Will Trump go to prison before 2026? The punters' view

  • Tiny
  • 08-06-2023, 04:49 PM
It is my belief that if Mr. Trump is the Republican's nominee; it will energize the Democrat's base and encourage all methods of inflating the liberal vote by fair means or foul.

However, if Mr. Trump is not the nominee (for whatever reason) whichever Republicans are on the ticket for president and VP will look like reasonable adults with something meaningful to say, and both Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris will look to be the ineffective clowns that they are.

The effect will be felt on the centrist-undecided voters. If Mr. Trump is in the running, they will go Democrat. If Mr. Trump is out of it, the Centrist-Undecideds will go Republican. . . .and that swing, one way or the othr will decide the election. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Excellent post. Agreed.
  • Tiny
  • 08-06-2023, 04:59 PM
Try as the government may, we all know Trump's old fat orange ass is not going to jail. That narcissistic shithead would kill himself before that ever happened. And IMO, he has done nothing to deserve any jail time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I'm surprised that's what you believe, the bold text, as I figured you were harder on Trump than I am.

Legal issues aside, one of the big considerations should be foreign policy, and the rest of the world's perception of the USA. Are we the shining city upon a hill? Or another banana republic?

However this comes off, we're probably going to look like a banana republic. If Trump goes to jail, we look like many Latin American countries where the leaders have to leave their countries to avoid incarceration when they lose power. If he doesn't, then don't we look like hypocrites, when we promote democracy and the rule of law?

Another board member, who's brighter than I am but whose name I won't mention since he said this privately, had a good solution. Convict Trump but don't send him to jail. Give him a sentence and an ankle bracelet instead. That probably wouldn't be a bad outcome for Trump either. Mar a Lago's a pleasant place. And if he wins the election, he'd enjoy governing from there a lot more than from Washington D.C.! He'd have a golf course in his backyard!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'm surprised that's what you believe, the bold text, as I figured you were harder on Trump than I am. Originally Posted by Tiny
I'll, just say I have close childhood friends and a family member who I know deserved every single day that they have served in jails and prisons. They are unfortunately real thug criminals.

To me, Trump is a white-collar criminal, and he should be heavily fined and agree to never run for office for anything as a plea agreement, (even if it is for HOA president of one of the properties he owns).

With his past behavior and lack of self-control, he has absolutely no business being a public servant IMO. But I don't think that merits locking him away because that is the equivalent of a death sentence for someone his age. I don't believe that is reasonable punishment for being an obnoxious asshole who refuses to play by the rules and won't STFU.

I must add though, as a condition of his probation, the government should make sure per the plea agreement that he has to move to a place in Siberia where there is no internet or access to phones so we can never hear from him again. LOL
Jacuzzme's Avatar
No I doubt he'll see jail. He would sell secrets to Russia and authorities know that.
Also trumppf would flee to his Russian compound before being escorted to jail Originally Posted by winn dixie
Dude, everyone, but apparently you, figured out the Russia conspiracy theory was bullshit like four years ago.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
"They" better hope that Mr. Trump is not the Republican Candidate and/or never is elected to that second term. Even if he is convicted and is actually in prison, if elected, he could pardon himself!
If Trump goes to jail, do the Secret Service agents, in his lifetime security detail, have to go to jail with him??
If Trump goes to jail, do the Secret Service agents, in his lifetime security detail, have to go to jail with him?? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
That's one reason why he won't go to jail it all gets too complicated. Besides this whole thing is a big shit show. Every time something comes up about Joe Biden or Hunter Biden and their illegal transactions with foreign Governments Trump gets indicted, lol. It's all a distraction from the real criminals.