and the marketplace of ideas kept healthy.

The only reason to be offended would be if I had ignored your post because I didn't think you were intelligent enough to have that discourse with.

As to the thin veil - read your OP. Now read the dictionary link you used. Now read it again. See the disconnect? You harp on money, vacation properties, and servants.

Which part of your dictionary definition covers that and your assumed / accused "snobbery" as you put it?

Apologies for the abbreviated post; I hate typing on a phone.
I thought "Class will Tell." Are you saying that isn't true? Originally Posted by awl4knot
Sorry I forgot to answer you. I do believe class will tell and it can be a good or bad thing.

Consider an athlete that has come from generational poverty. More times than not he will give financial support his immediate and extended family and even his friends. This level of generosity isn’t common with athletes that come from a middle class background. Valuing family and relationships over your own financial future is a mentality you will find most often in someone who came from a lower class background.

Another example would be my own desire to move up in the corporate world based on my own achievements alone. I didn’t want to use any personal connections or the influence of my family’s friends. That is very middle class thinking and actually hurt me and my future with the company in the long run.

Please let me be clear and state that I feel someone’s social class is nothing to be proud or ashamed of. All it shows is your background and history. I have moved through every financial and social strata and I think a person’s behavior towards others determine whether they are a “gentleman” or a “lady”. I have bought dinner for homeless men who were perfect gentlemen and slapped trust fund babies who were anything but.

What did you do to me? You posted an opinion I disagreed with, so I decided to debate it with you. Don't be offended that someone disagrees with you. Be even less offended that I thought your post worth dissecting word by word to disagree with. Thus is a good debate conducted, discussion had, and the marketplace of ideas kept healthy.

The only reason to be offended would be if I had ignored your post because I didn't think you were intelligent enough to have that discourse with.

As to the thin veil - read your OP. Now read the dictionary link you used. Now read it again. See the disconnect? You harp on money, vacation properties, and servants.

Which part of your dictionary definition covers that and your assumed / accused "snobbery" as you put it?

Apologies for the abbreviated post; I hate typing on a phone. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman

Everyone will disagree over opinion at some point in time. We can argue all day civilly without having to resort to insults to try to emotionally destabilize the other party. If you weren’t trying to make a dig at me personally then what was the point of “So do you.”? Please, I’m all ears.

You are focusing on parts and not the whole. I provided the dictionary link to show I compared the different definitions to the what I could surmise about the poster whose comment started this whole thread, and that I concluded she must be talking about a whole different definition of “classy” not listed in the dictionary. That led to me guessing she might be speaking upon social class which was the focus of my original post. The fact the definition from Merriam Webster has zero to do with my first post is the whole point.

So what insult was thinly veiled in my first post? My distaste for the things I see social pretenders doing every day in the world? Remember I grew up around old and new money alike and the thing that irritated me the most about the pretenders is watching them treat people in service poorly whether it was a gardener, esthetician, sales clerk, etc. I’ve seen whole families thrown out of parties because someone insulted the housekeeper (and friend) of the host. I’ll go ahead and qualify that when I say pretenders I mean it to include just those that behave horridly and NOT the people who have worked (or married) their way to a very a stable financial future. The people I’m talking about try to compete with others by ostentatiously spending money and trying to shove it into other people’s faces. They don’t have restraint and the phrase “I paid _________ for this. You better make me happy or I’ll get you fired!” is something you could hear them saying. Broadly speaking, if you think wealth entitles you to treat others poorly, you try to make people feel bad about their lack of money, or you somehow think that having money makes you a better person than someone else I cannot stand you. Before the hobby these people that I abhor are the only ones I heard use the term “classy” to describe themselves.

You brought up the examples I used poetically to point out people who “don’t belong” to the upper class as I defined it. The first point about gossiping or talking about someone else’s personal money should have been self-evident. It is not good manners and it’s often used as a springboard for a pretender to talk about their own lavish spending. The second one about vacation homes speaks about how pretenders often invest in new cars, beautiful wardrobes, and jewelry, yet they have a second (or third) mortgage on their only house. Having multiple properties isn’t just the purview of the very wealthy. The third about treatment of those in lower social classes was expounded more fully in the previous paragraph.
normalguy21's Avatar
I was out side a hotel at 3 am smoking a cig after a session it was 11 below zero lots of snow on the ground and very windy. I was dressed properly for the weather but still cold .

Out of the hotel comes a guy in jean,s and a t-shirt .He ask,s me for a light so i give him one and i comment you must be from up north if your out here in a t-shirt he says nope florida i tell him i used to live there and so the conversation began .

We lived within 1 mile of each other in florida .He asked me what i did for a living I told him i own my own biz he replied that he did too.

Turns out after lots swearing which he pointed out to me he swears more than i do and talking about cars and providers that he owns a fortune 100 company and 100% trumped my i own my own biz comment .Mind you that we are on are 3rd cig at this time and how cold it is out side .

Before we parted ways that night he pointed out to me something that will always stay in the back of my mind .He says we are very much alike he had just came from a session so had i. We both lived in the same town in florida .we both were into muscle cars .We both were in the same industry .Etc etc the only thing that wasnt the same was a couple hundred million dollars in the bank and about 3 .000 employees .

Class and wealth and what ever anyone wish,s to call it are all in one,s perception .

My 2 cents
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
SA - I don't want to delve too far deeply off topic, which was this:

-SknyDiva believes there are no classy people in the hobby.
-Vivienne was inspired, and thought the idea deserved it's own thread.

For my part, I arrived to do my best to crush that idea and those generalizations. When you added generalizations, I've done my best to crush those too.

Rather than bog down into the minutia of whether "classy" people have 2 vacation properties or 3 vacation properties, and whether you're insulted or not - I'd like to stay laser-focused on target:

-SknyDiva believes there are no classy people in the hobby.
-Vivienne was inspired, and thought the idea deserved it's own thread.

Given your personal definition of class, I agree that the wealthy elite aren't soliciting blowjobs on ECCIE. I disagree with your interpretation, but I'll agree to disagree and let the respective merits of our arguments stand for themselves for onlookers.

Happy providing!
Hmm, Would not consider myself classy by TG or the OP's standards. I wouldn't want to be. Understanding "class" as I know; mean many unnecessary rules of etiquette to appease one's self. For....Well.......Reasons????

Excuse my minimalist approach but.

We are

100% Animals
100%Going to die.

I don't care much for exuding a semblance of superiority to nature, beyond what I'm comfortable with.Which is ;flip flops,My Fidel Castro hat,cargo shorts,tacky shirts, & my slowly rising 5 figure Yearly income with benefits.

The classiest thing about me is how respectful I am to most people.
"The classiest thing about me is how respectful I am to most people."
The part that counts the most...